Is diversity in games a good thing?
Is diversity in games a good thing?
Its not important. I don't think its necessarily a bad thing, but in also think the less a game has to do with human bullshit the more fun it'll generally be.
Yes, I don't want a string of bald white protagonists that games default to.
Depends. For a hero shooter like this, absolutely.
A class-based shooter would be pretty shit if all of the classes were the same.
If it's fun, brings nice concepts and the actual game has more to it just than having diversity sure why not.
I don't even care about Overhyped but I like the character designs, expect for the cringy sewer rat dude.
The fact that you bother yourself with discussing things such as diversity in video games invalidates the reason why diversity and inclusion is a thing.
When I was a kid I HATED playing with female characters, I straight up didn't buy games (Tomb Raider, later Kameo) because of it, it bothered me that much, and I don't know why (I was a child after all).
So I can see how a woman might have the same issue.
You can obviously just bite the bullet and overcome this feeling, but female children might not do it, and if we want the demographic of gamers and the market to expand in new directions, I feel like it's ok to throw some boobs and some brown around.
It also forces some change in character design, and frankly the abhorrent staleness of the usual Commander Shepard/Alan Wake/Nathan Drake "guy with brown hair" was getting to me.
Also I'm not worried about globalist reptilian jewish conspiracies, which helps.
globalist reptilian jew spotted
>T H R E E american reps
It shouldn't be either good or bad. If it's there, it's there. But if you want to have it, don't make your character's race or gender their only defining trait. That's bad character design.
Anyone ever try the opposite of this, like make everyone a sort of cut n paste of each other then try to work with that? All I can think of are the servebots from Megaman which seems to be an odd thing to dwell on.
>look at the picture
>look at reaper first
>not Mexico
Welp, OP tried.
look closer buddy
US and mexico are basically the same thing anyway untill you guys build a wall
>we've gathered the best of the best from around the world
>every character is from America, with a handful from England
It's annoying, but I like that Blizzard tried something new.
It's important in the sense that it makes the cast appear more varied, but that means nothing if their personalities are poor.
It's not important enough that if should come before gameplay, though.
yes especially when they're racial caricatures like here.
Why does this game have a guy with pink hair?
Is this game full SJW?
Because a wall worked so well for berlin.
Why is le neutral meme country even a rep anyway, shouldn't they stay at home.
I don't care about what you want to include in your games, what I give a fucking deal about is how devs. are being forced to be "inclusive" and "diverse", the creative process should be entirely up to the dev. team and no one else, they shouldn't be bullied into including, removing or changing content that they'd otherwise be fine about.
It's basically a cosmetic thing, it doesn't matter
What bothers me about Overwatch's character design is that it seems so random. TF2 incorporated characters from various national and cultural backgrounds and still managed to make them feel like an actual team.
But this? It's just garbage.
Diversity for the sake of diversity is bad. But there isn't anything wrong with diversity honestly.
If done correctly, yes. I enjoy certain characters, stereotypes and archetypes in my fiction because it can add character and flair that "the norm" cannot transcend by itself.
Done poorly, or nakedly manipulative, it can be grating. Overwatch hasn't reached that point yet for me; as of now, it's just a bunch of clowns from around the world.
Yes, but don't pat yourself on the back over it and don't force it.
I agree, not enough white blond and red-haired protagonists
Lucio is an example of GOOD black guy inserts.
Not sure how I feel about Zarya, crappy skins, dumb hair. But hey at least she's pretty powerful
I don't understand your point. How is Overwatch not an actual team?
Most of the time I just find it insulting and discouraging so I avoid games that label themselves as 'diverse'.
Depends on game and concept.
I don't not want gay chinks and albino niggers on some sort of pre-hispanic mayan game.
tell that to donald
I'm from Sweden and I'm triggered by Torbjörn.If they make a Swedish character he needs to either be a Muslim or a metrosexual gay guy.
It's Street Fighter diversity, which is good.
Different cultures from different countries. People look distinct generally to the country they're from (think Zarya is a bit much with the pink hair).
So it's not a multiculti mess where everyone is a shade of brown demiboy translawnchairs. White swiss character from Switzerland, cowboy American, brown Egypt/India girls, Australians are mad max convicts, etc.
It all checks out.
TF2 set out to make a team-based game where the character models and colors were picked purposely to allow you to more easily identify them from just about any range or situation. Overwatch also succeeds in this, but the colors only really tell you how new (or lucky) someone is in the game.
Yeah, as long as they don't keep drawing attention to it.
Overwatch is about people all over the world coming together to do battle, so of course the best and brightest in the world will be anybody from robots to poo in loos, even monkeys.
I kind of like how Blizzard's done it, which is making a game plenty diverse and not drawing attention to it, letting advertising speak for itself. Also not focusing too hard on things like the characters' sexuality and other unimportant shit when they're about to go into battle
It did actually. Defectors from East Germany fled by the thousands, but once the Berlin wall was built that slowed considerably.
didn't it work fairly for awhile?
Needs more latin countries
Just look at them. There's no indicator they belong together in any way. They might as well be heroes in a MOBA. Their design is too outlandish and comicy. TF2's teams had matching uniforms, colors and so on.
>being racist against Strayans
Not cool man
It can be when not shoehorned in for SJW points.
>The wall worked
>People got past it by the thousands
Mercy is German. "Helden sterben nicht" means "Heroes don't die"
>21 characters
>Only 3 black people not counting the debatable Egyptian or Notim Portant
How does Blizzard get away with this?
this would be a great pic if it weren't for the ugly fucking nose
>as long as most games have white characterand I can identify with them then a few games with some niggers is okay
Literally kys
pharah is arab, edgelord is a mexican living in america
Why is there seriously not a white CIS man with brown hair color this game? I can bet you this would represent over 95% of the players playing Overwatch.
Switzerland has German speakers, along with French and Italian.
Not him, but that sounds nothing like what he just said.
How butt triggered do you need to be to construct a straw man of those proportions?
it was because you were brainwashed to think that you need to be ashamed of "girl things"
That or you are a repressed tranny and were too embarrassed
4 with Winston, 5 with Pharah, that's ~20% "black", pretty close to real life
Sadly this game caters to the Fat acceptance crowd way too much.
A thousands would be easier to find/kill then millions.
Ok I just looked and you are right. But it's still very strange that she has NO accent at all.
too many amerifats, fuck them
That's Blizzard being lazy.
Trying too hard, m8.
It doesn't hurt anyone and more peope have someone to like. It's pretty dumb to not do it.
But if they were all the same it wouldn't hurt my precious feelings! Diver
What the fuck is the point of drawing Mei if you're just going to give her disgusting barbie doll/one piece proportions? I prefer my girls healthy
>When I was a kid I HATED playing with female characters, I straight up didn't buy games (Tomb Raider, later Kameo) because of it, it bothered me that much, and I don't know why (I was a child after all).
>So I can see how a woman might have the same issue, since they have the minds of children.
its not good or bad, its just a thing so that SJWs wont complain.
TF2 did this perfectly be representing every minority group in one character - the demo. hes black, something other than american, and visually impaired
There is a small mexican flag with a question mark over it. Because while he has a Hispanic name, the only backstory info we have is that he was part of a US super soldier program along with 76.
If you play the game in german she has an accent
But Reaper is from LA.
They're pretty much a gang of superheroes in universe, it sorta makes sense.
so, mexico
I don't think borders work that way, user.
Why are his Alternate skins Brown Mariachi and Dark Mariachi?
Because his last name is Reyes? He's still from the US, though.
fuck yall
>game set in WW1
>incredibly minute number of blacks fighting in Europe
>cover art and main character is a black guy
This is why nationalism is on the rise. Totally historically inaccurate, and the majority player base is alienated right away. I mean from a marketing standpoint, just stupid.
That has nothing to do with their country of origin, though
How does she manage to look so smug with a cock up her ass?
Haha damn calm down man its just a video game shit.
You mean McCree?
McCree is implied to be a gay character.
Her concept art has her with huge tits and hips but a skinny waist.
Where? When?
>have theme of the game be heroes from all over the world
>Sup Forums wants an all-white cast
Robots don't fart, silly.
>implying non-whites can be heroes
Yes and no.
Yes because a diverse cast used properly can play to a bunch of sifferent story elements, themes, character arcs, personalities etc. But in some contexts it wont make sense and shouldnt be used. Having a bunch of spaniards and blacks running around with whites in ancient Japan during the peasent revolts would make no damn sense and be historically retarded. But having a bunch of blacks and spaniards running around Afghanistan with whites in modern day US Army does. And how the writer chooses to use that is on them. If its just there to reflect actual demographics, then cool. If theyre just there to so the writer can make another shitty "WE'RE ALL HUMANS LMAO" meta narrative, then its shit.
And No because it can really jist be there to tick off quotas that in no way improve the game, and are really just being used to cover up shittiness with positive PR with self concious millenials.
>swede is white
>What is the red Cross
I thought you had to be 18 to post here..
epic my man
How is D.VA so cute?
Are you actually retarded?
>No Mexican hero
Probably cause Mexicans are incapable of being heroic.
>white american cowboy wearing a poncho
Why is this a thing? Unless Mccree is secretly Mexican.