Images that debunk the 'Nintendo censors games' propaganda.
Images that debunk the 'Nintendo censors games' propaganda
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Ok here it is
Good work
>boy in shorts
more like homosexual games
I'm not sure I follow.
I don't see in what way your thumbnail, whatever it is supposed to represent, makes it so Nintendo did not censor.
Why is Nintendo of America such cancer?
It's like they have been infiltrated by people who want to kill videogames. Probably all feminists.
The common narrative with complaints towards Nintendo right now is that they excessively cover up skin.
This is, however, clearly not the case, as seen by games like Bayonetta and Fire Emblem.
>The common narrative with complaints towards Nintendo right now is that they excessively cover up skin.
And you debunk it by posting a screenshot that has nothing to censor anyway? How does that debunk anything? You're just a retard.
Wow, thanks OP, after I opened that image every single US copy of Bravely Default, Bravely Second, Fire Emblem If, Fire Emblem Awakening, Xenoblade X, and #FE all patched themselves to no longer be censored!
>"Summer's Here!" Commercials filled with shirtless men and women in bikinis
Wait, what?
Games where they do not censor are proof that games that they did censor were not censored?
Fire Emblem was censored, you dip.
The Bravely games are a good example of this, actually... why is Nintendo being blamed for a game that Square localizes? The same deal with #FE.
>But... NOA is overlooking the development process!
Just like they did with Bayonetta, you retard, which is more sexualized than either of them.
You sure showed them you retard!
They tailor games for the country they operate in and that country happens to be filled with prudish people.
Oh yes, and mandatory.
>Nintendo doesn't censor games
>Fire emblem
>doesn't censor skin
I know it's a bait post, but come on user. At least put some effort into. They cut the bikinis and shit out of the game among other various things. You're just cherry picking.
One instance of a man-like woman in boyshorts of all things not being censored doesn't mean jack compared to everything else that one game alone censors.
Bayonetta is an M rated game, that's a rather large difference.
Also, notice that these companies never have scandals of this nature when releasing on sony, microsoft, or valve platforms.
whats updog
>The common narrative with complaints towards Nintendo right now is that they excessively cover up skin.
I honestly don't care about censorship. HOWEVER, I care very much about their quality of translations.
There's no fucking excuse for this bullshit.
I'll be honest. The added black looks fucking stylish.
>one instance of something not being censored means all other instances of censorship don't exist
Abysmal bait. You probably don't even play FE.
These two costumes were in the last trailer for Tokyo Mirage Sessions # FE.
This may be proof that they're listening to the vocal minority...maybe.
Curious to see if the blue swimsuit in particular will be wearable in the game.
>that cringy poorly written trademark japanese edgy dialogue that wouldn't even get a pass in michael bay movie
So american version is superior?
You still get the same idea of what they're talking about in the English translation though
That's fucking retarded, that's like saying "Here's a picture of Osama patting a dog there's no way he could kill anyone!"
>Bayonetta is an M rated game
That reason didn't save Fatal Frame from being censored, user.
What up dog?
Be honest here anons, does it REALLY bother you all this much? When is it that you stopped judging games based on gameplay and started judging them for what kind of fanservice they got?
I look at images like or and i just can't take the JP versions seriously, if you need all the girls to be borderline naked for you to consider it good then you have no taste at all
Does the character need the clothes off for you to appreciate a good artstyle? Again look at and honestly tell me wich one you like more
Also would make sense if you knew the context of the game for both versions, but since you like just posting images pretending they make you right i won't bother with it
It looks fucking retarded.
I personally don't mind the added black clothes underneath it. It looks pretty neat. It's just weird seeing her wear something with a bikini on top of it at the same time.
How is having no dialogue when it's a fucking character interaction scene without any sort of animation to tell what's going on? They could've just changed the translation if they wanted to hide words like "kill". Go read a book, idiot.
>So american version is superior?
Only if you're a retarded sjw cuck. Fuck off treehouse.
That looks HORRIBLE
>You still get the same idea of what they're talking about in the English translation though
No user, we aren't mindreaders. Nobody has any idea they said anything when they don't say anything.
...are you retarded?
>Also, notice that these companies never have scandals of this nature when releasing on sony, microsoft, or valve platforms.
I can think of a couple examples
>Criminal Girls censorship
>Dungeon Travelers 2 censorship
>DOA Extreme 3 not released overseas because the publisher fears criticism from a vocal minority
>Mugen Souls
There are probably quite a few other examples but these are a couple off the top of my head.
It is very clear that japanese games target degenerate kissless basement dwellers who never would have a hope with a girl, hence their need to see them near naked as much as possible.
If they only made a version of SF which didn't make you feel filthy if your grandmom walked into a room during a girl vs grl battle, that would be great.
Sure censoring for sake of censoring is bad but if it gets rid of retarded lazy designs like and shitty, cringy dialogue written by a 12 year old sonic enthusiast like
it's honestly not that bad.
Japan haet ass?
>Also (You) would make sense if you knew the context of the game for both versions, but since you like just posting images pretending they make you right i won't bother with it
You'd know the context if you just read the fan translation instead of sucking treehouse cock all day.
Both looks completely fucking retarded desu
I like it
Funny enough even the Japanese players like the new "censored" outfits in the american version of #FE.
>it's honestly not that bad.
That's what rape victims tell themselves after the 20th time.
Censorship is bad if it totally destroys the original characterization like what I heard happened to Fire Emblem Fates' Elise. If it's just covering skin, it's not that important. It does suck that you're forced to consume what another guy deems is proper content instead of having a choice but ultimately, it doesn't really detract from the game's entertainment factor.
What is more irritating is the lack of dual audio sometimes.
>Both looks completely fucking retarded desu
Honestly, the japanese version looks fine. You can go to any american beach and see 12 year olds in swimsuits like that. That is normal.
Wearing bra and panties on top of something else isn't normal, it's retarded.
But that swimsuit scene makes sense in context.
She's advertising a beverage you would take with you to the beach during the Summer, so why not have a swimsuit on?
Doesn't seem like "retarted lazy design" to me. It makes sense within the context of what's being shown.
It's not all idol stuff, the game is about the entertainment industry in general.
I've seen people also show that both sets of outfits are in the game though.
Forcing a creator's original work just for a different market undermines the consumer as they're kept away from something the corporate heads consider "bad for business". If someone buys that has a rating added with the reasons for that rating THEN gets UPSET for those very same reason blame no one but that idiot not making sure what he wanted when he got the game.
Nintendo is retarded for protecting retards from "offensive" work. You cannot defend this.
>shills so desperate they ask others for help
They aren't
Not Elise, but Effie went from "The Gentle Giant" to "Do you even lift bro?!"
Murrican version: FOREVER ALONE
Sometimes the cost isn't worth it. The Japanese voice acting industry treats them like the god like we do here with movie actors in NA.
So license fees will be jacked up the ass if they had to bring those same voices here again. We were lucky enough to even get FE:A to have dual audio
Freshly unearthed censor evidence:
I love FE, but I'm disappointed it's become big over here if Memehouse is going to keep dicking everyone with content cuts and shit.
>garbage, shitty, cringy dialogue in both
Oh I have and here's some good dialogue that is not even from a book but a filthy movie
Compare that to your edgy shitty japanese halfassed dialogue written by some underpaid, overworked hack
Well dual audio is more a matter of rights to use the VA and most people would rather not read subtitles, now the problem is the time and money spent censoring could be better spent, but then it wouldn't be appropiate for the western audience.
But they removed a harmless feature from a game because it hurt a few of NOA's delicate flower's feelings.
Do like the other gays do and kill yourself my man.
Yes they are retarded for censoring work
But they are also retarded for selling out and making shitty bikini designs for every goddamn character.
Jap games have turned from high quality guranteed to generic weeb fanservice garbage.
There's nothing to save.
This alone is reason enough to hate Treehouse.
They completly butchered Effie for no reason at all. This isn't like Henry in Awakening where I could at least see that he might been a little to dark for NAs childfriendly approach, but this is just pointless.
There is no "debunking" when it's clear as day and they aren't even hiding it anymore
Japan just has no taste, and the content is obviously aimed at virgins who get hard if a grill brushes them when walking by
Again, look at pictures like , , , They are deliberately going for fanservice to attract people because they don't know how to fucking design a character that has sex appeal. They just put them in ridiculous bikini-armors that don't even make sense in the context of the game
Now look at pic related, the best kind of "fanservice" is the one that is not done on purpose. Almost "accidental", they have sex appeal because they are quite good character designs, and they did that without having to resort to give them giant tits and show them on their underwear
If you know the context of the game the JP version telling you all that is incredibly redundant and off character for two assasins who already know eachother. I like the US version because it raises the tension between the two and i like the picture of them looking and analyzing eachother
The JP version loses all the subtelty the cutscene had
Bottom one is from a super attack they left in the game because if she was wearing here "alternative costume" for that attack it would look 100000% retarded.
>Bottom one is from a super attack
>she's not carrying a weapon
Fatal Frame is rated M too you dipshit
Your defense is fuckimg horrible
It's literally her sliding down a slide and landing on the enemy.
Super attacks don't always have weapons unless you consider your ass a weapon.
I don't get it man. If I hire you to voice a character in my production, why do I need to pay you again for the right to use the work you've put in to my product if I ship it overseas? I wonder if there're similar situations in other industries
Now that you mention it, that duo attack with her and Kiriya doing a heart beam attack doesn't feature weapons either.
>two assasins meet for first time
>instantly start talking about what the feel how many people they've killed and how badass and hardcore they are, how they feel in their hearts and what their future plans are, all written in a poor fanfiction tier dialogue, wouldn't feel off on shadow the hedgehog image
>american version has them silently size eachother off
>weeb virgin autists get mad because everything is not spoonfed to them and there's no nudity
Compare that to sicario where you don't even know the main character is an assassin until halfway in and not until the end where we discover why he does what he does.
Jap games are poorly written cringey trash. Even mgs
This picture irritates the fuck out of me.
I hate Memehouse the most for pushing shitty agendas more than I do for their censorship or lack of creative writing.
>le "naked bodies are in bad taste" meme
I want puritans to leave desu
I admit, I was annoyed by this changed...
...Until I played it, and got to the part where she said she was 13.
>I don't consider a woman can be sexy unless she is borderline naked
Virgin detected
>censor some outfits and cutscenes
>don't censor some attacks where those outfits are used
Just why. If you're going to censor anyway, just censor everything, instead of doing an half-assed job. Or maybe they didn't put some black smoke on Tsubasa yet.
Ever been to the beach in the last few years senpai?
Definetly saving this for censorship threads
Black smoke shit for that boss was only in the cutscene, the model it self doesn't have it when you fight the boss, think about how lazy you'd have to be to do that.