Why is Yukarin so underrated??

Why is Yukarin so underrated??

Old hag.

I want her dimension titty fuck me

please this is serious

And i seriously want a dimension tity fuck


Proceed with titty fuck yukari

Thread will die so no

how can I play 2hu if I don't get a word of nip?
surprised there's not a collection or something of all the games

Noooooooo. Pls. Steam?

is this bait?

I have a really hard time, trying to sexualize her.
Maybe that's part of the reason.

It's easy. What are you talking about?

Fluffy tails is around.

Why is touhou so shit? No one actually cares about the games or gameplay and only discusses the girls.

Because people like you would rather metapost intead of asking a fucking game related question.

lurk more

I want to impregnate and marry that old hag

Too old.

>hardly any doujins of Yukari and some lucky dude romantically fucking eachother
>it's mostly just femdom or rape

But she is only 17 years old.

Because she isn't as cute as her summons

Who does she think she is, Nana Abe? She cant pull of a stunt like that.