Will Overwatch suffer the same fate?
Will Overwatch suffer the same fate?
People will get bored of the same repetitive game every match
Of course it it's it's gonna TORTANIC hard amirite fellow Sup Forums-men?
This is literally you.
No because Overwatch has Waifus
>implying luke isn't best waifu
no because it's hyped literally everywhere
>people don't understand the difference between a shitty battlefield game and a fucking blizzard game
Mei is cute dammit.
??? tell me
The beta of battlefront looked amazing but that was literally it, the entire game is just nice graphics and nothing more.
Such a shame because i could have been Battlefront 3 instead we got Frostbytefieldstarwars with no fucking content at launch and a broken game.
Only Sup Forums cares about that.
Your average normie(The actual majority that companies actually care about) is just going to play, get bored and move on to the next big thing
wasn't it counting every login as a new player? So if you logged in 9 times, you count as 9 players
Never underestimate the power of blizzdrones.
People still play D3, and log in every season for ceaseless farm doing the same thing over and over and over again.
Unlikely, because OW isn't a franchise like SW is so it's easier for people to get into. Not to mention OW can run well on pretty much any computer as do all Blizzard games (aside from HotS which is badly optimized).
Also loot boxes keep it interesting.
gee i wonder who survives
We can only hope
People actually liked the overwatch beta, so no
Your comparison is fucking retarded.
Pretty much the legs of this game comes from how comp and the other game modes go.
This thread is a perfect litmus test because literally anyone that responds "no" is an overfaggot.
moba's are on the way out.
TF2 popularized the concept 10 years ago so im thinking people will just go back to consoles, mmo's mmorpg's and casual phone shit
>This thread
More proof it's just filled with casuals and shills.
Tortanic was easily the biggest cancer to this board. It was funny at the time but the board culture went to dogshit.
This thread
>g-guys shills are not real
I wonder what the guy who created Mei feels right now. Seeing the internet lose it's dick over her practically overnight.
I doubt they had those numbers playing it was probably more like 1-1.5 million since they pulled the usual shit where if you had a battlenet account you were in the open beta.
lie to yourselves all you want, but overwatch will be dead in a few months. I got tired of it after ~2 hours in the beta.
you're fucking retarded
know the difference between the console normie and tf2/ow/moba player audience
>Will Overwatch suffer the same fate?
Doubtful. It'll at least see more success over the long-term.
No, the Battlefront beta let everyone know the game was shit while Overwatch beta was actually fun.
Played the Battlefront beta - I did not buy Battlefront.
Played the Overwatch beta - I bought Overwatch.
>I got tired so the game will die!!!
eks dee
No, because it's a-mei-zing
Battlefront was complete shit in every way that mattered, I don't know about Overwatch, but I doubt it could be as disappointing.
I never even got to play the game and im sick of it.
tf2 clones where boring 8 years ago and this is just a knee jerk of blizzard to stay relevant.
Wait theres a difference?
I thought the most popular build on steam was a i5 cpu, intergrated gpu (inthell) and 8gb of ram
Let them play dogshite we dont have to fuck off with your 'muh differences'
I think you are underestimating how popular the waifu meme is with normalfags.
Good maybe all the casuals and 13 year old fags will move from TF2 to Overwatch and TF2 will be great again.
Are you implying SW is not popular with normies?
don't even mention those 2 in the same sentence bro
There is just no way it is going to live up to the hype, no game can. This game only got famous because of a certain controversy and heavy marketing, but i can already see people playing it for a month and then dropping it
As stated, normies are just going to check it out and then move onto something else
The market is saturated with these "futuristic FPS". The only thing that will keep this game going is the waifus and the porn, let's be honest. It is what kept LoL afloat for so long aswell
>20 ticks per second
Yeah no this game will be shit.
TF2 wont be good until valve start making real games again so that will be never
Somewhere out there, a butthurt overfaggot is compiling posts from this thread to make the eventual "Sup Forums BTFO" pic when Blizzard posts some first-week statistic. Too bad he won't be able to post it in a couple months when this shit is deader than Super MNC.
I don't know. I saw a lot of people even here enjoy the beta a lot and will play it for a while.
As long as Blizzard can release constant updates to stir interest as well as make cash prizes for tournaments I am sure it will last quite a while
Battlefront sold almost 14 million copies...
jesus christ i find 60tick to be the bare min these days
People didn't really say anything about the lack of content in the Battlefront because it was a beta.
Then it was revealed that the actual game will only have 1 more map than the actual beta. New spread quickly.
Meanwhile, Overwatch's beta was systematically the whole game. The high quality that people have praised about will be there at launch.
>ever coming back
Are you genuinely retarded?
Answer truthfully.
Yes, its even more shallow than this battlefront
Thats so funny lmfao!!!!!!!! XD XD
Tell me again how this game is not for casuals and waifufags
huh? I havent played them in over 6 years so my experiance these days is quite limited.
never liked wow anyway
>getting buttblasted by a small joke
If this game had a full male cast of characters like TF2 Sup Forums would give no fuck about this shit at all.
You can't prove me wrong because you know its right.
Waifufags are the cancer killing video games not normalfags casuals.
Its not gonna be a respectable competitive shooter anyway even if it didn't have that problem. Its fucking shallow as fuck.
It is.
It's a 60 tick, but updates are sent to the clients at 20 tick.
It doesn't even matter. Rating the quality of the online netcode by tick is like rating a GPU based on it's clock speed. Overwatch's netcode feels way better than TF2, even if TF2 on 100+ tick servers.
it is that's the target
And now it has less than 4000 concurrent daily players.
Overwatch is going to sell, easily over 7 million week one sales.
The Profit is irrelevant to us as consumers, It's if its playerbase going to last. It's a multiplayer only game after all.
I would agree but battleborn has waifus and no ones talking about that shit.
>nomal joke
You mean a joke to literal normalfags and retarded 14 year olds?
Cool meme
>People will get bored of the same repetitive game every match
By your logic every CoD game should be dead by now which they clearly are not.
Also the same goes for every BF game and many many other games from dif genres
I'm pretty sure this is bait but if you are serious... shit m8, you sound like a jaded, joyless person, goddamn.
Its a LoL like shooter as in the strategy lies in how teams can work together rather then raw mechanical aim. That is the biggest gripe most competitive players form other FPS's had.
>board culture
You're kinda the reason this board is shit user.
>It doesn't even matter. Rating the quality of the online netcode by tick is like rating a GPU based on it's clock speed. Overwatch's netcode feels way better than TF2, even if TF2 on 100+ tick servers.
Sorry that sound like complete horseshit.
Tickrate is tickrate and i'd take Source engine over Blizzards 'amazing' netcode that cant even do 60tick to clients
the game is going to feel like laggy shit
20tick client = 20tick doesnt matter what fancy 60tick server they have
>Every thread being archived not even 30 posts
>6 Overwatch threads
>200 replies each
>11 Hours till release
>"Shilling doesn't exist xD!"
>Make a thread with this exact greentext
>"This thread has been pruned or deleted"
Yeah it was getting stale on the third day of the Beta. I put in about 15 hours.
gee I wonder why maybe its because they are ugly as fuck and too westernish for Sup Forums.
The overwatch girls are extremely sexualized and they don't look like some deviantart tier trash.
>Overwatch's beta was systematically the whole game
Really? I mean REALLY? After playing the beta for several hours and seeing all maps in all modes I got bored, stopped and thought - well this is just a beta and if the release version will have at least twice as much maps and modes then it will probably be fine. If this is not the case then the game is sort of dead on arrival. Shit gets repetitive really fast.
because gearbox
They're not aesthetically attractive though.
>It's a 60 tick, but updates are sent to the clients at 20 tick.
That's like saying when Battlefield 4 did that it fixed everything which it fucking didn't you retarded shill.
Battlefield 4 wasn't "fixed" til they had a clear 60Hz tickrate going on both ends, server AND client.
>Rating the quality of the online netcode by tick is like rating a GPU based on it's clock speed.
>that comparison
Fact is that the tickrate alone can make a huge difference, see Battlefield 4 which netcodes can be on the same quality level in delay as CSGO's when it runs at 60Hz or more
>It's a 60 tick, but updates are sent to the clients at 20 tick.
What you said is completely fucking irrelevant.
If updates are sent every 20 ticks, it's 20 ticks even if the engine worked with a million tickrate.
OW feels like hitboxes are absolute shit especially for headshots, but the problem really is the tickrate that's kindergarden-tier.
Oh poor you! Your waifuwatch meme game is getting criticized?
Then what kind of jokes do you like, user?
Why do people still play mobas then?
Battlefront sold like fucking hotcakes dude.
The game's actual quality aside, the marketing and the hype surrounding it, combined with Force Awakens' was insane
No, because it's actually fun.
I find it to be dynamic and highly entertaining. It's nice to have a class-based team shooter that isn't a dick fest, too. It's funny that some people would complain about that.
Yes, the characters are a big reason why people want to play it. At the end of the day, it's all 1s and 0s, so you should be enjoying what you're looking at.
Overwatch has allready a more autistic fanbase so no
CoD and BF are like rpg with their unlock system. What does Overwatch have? Only cosmetic shit.
There's no longevity for a PC shootan gaem that doesn't have private servers, because then communities won't form and the handful of friends you started out playing with will slowly dwindle down as people get bored, and there won't be a way to make more friends to play with so then you'll be stuck with pubs who can barely count to 1.
This, people played the battlefront beta because they were excited for a new battlefront. When it wasn't what they expected plus the dlc bullshit, they jumped ship.
What is amazing is that these aren't actually shill threads. Not anymore.
They have marketed the game so hard that people are legitimately making constant threads. It literally has everything it needs that begets posting
>Console war tiered shitposting (comparisons to TF2 and Battleborn)
>Made by Blizzard
>Shit players complaining about balance
>Not F2P
It literally has all the things people love to shitpost about, so they make a thread and do so.
And because people hate those constant threads people make more threads in hatred which just makes things worse.
They shilled us so hard we became the shills ourselves, isn't that frightening?
I see so that's why Dota, league and CS:GO are so dead.
BF4 still feels like shit even on 60Hz servers, I tried playing it recently.
Tons of fps already have team based focus on working together.
CTF already promoted it heavily.
UT have multiple multiple modes that encourages it heavily. Like Assault, Onslaught (ASSFAGGOT like battle over nodes linking to base), and Bombing Run, which requires insane amount of teamwork and coordination.
No, overwatch is a great game.
The gameplay is shallow and slow as hell. The skill ceiling is basically about as low as you can get.
The problem i can see with Battleborn without knowing jack shit about the gameplay is the art style, its really ugly and reminiscent of fucking stick figures
Who the hell would like that on their waifus?
If Overwatch doesn't get the depth it deserves, then it will sadly go the way of Battlefront. The largest weakness by far for Overwatch at the moment is the map design. Some maps are horribly linear. Some points are horribly OP towards a side. etc etc.
And guess what? Usually all those modes are dead and everyone is busy playing TDM.
>tfw newfags to pc gaming
>tfw never ever played a fps
>tfw buying this
I guess this game is for casuals like me.
nobody plays CTF or the other meme modes competitive its either duel or tdm.
Here he is, the man who besmirched the diablo franchise.
Blizzard games are never not popular.