With P5 releasing the same month as FFXV, does Square consider them as a threat?
How will they answer to this at E3?
Which studio will get battleborned?
With P5 releasing the same month as FFXV, does Square consider them as a threat?
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Man, why is this competition even happening? They're two completely different games.
So were Overwatch and Battleborn :^)
Persona is better because it has cute girls
Not even
People are going to buy both.
The real issue is which one people will finish first.
I'm betting P5 as those spoilers come out faster and worse than anything FFXV could possibly be.
they are both super hyped up jrpgs
but FF15 has cuter boys....
P5 is more niche while XV is more mainstream.
>cute girls
You can say the same about FFXV with the fujoshits.
FFXV is better because it has cute boys.
what if
guys think about this
what if both games
this might sound crazy but
what if
what if both games end up being good and selling well?
Final fantasy is Overwatch
Persona 5 is Battleborn
Cute girls do not a good game make.
We all know who the real winner will be.
Not everyone can afford both games at launch price , there has to be a winner in sales.
>does Square consider them as a threat?
I don't think so. People that are buying P5 are most likely buying FFXV as well.
>How will they answer to this at E3?
They won't?
>Which studio will get battleborned?
Neither. People will buy them regardless.
>mfw Battleborn has become a pejorative verb
Also please, let's not do like last year.
Witcher 3 VS Fallout VS Metal Gear VS Bloodborne
FF15 will probably sell better since even though JRPGs are niche, it's a more mainstream series than persona and the game has been hyped at e3 the last few years.
Go away ant.
Never said people will buy both at release but it's not like one will totally overshadow the other.
No, user. They're both Overwatch. This game is Battleborn
And it didn't make sense then. Why the fuck do people do this? It just ends up hurting one of the games when neither had anything to do with each other.
As if persona has ever been a threat to FF.
Are Fatlus fans this deluded?
FF15, Japan doesn't like how modern SE is doing to especially after what happened to SO5.
Of course it will sell more but both Atlus and SE know they aren't competing against each other.
Their sales are guaranteed and nothing will change it.
>he doesn't remember the FFXV vs Xenoblade threads from last year
toppest of keks
I do and they made no fucking sense. They were two different games going for two completely things. The only thing they had in common is that they were both open world JRPG's, but beyond that they diverge so much that I wonder why people even compared them. It's like Star Trek v. Star Wars.
FFXV will very much overshadow p5 one is worldwide people will be talking about it way more then p5
Now weebs will buy both or buy one and get the other one when their next autism check comes in, however which will appeal to normies more?
I'm guessing Persona 5. Your average cod tard will see both games as hella gay, but your average Reddit "gamer" will probably see P5 as "quirky". You know like it has a Scott Pilgrim or Adventure Time type appeal?
I understand Persona 5 will be great, im buying it instead of FFXV, but how does it plan to win against FFXV?
Last year they didnt even had a showing at an E3 conference, only at sony in a few frames, compared to FF that had 3 showings and everybody knows about the franchise while SMT follows the niche base.
Also take in count that it might even have a later release worldwide, giving FFVX the upperhand.
>Which studio will get battleborned?
Obviously XV. They're wasting a ton of money on an anime, a movie and the game, when people choose to buy P5 instead SE are in for a rude shock.
P5 isn't coming out in the west until next year.
This man tells filthy lies
>I understand Persona 5 will be great, im buying it instead of FFXV, but how does it plan to win against FFXV?
Why are people thinking it is a competition.
Atlus and SE don't give a fuck about the other. Most Japanese companies don't. Just focus on your core market
FFXV will ultimately sell better, just by virtue of being a hyped up next installment in the Final Fantasy series. Persona is popular as far as JRPGs go, yes, but it still doesn't have that normie draw that Final Fantasy does.
It certainly will. Unless by "the west" you meant Europe.
Normies care a lot about graphics. They won't really process that FF15 has terrible gameplay, but will be impressed by the giant world and visuals. Only hipsters would care about something being quirky. Also the FF name is still so large, they'll sell millions on that alone, while Persona will be a massive success when they break 1 million.
Square have sold 30k of 40k ce editions with the last 10k being gone by next week priced at $330 FFXV not selling well thats $12mil of thier supposed $100 mil budget for the game please dont say it wont sell
Real Talk the song is catchy
No, why would they? Persona is nothing compared to FF in every aspect.
Seriously every single mainline FF since FF7 has individually sold more than the entire Persona franchise.
Also P5 is only coming out at the same month as XV for Japan. XV is a simultaneous worldwide release on Sep 30, P5 is only for Japan in Sep 15, P5 most likely won't come to the west until 2017.
Are you seriously fucking asked if a literally who franchise like Persona can stand up against the fucking behemoth that is FF?
XV is better because it has actual women in the cast and not skinny lightning tier twigs that P5 has.
P5 male cast is also all highschool fuccbois, while XV male cast are all adult males with only two pretty boys while every other male is a man who looks like a man.
Woah captain obvious
Thank you for your visionary insight
Not in japan
You are fucking retarded m8, P5 also has an anime and by the same people who are making the FFXV anime.
The movie and other shit does not account into the games development costs either, Sony is funding the movie too.
P5 will be lucky if it even sells over 1 million.
P5 is not mainstream, in Japan it's only popular among otaku and in the west it's still niche.
P4 and P3 having an anime doesn't make it mainstream, having spinoffs doesn't make it mainstream either.
Even Ace Attorney is a bigger franchise than Persona.
>does Square consider them as a threat?
Probably not, Final Fantasy in name and brand power is clearly the bigger franchise compared to Megaten/Persona
>How will they answer to this at E3?
They'll probably have the upper hand in the West because they're the bigger budget game, have a wider audience appeal (graphics, etc.), and they get a worldwide release when I highly doubt Atlus will get P5 out by then in America
>Which studio will get battleborned?
Neither. If anything, P5 is setting up to be a massive success and probably a top seller for any of Atlus's games. If anything, FFXV might not sell as high as they want it to be, which is probably absurdly high in the millions to break even. Definitely not a failure for either.
I'm personally looking foward more to P5, but I hope both games do well. I just want JRPGs to make a bigger comeback to consoles, they get kept alive and loved on handhelds the past few years mostly
Didn't Squeenix do a poll over which of the games people are going to buy if they came out at the same time (a poll which Persona decisively won)? I'm pretty sure they consider them a real fucking threat.
>people actually think Persona is a threat to Final Fantasy
Reminder that Final Fantasy is a bigger franchise and their worst seller is still a bigger seller than P4G.
P4 had TWO TV anime, P3 had a quartet of movie releases. This excludes the big concerts they put out annually, and even the stageplays. This is more side stuff than even Tales does.
They made a survey for the Japanese audience which asked people random quests such as do your parents play video games and if you play video games on the toilet, they also asked if FFXV and P5 came out in the same window would you be interested in both or one
That was specifically aimed at Japanese market and was just to see what the mindset was. Results were never publicly revealed so you are full of shit.
P5 isn't a threat to anything. It's literally an ant compared to FF. They only asked it because P5 was the only other JRPG coming out within the same window as FFXV.
>P4 had TWO TV anime, P3 had a quartet of movie releases. This excludes the big concerts they put out annually, and even the stageplays.
And Ace Attorney has an anime, mutliple stage plays and live concerts, a live action movie, 6 mainline series games ported to multiple platforms and four spinoff games.
Ace Attorney is bigger than Persona, Ace Attorney is still a niche franchise compared to FF, Persona is objectively niche, both in Japan and in the west.
They could have asked about tales
Hell, even pokemon
Neither are coming out in the same window as XV.
Japan hates them for Baba's shitpull that was Zestiria
handheld, irrelevant on home consoles
>its a "ffxv autists pick on persona" episode
Is this why there are almost none ffxv threads on Sup Forums?
People dont like you autistic fucks?
>not buying both
I mean there are barely any good games this year, you should have tons of money saved up. And XV and P5 are the only jrpgs worth a shit.
Ace attorney isn't bigger than FF but it isn't niche, you're using the word wrong. Just because something is lesser known doesn't mean it gets put into the niche box.
There have been like 3 FFXV threads in the last 24 hours that reached 500 posts.
Square knew no release dates when they launched the pool
>lieing in the internet
I am on Sup Forums 24/7 and I saw jackshit
Yes they did.
Persona was announced for Summer 2016 back in Sep 2015 from PV03, and FFXVs release date was set internally at SE as Sep 30 2016 all the way back in 2013 which is in that Summer 2016 window. So SE knew P5 was aiming for Summer 2016 and XV was set at Summer 2016 release way back in 2013.
Anyone who grew up playing jrpgs knows that neither game is worth missing out on. They're both core games from major franchises that most normalfags wouldn't consider in the first place.
I'd say if someone were interested in one of the games, there's a fair chance they'll be buying both. I am, at least.
They're really defensive. I have to wonder why if they don't see Persona 5 as a threat.
Summer is more than just september
Tales didnt have its release date announced nor had a window
Same for pokemon
The irony. It's always P5 kids who have to try and get attention the only way they know how by latching onto FFXV.
No i saw a ffxv thread reach 500 post this morning you can say the same thing forpersona whenever you see a thread it just you weebs gushing over who is best girl never talk about the gameplay
The survey was conducted in December last year, Berseria release was already announced in December before the survey was done.
Here is how it goes
>false flag about persona beating ff in sales
>ffxv defense brigade crawl out of the woodworks to say how persona is a speck of dust compared to ff colossal presence
Every single time
How do you even know that OP isn't in the FFXV camp?
This is what I'm talking about.
And Pokemon Sun/Moon wasn't announced until Feb 2016.
How is that false flagging when that is literally what P5 onry faggots say and people are rightfully correcting them?
>what is false flagging
If you've ever been in a P5 thread they always start talking about FFXV out of the blue because of insecurity.
The only time I ever see P5 mentioned in XV threads is when P5 faggots invade and start shitposting.
Who here /both/?
I like harry potter and his radical lupin the third adventure better but you'd have to be insane to think it'd be a threat to four gay niggas on a road trip. Final fantasy's name alone still has huge pull even after nomura and his insufferable waifu wankage.
That was Toriyama obsessed with Lightning not Nomura.
3 out of five of these girls are attractive
5/5 of them are.
P5 girls are all ayylmao.
Ah right. I always mix up those two silly insane gooks.
The difference is that P5 gets the anime for free because Sony owns the animes for P3-P4G and Trinity Souls while SE had to pay Sony to make the anime.
oh boy here we go again
Lord God Nomura is more of a fujo-pandering master than a waifufag.
At the end of the day P5 will sell better than p4 and will keep the series on a growing tendency and FFXV will sell their usual millions but wont be a financial resounding success for square because
>10 million
Unrealistic expectations
No, the anime still has to be paid for by both parties for production. XV anime is also 5 short 10 minute episodes.
Also XV anime is being released for free while you have to be in Japan to even legally watch the Persona anime. Sony is funding the production of Kingsglaive.
10 million was a personal goal not what they are aiming for to profit.
That is why I said "resounding"
Every mainline FF since 7 has sold 5 million +, 7 at 10, 8 at 8, 9 at 5, 10 at 7.5, 12 at 6, 13 at 7.
Financial success is based on budget, and for XV full development and budget only started in 2012.
People keep saying 10 years means it needs to sell trillions but why not say the same thing about Mother 3 or Nioh which are 12 years from announcement to release?
Why do FF15 tries so hard trying to impress us with its graphics? Are they compensating for the bad gameplay and story?
They will make it, by word of mouth every reviewer will say FF is back. Also if you haven't seen the amount of advertisement this game is getting its insane. My friends were going to gamestop (cause we actually go outside) to buy Ratchet and Clank the other day and I was like Fuck it im just gonna walk in to see FFXV on the screen, and it was there playing lmao. Also Gameinformer having a whole issue on it. Also being on buses and train stations around the world.
>Persona is big enough to be compared to FF
What a time to be alive
Yeah it's already getting a lot of exposure, in Japanese stores it's everywhere and they got billboads and stuff already set up.
Why would a waifu sim for neckbeards be a threat to a boy band sim for legbeards?
I think the gameplay would be passable if not for the terrible framerate.
Well P5 is a shitty game made purely for weeaboos and retards where as Final Fantasy actually has some character to it and can be a good game without going overboard with the weeb shit like P5 does.
So it's no thread. Persona needs to stop existing anyways.
Except it's showing off it's goods, it has good graphics, it has a good story, it has good gameplay. Different trailers focus on different things.
>resolution lowers in boss fights
~15 FPS