Doesn't have to be your favourite games, just ones you think are fitting of the "10/10" label.
ITT: 10/10 games
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Pic related is only an 8/10 though.
TTYD had a few things that were amazing too (Glitz Pitz), but Paper Mario was better as a whole.
Why was the N64 so good?
I have to disagree user. Paper Mario had less backtracking and arguably a better soundtrack, sure, but TTYD expended so much on the formula that its prequel established that it more than makes up for those cons.
Only one real answer
That's one doomed space marine.
Project Zero 2 Wii Edition
The only game where you can make an objective, non-biased argument that it's a perfect game.
If that's 10/10, posting a 11/10
All these.
Shouldn't have been a Metroid game tbqh
Fucking this. You can't beat that in sheer amounts of enjoyment.
Go choke on a dick, user.
I feel ashamed and lonely because I never understood how Tetris is fun. It feels like I'm missing something important.
It's 9/10 at best, what holds it back is its inability to use a traditional controller, and no way to recalibrate the pointer.
Not sure why people think a 10/10 game has more to do with having almost no flaws than it does with having a lot of good qualities.
A traditional controller would bog the entire experience down.
Fun is subejctive.
Being a perfect game is objective.
As in, one isn't forced to like or enjoy a perfect game.
The Wii Remote was suited for that kind of game, though. Aiming was alot easier than with a controller.
Prime 1 was artwork tier
Not having the option to recalibrate the current controller scheme already does. Everytime I play it the pointer keeps going off centre to the point where I have to hold the Wiimote at a weird angle.
story is garbo bud
I disagree. It's like the game was made to be played with the wiimote.
You didnt have the IR bar set up off to the side of the tv like one dumbass i know did you?
Wouldn't really be a 10/10 game, then.
>I played this game. After about fifteen minutes, I was incredibly bored and couldn't really see the appeal, but I couldn't really find anything wrong with it either. 10/10
here's a reply
Too short and too easy. Good gameplay and environments though. 8/10
Best games trilogy ever. No question.
Lacks supports, you don't spend enough time with certain characters.
Amazing designs, badass units (though some are too good), a healthy amount of challenge (hard mode just gets tedious though), replability, god tier music, and fun levels.
8.5/10, but probably deserves higher if not compared to other Fire Emblems.
No way OP, you're forgetting one thing.
Gimmicks asides, 3 was meant to be played with a Wiimote
As for 1 and 2, they did a perfect job at including Wiimote into gameplay, I don't know why you would want to play with a pad.
bring on the nerdrage
This version is 10/10
Every time I replay Luigi's Mansion my jaw hits the fucking floor over the atmosphere. Nintendo did so good with this game
Support system was still better than the garbage in Awakening and Fates
They really didn't matter after the X-Ray Visor. Hell, you could skip them most of the time, just like every other enemy in the game.
This has to be bait. There may as well have been NO support system in Radiant Dawn. Awakening and Fates at least had unique dialogues between characters that give some form of character development. Radiant Dawn's supports completely missed what made them great in the GBA games.
Paper Mario 1
Bayonetta 1
Star Fox 64
Chrono Trigger
X-men vs Street Fighter
suck me dick
PPTYD could only do so many interesting things because the original paper set the groundwork with the setting so well. I don't think there is any reason to become soulsfags cancer and argue about which is better and look at them together.
Literally the only game for which I actually prefer a wiimote.
I hate wagglan as much as everyone else but how can you prefer a normal controller for prime?
I agree with all of those and raise you this
>mario galaxy
Get the fuck out of here, kid.
I think it's kind of a normalfag choice, but my conterder for a perfect 10/10 game is Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. It took what made the first game revolutionary and polished it to a mirror shine, had an amazing soundtrack, simple and fun gameplay, a story that was present, but not in your face every fifteen seconds, and just the right amount of nostalgia for me, though that's subjective.
Shrieking bosses and dead fetuses: The Game.
No thanks.
But what you've greentexted is correct, if it has nothing wrong with it, then isn't it a 10/10?
Bought it on steam when I was ill, and played it all day for some days. The atmosphere I'd say is what makes it amazing.
It's not out yet, but Overwatch is going to be a 10/10. Make sure to pre-order it today, while there's still time!
If you don't like it you're a SJW homo who hates waifus, that's just facts!
But there aren't any good waifus in Overwatch user
I agree
I can't, brilliant game.
Majora's Mask
Don't go he's a faggot
Those fuckers in 2 were worse.
You ever played the Trilogy version? Not accusing, just I thought the controls were sublime.
>I'll just eliminate 90% of platforming's execution and replace it with collecting shit
>because 3d movement is hard we'll just throw in the fucking towel
Genre killer. Absolutely hate it.
I personally prefer 2 but I can't fault you for choosing 1
My boi
1 is better
No. That would imply that the best games are the ones that aim the lowest and attempt the least, because it creates fewer opportunities to fail.
People would say it's bullshit if I complained about the art direction in Tetris, not because they think Tetris has great art direction, but because it has no art direction; it didn't even try. Meanwhile every other game listed in this thread, flawed or no, has some degree of visual style and art direction. It doesn't make sense to give "Didn't even attempt it" a 10/10, while anything that did attempt it without doing it perfectly less than that.
You mean some of the most fun, scary enemies in the game?
The first time you see them it's cool, but it makes it completely unfun to ever return to the Chozo Ruins after getting the Ice Beam (I believe that's the trigger)
>Error: Duplicate file exists. here.
Good taste
The supports in FE13 and 14 are mostly garbage though. Most of them try to be comedic but fall flat. Not to mention a good chunk of the cast are just cliché anime tropes that have been done a million times.
If IS is going to allow you to support every unit with each other and water down the support conversations in the process, I'd rather they just not bother writing them at all and simply keep the gameplay elements.
What they should've done is focus more on the base conversations. Base conversations have way more potential because they allow units to speak about events relevant to the plot, they don't have to follow the standard C-B-A formula, and they also allow conversations between more than 2 characters.
Don't get me wrong I like support conversations when they're well done. In my opinion PoR's system was the best it has ever been both in terms of gameplay and quality of writing. It would've been difficult to implement in RD though seeing as how most of the characters already received their character development in PoR, which is why I would've liked to see more out of base conversations.
Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life
F-Zero GX
Wasn't it Tallon Overworld?
Top notch taste.
Maybe a 6/10. Really slow, battles boil down to lock on and sometimes wall laming, backtracking for relics blows.
Hell yeah. Fucking love this game.
20 frames per second. worse than ds2.
I basically bought a ps4 just for bb and it was good, but fuck, it wasn't that good.
Feel like I could play DeS, DaS, DaS2 forever because there's so much secret cool shit in it, but bb was pretty straight forward. Definitely a 8-9/10 but I don't understand how anyone on Sup Forums thinks it's a 10/10 and the best souls-like games.
What you're looking for is Mouse and Keyboard
Lock on is Retro throwing their hands up in the air after testing with the gamecube controller for hours.
Theoretically I think it could have worked, had scanning for week points in combat / lock on breaking enemies / other possible mechanics been more common but in the end the end it was a late in the game punt.
I think this is really the only reason I don't think Prime is a 10/10 game.
Not who you're replying to, but I guess my comfort with the traditional controls comes from a greater amount of experience with them, so I come to prefer them on a number of occasions when I replay the first two. That being said, the wii control changes to the first two are about as good as they could possibly be, and I greatly enjoy both.
This and Doom.
Genre launchers. Nothing before them were remotely on their levels.
Large arm