What are some essential dadcore games?
What are some essential dadcore games?
>sengoku rance
Sex with Kou!
That's a pretty good one. Overwatch is out today, too.
Star citizen
playing games at all is dadcore
just watch lps on youtube like normal people.
>actually playing games
kek kys senpai
Ultima Underworld
Transport Tycoon
Rance VI literally never ever
I like Bunny Black
>Not jacking off with your dad while playing Rance
What a miserable childhood.
You couldn't save her in time
Sure everyone feels bad for the Princess but nobody feels bad for the seven year old orphan
Rance is a lolicon himself.
Silent Service 2
Any of the old star trek games
Did you even play the game?
He is dedicated to anti-loli, but wants to keep them around for when they grow up and become worthwhile.
Only legal lolis.
>MFW Helman suicide Bombers
Just when thought Helman could not get any shitter
Pretty sure Patty was 13
Also Mill Yorks
and then Rola, Sioux and Gele
>Rance visits Helman
>sees some trees
>openly exclaims his surprise that plants grow in Helman