>RPG game
>Women get intelligence bonus on character creation
RPG game
>role playing game game
>Women get charisma bonus on character creation
I'd be completely fine with either as long as men get a STR bonus.
>men don't get minus int on character creation
>Western role playing game game.
>you get to whore out women for profit.
No more HUGS, Will.
>humans are the "jack-of-all-trades" character
>humans are the most ambition/adaptable/evil race
>Eastern role playing game game.
>You get to whore yourself out for profit.
I'm fine with this. Specifically in sci-fi settings
>humans are best all arounders
>dwarves are the strongest
>elves are the most agile and make the best archers
Are you suggesting this happens often enough to have become a pattern?
>Minotaurs are the strongest
>Insectoid's are magic users
>Ratlings are agile rangers with shit strength and hp
>Humans are average as per usual
>dwarves are the strongest
>not dwarves have the most constitution and orcs/horcs are the strongest
The fuck RPGs do you play?
>You can't fish
>they don't get negative luck, intelligence, charisma for being white heterosexual male.
Well, women consistently do better at school, at least in Britain anyway.
>elves are best in everything
>dwarves are okay
>humans are worst
>Guide says "you should be at least lvl X to fight that boss"
>human racial is absurdly over-powered
>rpg game
>no viable HUGS build
>role playing RPG game
>women get lesbian bonus on character creation and there's nothing you can do about it
I'd play it.
what's a woman?
ur mom lmao
fuck man you got me :(
Yo man don't talk shit about Grimrock. Those games are awesome.
>Speechcraft bonus against men, that eventually becomes a hard lock with the right stats and equipment.
>Can charm hostile male units from opposing forces/ factions if isolated.
>Additional speech options in almost any situation.
>Can trade or spend any male party member's currency as their own.
>Insane mercantile bonus.
>Great luck stat.
You need it least one woman in your party.