>B-but Valve doesn't make games
B-but Valve doesn't make games
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That's a tech demo, not a game.
It's just a collection of small tech demos. And that's the really sad thing, they couldn't even be bothered to make a single actual game for their new hardware.
they're gearing up to make something big for VR, had a chat with their VR devs some time ago.
They're not going to make a full game before they know how to make it since VR is like discovering cinema for the first time. Right now we just made "As Seen Through a Telescope"
and it will take a while before we know enough to be able to make even something like Casablanka
No, it's a video game
Between releasing CSGO, creating steam machines, making a shit controller and supporting a dead gimmick (VR), Valve shows they care more spending the money they got from TF2 and Dota2 autists in useless and unprofitable projects rather than for developing real videogames.
>making a shit controller and supporting a dead gimmick (VR)
You could atleast try
Yeah, the controller isn't that bad. OK, it's pretty bad.
They buy companies to make games for them with their infinite Steambux.
Yeah, man. Look at all them VR threads. Look at all those people sharing experiences about VR games. Wait, what games? Those one hour long shovelware experiences? Woops.
good, this is how companies with money should operate.
Agree with everything but the VR part, give it 5-10 years and you'll see real games. No-one is going to spend $1000+ on gimmicky shit at the moment.
the controller *is* shit and VR *is* a gimmick.
undisputed, undeniable facts.
if threads were and indicitive on that concern, you would think people were playing nothing but Overwatch, but the truth is it's just HEAVY marketing shill threads
It's blatantly obvious you have not even smelled an VR headset let alone worn it. Sure there's no reall full lenght games, but it's painfully obvious you have no idea how different the VR offered experience is to traditional video games.
Unlike you who only read shitposts on on Sup Forums and has no spine or brain to form own opinions, I've had the steam controller on a loan for a month and I fucking loved it. Only one that compares is ps4 controller with touchpad.
We'll probably see real walking simulators. Good gameplay isn't really possible to achieve through VR with motion controls for the vast majority of genres, but walking simulators have the most to gain from immersion and care the least about never having good gameplay.
Not just threads here. Threads around all the web. Articles on sites. Articles on newspapers. ADs about VR in TV and in the streets.
There's nothing. Nothing at all. VR is here and nobody cares. It's done for. Yet another gimmick bites the dust.
At least Wii Sports was enjoyable enough to play more than once.
your poor acne-fuelled shitposting is obvious to any one who has touched either of them
Same was said about electric cars and cellphones and PC's.
The controller is pretty fucking meh. It's usable, but trying to play a real PC game on it feels like trying to play with a laptop trackpad. It lacks the physical feedback you get from regular joysticks, so it's not good for console games either.
Idunno, games that supported it the trackball feedback thing actually felt like a real goddamn trackball
You need to be 18 to post on this board
>Source, mister trips?
How can you not fucking know the very basic layman history of the devices that you spend most of your time with
What are you, fucking 12 with no human contact?
So you can't even back up your claim.
I mean, I'm not the one so invested in defending a dead gimmick, I'm the one showing no one out there gives a flying fuck. So whatever. Enjoy your butthurt, I guess.
"gimmick" is not a negative word, you know
He's correct, you mongoloid.
More "useless" actually.
>More people still play Source
So was Half-Life 2.
>Wii Sports minigame has the best swordplay.
Well, Red Steel 2 was good too, shame that's only one game.
Hi we are the first versions of nowardays ubiquous technology.
We cost far far far more back then even without inflation than VR does now.
Common people saw no use for them, otherwise everyone would've had one.
No accounting for your shit taste.
Is there any footage of that around or is it not possible to record it?
theres tons of footage all over youtube
You are a retard.