So my trusted and beloved Radeon HD 7850 has just died (RIP). It has served me well, even to this date. Now I have to get a new GPU-fu.

What poorfag GPU's do you recommend Sup Forums?

Personal experiences welcome

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Wait until June when AMD launches polaris, then buy a 390 or 490 or 1070. whichever has better price/perf. Don't get a 970. It's literally a cuckold card.

Price/perf as of now but wait until June.

What card do you own?

Shitty; I have one of those. I was just thinking of upgrading myself. Here's hoping I can get a few more months in before I'm exactly where you are.

Two gtx680s. I fell for the sli meme

But since I still have the rest of the PC, I'm looking for a similar or slightly better card than the HD7850, maximum poorfag modo. Can be 3y old for all I care.

I have a 750 ti, it's doing alright for what I ask it. I guess the 950 should be slightly better. It's a $120 Nvidia card by the way.

Well, I was playing some vidya, got a freeze, restarted and black screen when drivers are installed, so I'm pretty sure it's dead.


Just use integrated graphics until you can afford something worth buying

Kepler is garbage.


Don't listen to them OP. Go pick the card which fits you since you didn't say what your budget was.

>not logical
>buying a new card when the next gen launches in two weeks

>Implying the prices of cards will drop
>Especially Nvidia

I was trying to give him more of an option where he can sort by price since hes a poorfag.

Oh boy gonna get 3fps at the cost of waiting 1 year! Waitfags are so smart!

He has a point, just get whatever your budget allows you to.

This gen is going to be a huge leap in price/perf because of the node shrink.

You only have to wait two more weeks, you moron

> What poorfag GPU's do you recommend Sup Forums?

Just get a ps4 if you a poorfag.

But I want to play games

>This gen is going to be a huge leap in price/perf because of the node shrink.

That's what scares me. Usually either nothing happens or prices don't drop and the newer cards get even more expensive once third party companys get their hands on the new cards.

That doesn't make sense. Technology always gets cheaper over time. Even if the new cards are expensive, people will be selling their old cards for cheap. If you're a poorfag you should buy used anyway. Hell I'd sell op my reference gtx680 if he wants to buy

PS4 actually has more than you can chew. Though you can't really pirate or buy them from shady russian key resellers so might as well stick to PC and old ports for now.

>What poorfag GPU's do you recommend Sup Forums?

Get an R7 370, if you're a poorfag. It'll be okay.


Get a fucking PS4 then you fucking idiot.

>have completely PC except GPU
>can pirate anything I want


>buy no games platform for 350 bucks
>have to fork out another 60 per rehash normie shit

pls, once you go PC you dont go back

>buying shit from literal niggers on craiglist
Plus might as well get something from the current generation. Once the new cards get release new games focus on them, performance becomes a joke on older cards, drivers are going to shit and fancy new technologies don't work.

Thanks senpaitachi, these look decent

PCfag here. PS4 is actually a viable purchase. People here just like to shitpost (and so do I)

That's only true with nvidia cards

call me back when ps4 is capable running autocad and 3dmax

750 Ti is your best bet.

>no games platform for 350 bucks
>another 60 per rehash normie shit
>pls, once you go PC you dont go back

What a fucking impressive case of cancer to witness. Go back to r/pcmaster race and stay there until you hit 18.

>This gen is going to be a huge leap in price/perf because of the node shrink.

That didn't happen with GTX1080 user.
Sure, it may be a case among Nvidia lineup, but its not exactly a leap.

Mos of these 'leap' are coming from the phrase 'faster than TITANX' when Titan X have the shittiest price/perf on the market.

That's because pascal is just a maxwell shrink. Polaris and Vega will be good

why would you need to those programs? you're obviously a nigger and aren't smart enough to use them
just get a console as black as you nigger

If you have no arguments, pls don't reply

But I want to be master race senpaitachi! I don't want to be a cuck peasant without games.

once you go pc you never go back

>works with expensive DCC tools like 3DSmax

College student?

He speaks the truth and you know it.

Thanks, will check it out

top kek

pirated autocad and 3dsmax
tried to use blender, it's ui is shit

>Oculus DK2 for very cheap plus games
>GTX 1070 plus games

have GTX 780

There are no VR games yet, not a difficult decision.

amd has no drivers

>said the guy who replies with memes

I'll bite and try to explain why you are wrong.

>no games platform for 350 bucks
The PS4 isn't a "$350 no games machine" don't fall for the memes. As stated before it's a perfectly viable alternative to shit PCs with it's library of multiplats and as a bonus you get those delicious exclusives. You can keep your toaster for general computing tasks.

>another 60 per rehash normie shit
It's far from $60 per normie shit because normie shit rehash is actually pretty rare when you look at new worthwhile releases.

>pls, once you go PC you dont go back
You don't "go" PC, you always had one around faggot. You then realize it's not that great and consoles have a lot to offer going as far as to say they can be a good cheap alternative to PCs for some people.

I can understand that it's a matter of preference and for literal 3rd world monkeys there is nothing better than a PC with piracy and versatility of the hardware but no need to trash consoles at every single occasion. You are making PC gamers look bad with that cancerous attitude.

You can use software to add compatibility to games that never had it.

Not that guy but you're just pretending to be retarded, right?

>already have 750Ti
>want to upgrade to 950
>10XX just popped out

Fuck now I wait for 1050.

When do the third party versions of the 1080 come out?

So you either fucked by performance decrease or you can't play games because at all at AMD they didn't thought it was useful to make new drivers?

Wait til next month to decide between AMD's garbage, 1070 in 3 weeks or go balls deep with a 1080 next week.

Unless you're willing to pick up used cards I wouldn't buy anything other than the new series.

Not that guy but are you done memeing around, right?


U wot m8

can you post similar image but for CPUs? i was already planning on getting 290 but i need cpu that will fit it.

I'd say somewhere mid june to early july.
>a lot of the 1080s come with RGB lighting
for what purpose

If he doesn't have a card, he can't really play vidya.

Just go to techpowerup. I can't be assed

>what is integrated graphics?

More power, greater speed and faster cooling respectively

>As stated before it's a perfectly viable alternative to shit PCs with it's library of multiplats and as a bonus you get those delicious exclusives. You can keep your toaster for general computing tasks.

Multiplats can be pirated for free on PC, the PS4 "exclusives" are nothing compared to PC exclusives. Also, try playing an RTS on a console. Most indie shit is on PC, most classics and older games are on PC, emulation is on PC, it's ALL ON PC.

Still, with PS4 you have to pay full price, for essentially the most normie games out there. Destiny, Uncharted, Fallout 4, all that mainstream casual shit. If that's your taste, then go for it.

PC's can do much more than a console can, it's much better than a console, it has more games, more genres, more general use, it's simply better. If that hurts your feelings, I cannot do anything about that.

Had an HD 7770. It died. Decided to change from AMD to Nvidia cause I wanted to try out Nvidia for a change. Bought a GTX 970. Not regretting it. Best buy ever. Not saying AMD is bad but that GPU just cuts everything. Efficicency, Power etc.

Only bad thing is that it's bulky as fuck and I hadn't measured out my PC properly before trying to install it.

$300 for an R9 now
or $400 for a non reference 1070 in august/sept?

PC is a cheap alternative to PC. You can get a mid-range PC that spanks the PS4 at $400 (which the PS4 would be with online anyway).

This plays W3 and GTA V on ultra. Inb4 shitty replies without checking Google.

>what is integrated graphics?
Not even sure we know that he has that.

GTX970 owner here.
got it 4 day's ago

if you can user, pay the little extra it goes along way to gaming bliss.

>OP makes valid points as to why PC is the cheaper and better alternative for him

>hurr nice meme
Compared to a PC for the same price the PS4 is paperweight. Plus there's already a new PS4 in development because Sony realized its hardware won't hold up for as long as the xbox/PS3's did.

380x is the best bang for budget currently

>2gb card
>running GTA V on ultra

you done pulling shit out of your ass? You need at least a 4gb card to run everything on high-ultra

Question: The overclock I've set on my 960 TDR's Furmark, but actual games run fine (even really intense ones like RotTR). Can I safely ignore the crash under synthetic load?

Not really relavant to the OP's post but how badly am I stifled by having an i5 650? I just can't justify a new one AND a cooler etc. when all I reallyw ant is a gfx card.

Any of you anons have any input?

shameless self bump

Gonna meme some more, shitter?

>population variety set to zero
>reflection MSAA off
>grass only on high
>advanced graphics set all the way to off

>this all somehow qualifies as "ultra"

lmao? are you dun memeing?

And it's at 50+FPS. There's room.

>theres room

no there isnt, you'd run out of memory as soon as you crank them up and the textures arent even set to very high I noticed now that I've rewatched the video

sure it can run gta v at 1080p but dont feed op bullshit about it running it on "ultra settings"