People still think Tf2 will still exist after Overwatch

>People still think Tf2 will still exist after Overwatch

Other urls found in this thread:

>playing as a spy

If you think OW will be such a successful and independent game, why do you keep making threads about TF2?

Tf2 has been existing for the past 9 years, It isn't stopping anytime soon.

The reloading animations in TF2 are terrible.
I know that's not the point of the video, but it always irked me with how lazily made they seem.

>$0.05 has been deposited into your Bank of India account.

>he fell for the interp ratio 2 meme

it will exist, as a hub for bronies, furryfags, and hat collector.
Still alive and kicking!

>$0.05 has been deposited into your Bank of India account.

>not ₹

All the Russians and BRs will continue playing TF2 simply because it's free.

nah activision pays them in USD. paying them in rupees would be cruel. they'd need to make 100,000 overwatch threads to afford a bowl of rice.

ik this is a bait thread but bots on tr_walkway are actually in the citizen position so their hitboxes don't line up with their model

All the class-based FPS fans will continue playing TF2 simply because it's significantly better.*


prove it

TF2 will exist by virtue of not costing $60

TR_Walkway has janked hitboxes, this has been known for a long time. It's a map problem, not a game problem. You're a fucking idiot, OP.

>The hitboxes are bugged for headshot training. This is because, whilst the models move about due to the conveyor belts they are on, the hitboxes remain permanently on their idle animations (so don't move much at all).

>In other words, it's fine for backstab training. Headshot training with the Ambassador however, it's best on any map other than walkway.

In other words, OP made himself look like a colossal fucking idiot/shill. /thread

Sniper battle

yeah ur a massive fucking retard who doesnt know how to google

I mean yeah 12 year olds and foreigners need to play something right?

thank you source engine

>People still think Overwatch will survive more than a week

Enjoy your "I fucked you mum faggit l2p noob" comments by the Blizzard "community".

>implying you're not from east asia
>implying you'll be able to afford overwatch with the nickels and dimes you're being paid to shill the game itself



Outdated info, this happens in normal games as well

Prove it. Work for that nickel bitchboy.

You mean that tickrate shit? It's the same with melee too. How high TF2 tickrate is? Someting above 60? Like CS?

against a player with 900 ping maybe?

those are bots on a a user created server. What are you smoking retard?

You misunderstand my post. I'm inb4ing him giving us a shot of some BR pubbie not getting headshot because of his high ping.