Hey Sup Forums which is your most played game on steam?
Hey Sup Forums which is your most played game on steam?
played tf2 for like 2000 hours
Freedom Planet
It was well worth it
I have like 700h in Path Of Exile. mostly grind.
on a mildly related note, taking the time to report hackers on steam, wasted time or no?
just invaded a ganksquad made of speedhacking unkillable flying dudes in ds3
PoE is so shit game
over 15k hours on Phantasy Star Online 2
700 hours idling in TF2
Nuclear Throne with 281 hours.
Lost its charm after the weekly updates and there's still a ton of lingering balance issues that will never get ironed out, RIP.
How do people play this game for so long, I tried it but got bored in the first hour.
counter strike source for 5400 hours but im not gonna post the pic again since i post it like once a week
>over 5000 hours
Kill me
Civ V ~600hrs, TW3 ~400hrs
Sup Forums in steam browser
no need to. you're already killing yourself.
No, Source 2.
Unfortunately its APB Reloaded. Have about 1.4k hours
>only 666 hours
I regret every penny and minute
Ayy fucking luh-maow
1500 hours in Path of Exile
shit taste
pls, google search gives nothing.
>most played games are source shooters
Uncharted 4 :^)
People with thousands of hours on a single game disgust me.
idle tf2 for 2k+ hours, obviously
800 hours of Tree of Savior
total war rome 2 for 180 hours is my top
i only want to play gs/rts but no friends play them
my Jian
TF2, I had over 4,000 hours and most of then were not idling. I want half of that time back.
>178 hours on Sword of the Stars 2
Literally how?
Are your legs ok?
it was alright in the end, still a horrible mess
I probably have more than double that on the first one
I just wanted to believe...
Words fail me
I wish I could post my game times of gta online and wow.
P obvious ToS fag was mega-beta.
>telling your ex what you're doing
I can understand if you were really into SOTS1. I love that game but was so upset with the second one that I couldn't play if for more than 5 hours or so.
Cat's in the Cradle just got a new verse
I feel bad about myself
there's still time for you
You should. Dark Souls 1 was way better.
Why isn't murder a standalone game yet?
How far did you get in Sunless Sea? I used to play those browser games and I've been meaning to pick that game up again. Was it worth the time?
Missed sale/GPU died. Not sure if I'll be able to play it by the next sale, but I've been planning to
It is, but like having sex and spending time with friends, it won't show up on your profile if you have 0 hours.
it's basically reading / merchant simulator
If you know how to trade and if you get a new vessel without running out of fuel, then you're basically golden
Oh man, you're really going to enjoy it once you do. Getting to play Dark Souls 1 blind for the first time is really a great experience.
probably Tribes Ascend at 700 or so. quake doubles that, but that's not in steam.
Not blind unfortunately, I've watched some friends playing it but no real spoiler I guess. My memory sucks so it's half-blind, I'd say
Yeah - and is the later game stuff interesting?
I wanted to enjoy Trove so badly. I really did.
But it ended up being one of those games that I played for 2 weeks and then dropped forever, just like ROTMG
it's grinding
in fact that's something the devs are working on it but I'd recommend if you play other game because honestly all those hours were trips from port to port to have enough money
you might wanna try invisible inc, it's actually fun
Yeah, I've been wanting to try that game out too. Thanks user.
HL2: Deathmatch.
This may seem weird, but I actually enjoy this more than Counter Strike.
Getting there
>83 hours in AdVenture Capitalist
Beat Mars yet?
1100 hours in CS:GO
250~ hours in gmod
200~ hours in TF2
140~ hours in Dark Souls 3
127 hours in TW3
6 months straight of your life that you will never get back.
Scary, yes?
im really disappointed in myself.
EVE with 6k hours
It didn't even record the first year
How does a man child like that land a wife in the first place and I can't?
don't think so. mars wasn't really around when I played
Dota 2
Just hit 2k hours
daily reminder that if you have more time in CS:GO than in 1.6 you should kill yourself and go back to 9gag
Oh god don't make me think about my wow time... gta I have like 200 hours and I'm not proud of that
>tfw literally more than 1 year across all my characters
and I'm just 20
that means I've spent 1/20th of my living life playing WoW
>400 hours on shogun 2
My fellow descendant of egyptian kings.
Sounds like we could get along
It's ok.
5300 hours in FFXIV before I quit
I also have over 4,000 hours and I regret nothing
HM2 46 hours. Did you go afk for 40 of those then?
See this is the thing hours mean fuck all. You can turn it on the leave it, People need to show stats too
Did you hack my Steam account?
>uur in totaal
DC Universe Online @ 100 hours
I haven't touched it in ages though.
3846 hours on TF2. $0 of my own money spent (except for the amount paid on The Orange Box), 0 time in trade/idle servers.
Have you tried beating HM2 hard mode? It's pretty believable at the point, depending on how good/bad you are.
They're dumb memesters who post on FB ever minute.
With that app tray you might as well take the next step, friend.
Jelly fag?
post kik
1000+ hours on smite, and a smile.
dota 2 with ~1700 hours
though I haven't played it for ages
if you want something more recent, then the phantom pain with 185 hours
or dark souls 3 with 75 hours
though that game's boring and has no replay value