PSX games on PSP

What PSX games should I play on my PSP?

So far I have:

>Hogs of War,
>Apocalypse (this one gave me nightmares when I was a child),
>Army Men Air Assault 2 and Sarge's Heros, (which is the better army men game on psx?)
>Vagrant Story,
>R-Type Delta which is fucking impossible,
>Colony Wars 3 (no the first and second, are they better?)
>and Tony Hawk 2.

I had Spiderman too, but I did delete it because the fucking R2 button. Now I know that I can use the stick.

Future Cop sounds like it needs a revision, maybe I'll give it a try.

I've only played Colony Wars: Red Sun, it was a decent game.

Any other recomendation for psx games?

Final fantasy 9
Suikoden(you can also transfer saves from 1 to 2)

Also,how is vagrant story? I've been thinking about playing it for some time

If you are into stories, it is good; a lot of talk. The combat system is really cool, but I have only played for half an hour for the moment.

>Also,how is vagrant story?

Vagrant Story is really great. Some things that seem to piss people off are the menus (no quick way to change weapons/ gear), and rng in the level-up mechanic (never was an issue to me; I just rolled with whatever I got; but people with ocd might want reload to get better stats). Also some people seem to be of the opinion that the game does a bad job at explaining some of its systems.

Well, some are a bit complex.

Ho the hell do you pkay Ps1 games on psp when it doesn't have l2r2 and 2 sticks?

Die Hard.
Crash Bandicoot
Parasite Eve

Yes, they are. But I can't judge how bad it is because I played it for the first time when it originally released and had read reviews of the game beforehand that gave you some ideas of how the game works. It might be more difficult for people who jump in without knowing anything about the game at all.

I don't remember which games have been ported to the PSP or PC but here are games I loved when they came out:

>Metal Gear Solid
>Resident Evil 1, 2 and 3
>Chrono Cross
>Legend of Dragoon
>Parasite Eve
>a boatload of Megaman games
>Fighting Force
>Bloody Roar 1 and 2
>Legend of Legaia
>Tenchu 1 and 2
>Armored Core (but I dunno how it'll play on PSP)
>Breath of Fire 3 and 4
>Echo Night
>Monster Hunter
>Front Mission 3
>Jade Cocoon
>Persona 1, 2 and 2.5
>Twisted Metal

ps1 sticks were useless anyway and you can configure controls on psp even if ps1 game has no controls configuration


Kula World
Wipeout (First one)
Ghost in the Shell

Used to be, games came with a manual thicker than a two-page disclaimer.

Most do not use sticks. And for the r2/l2 buttons (which a lot of games do not use at all) you have the psp's stick, which is a little complicated until you get used to it.

Some gold here. I really loved G-Police.

I can't find Kula World btw.

Like I said, I don't recall having a hard time with the game during my first playthrough. But that is one point of criticism that gets brought up on Sup Forums all of the time. Maybe those people played a pirated copy, or just too used to newer games? I don't know.

There is no need for a port.

I am affraid to ask, cause Sup Forums is fucking nuts for the new Persona: but what kind of game is? Why is so famous?

A few not stated yet.

>Azure dreams
>Suikoden 2
>Tactics ogre
>Legend of Dragoon

Shin Megami is the first Pokemon game before Pokemon was a thing, except with demons. Persona is typical JRPG except (at least with the earlier ones) you can talk to your enemies to recruit them. It's also a bit more mature than FF and BoF. The modern setting is a plus and makes the games feel more grounded even though you'll be fighting Hitler later.

Shit went famous because 3 and 4 was a jap highschool sim with really dark themes and a fuckton of waifu.

Without repeating too much:

>King's Field series
>Fear Effect series
>Rising Zan
>Strider 2
>MediEvil series (First is the best, psp remake is subpar)