What is Sup Forums's opinion on Silent Hill?
What is Sup Forums's opinion on Silent Hill?
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1 - 4 were excellent
SH:O and SM were good
Downpour was mediocre
Homecoming was physically painful
Also, Heather is ugly as sin
2 > 3 > 1 > Downpour > Homecoming
Didn't play the others so I've no opinion.
Lemme guess, you like this puta?
SH1 is the best game in the whole series in general. Best and largest town sections, best main locations, best pacing, perfectly challenging, actually scary, great soundtrack. Lot's of replay value thanks to various endings and unlockables.
SH2 is the less scary and has worse pacing, but the symbolism + nice story make it a must-play classic.
SH3 is like a more modern SH1-lite, which suffers from linearity and pacing, plus bit from the recycling of SH2's areas. Perhaps the scariest game in the series in the pure-terror -way.
SH4 is quite underrated game. It's quite damn disturbing and spooky game, that only suffers of some gameplay design-choices, like how the limited inventory works and replaying old areas.
SH0 might've been interesting addition to the series, but the way it handles its themes and tells the story make it a big failure. It tries to "explain" things that didn't need explanation, and just manages to screws up the original lore & even logic! Has poor gameplay and recycless SH2 & Movie's elements
Homecoming = wasted potential. The first "next gen" SH game, that somehow ended up looking worse than the previous-gen games?? Tried to do the RE4 to SH-series, which technically means action-izing the gameplay, which really ain't the series' purpose. Looks and feels like a SH Movie -ripoff.
Shattered Memories got plenty of unnecessary flak even before it was released; I'm guilty of this as well. The moment you realize that it is not a remake of the original SH, but it's very own entity merely utilizing your own memories and expectations of things against you, the game actually becomes a fascinating, atmospheric experience. Cons: Not really scary and puzzles are poor.
Downpour seemed like it might FINALLY do "next-gen" SH game right by not copying SH2's themes & designs. Shame that the game still did recycle tons of SH2 material, while skipping a lot of that "subtle-ness". The gameplay, visuals and whole tech were broken as well.
What's the best version of SH2 + 3 to get on PC? Emulate the PS2 ones or just torrent 'em?
Never played them before.
Just get the HD collection
Your tastes are bad and you should feel bad.
Nah, I'm alright.
She is 3rd best girl.
I played 2 because people said it was a master piece
I find it alright and not that great. I guess I missed a huge thing for not playing it in 2002.
3 is much more polished you should try that.
I couldn't play the game with alt costumes because of constant urge to fap on those tits.
Not that user but I started with the HD Collection (fully patched PS3). Played with original SH2 voices and thought it didn't age well with regards to the gameplay. But I get why people liked it, it just doesn't seem to be that...much fun. Pyramid Head was handled better outside of boss battles, I really liked those scares.
Silent Hill 3 is much more fun to play and more modern. Downside is with each replay you gotta through the fucking subways which is the shittiest maze this side of Fallout 3's metros.
I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary since it was my first time playing Silent Hill 2 and 3 on the PS3. The only thing that struck out was the voice acting quality was leagues better in 3. But in 2 it was deliberately bad by the voice director to make everyone sound like they're very weird emotionally detached people.
Play the PC ports. Avoid the "HD" "Collection" like a plague it is.
Here's the SH PC Guide + DL links.
SH2 torrent:
SH3 torrent:
Mount the ISOs of 2 & 3, and then run their installers like always.
The SH1 is a PS1 rip that you gotta emulate.
The "sh2proxy" fix works as a no-cd crack as well, and is included in the pack.
In case you experience issues saving the game / not being able to edit the disp.ini, make sure the files aren't set to "Read Only", and run the game as Administrator.
If SH2 gets stuck in a black screen upon launch, close it and re-start it again.
Pretty much all this. Don't let SH2babbies tell you otherwise.
I don't know but the voices for 3 in the HD collection are better than the original.
bless you user
>The only thing that struck out was the voice acting quality was leagues better in 3.
Fuck you. Please die.
The nu-VAs in HD Collection are fucking terrible in every single possible way, totally ruining all the characters and their small nuances. Heather sounds like some fucking 40yo single mother, and Douglas is like some 20yo trying to sound the 50-something years old he's supposed to be.
>SH2 was deliberately bad by voice director
it was not. They're just not actors "acting". They went for normal people, sounding "normal", with heavy emphasis of something still being terribly wrong.
>all this bitching about gameplay
SH1-3 play exactly the fucking same. I have no idea what you're babbling about there.
>I don't know but the voices for 3 in the HD collection are better than the original.
No, they are not. They completely lack directing and emotion, and every single character sounds like a severe smoke addict.
Please choke on a horse dick, Tomm.
Vincent overacting in the original. All the VA work sounds like they are talking with fish bowls over their head. I can go on and on about why the VA was shit but thats just my opinion man.
The only thing you two got right is Silent Hill 1 is definitely the best one, even the horror is there despite being a PS1 game. Shattered Memories...good, lmfao, get the fuck out of here right now. SH4 being a poor misunderstood baby of the franchise, good joke fuckers. It fucking recycles so much AND cut the joke/UFO ending, game was rushed out the door.
>Whaaaaa whaaaaa
Nice opinion, I don't care. Douglas original voice acting was awful and the new one is better. You sound like you're straight out of the Silent Hill forums.
>SH1-3 play exactly the fucking same. I have no idea what you're babbling about there.
Yep, I gotta remember to ID you so I don't reply to you again in the future. You're the poster child for why the Silent Hill fanbase is as notorious as the Sonic one. Zero self-awareness too, you remind me of that fat fuck from Silent Hill 2 Eddie.
Considering outside of Sup Forums or the diehard Silent Hill forums (confirmation bias) the voices were received better, I don't really care about what you two think. Also nice persecution complex. The guy who doesn't work for Konami, the companies Konami no longer associates with, the bankruptcies suffered, and the cancellations all must mean Konami is out on the Internet still damage controlling.
God, this thread is painfully obvious why you're all cancerous.
1 > 2 > 3 > 4 = 0 > SM
Haven't played the others.
Say what you will about 3's voices but I think Vincent was perfect. The acting conveyed a man whose very tone you couldn't trust and I think that was the point with him.
Where is this from?
>the whole HD Collection was shot down by everyone already half a decade ago
Nice arguments you got the, Hulett.
lmao. nothing in that post is true its hilarious
Is this the HD collection?
Wouldn't it be better to just emulate them all? I heard the PS2 versions had extra graphical features and they seem to work well in PCSX2. Also you don't get the ugly button prompts. What are the advantages of the PC versions outside of them not working properly?
no you retard.
>inb4 kojimafags
It was a joke, my autistic friend
>Wouldn't it be better to just emulate them all?
Not really. PS2 emulation is still far from perfect, requires a lot more muscles from your PC to run smooth, and needs plenty of individual tweaking for each game too.
>I heard the PS2 versions had extra graphical features and they seem to work well in PCSX2
Not exactly true. PS2 did have a tiiiny bit higher-res fog effects, but at the same time it has blockier, lower-res lighting, such as the flashlight's illuminated area, which is all round and smooth on PC and Xbox.
>Also you don't get the ugly button prompts
What button prompts? That crap didn't exit back in early 00s!
>What are the advantages of the PC versions outside of them not working properly?
is that last part supposed to be a bait?
Anyway, the advantage of PC ports is the fact that they are ACTUAL PC games. 15 years old DX8 titles at that. Any PC-like entity made in the past decade WILL run them just fine for sure, even at 4K resolution if you so desire.
Also, if you're into that stuff, you can do some light modding and hacking with the PC ports, such as fly around the game world with free-control camera to see stuff you're not meant to see.
On second thought, let's not go to Silent Hill. It's a silly place.
Was Dounpour even that bad? Sure it drifted away from the original Silent Hill games and wasn't anything special but I thought it was a nice little game to play over the weekend with a couple of good ideas here and there.
Holy shit
>Konami was such a drag. Every day he'd eat the same kind of food, dress the same, sit in front of the same kind of games... Yeah, he was just that kind of guy. But then one day, he goes and kills us all! He couldn't even be original about the way he did it. I'm not complaining... I was dying of boredom anyway, But guess what? I will be coming back, and I'm bringing my new toys with me.
>Was Dounpour even that bad?
-No Akira's soundtracks. You can hear it, you can FEEL it.
-The MC's inner monologue = fucking annoying.
-Indicators, flashing items and tips everywhere! Try to play without them, and you gonna be all lost for a while at least, as the game was DESIGNED with them to be ON.
-The chase scenes were annoying. Especially the last one. And I fucking liked SM for crying out loud.
-Bad and limited enemy design.
-A handful of characters that just... are. I guess they tried to personify the Town or something, but come on.
-The environments? Boring & full of copypaste.
-The side missions? POINTLESS in the end, as you get ripped off all your gear, and they don't even effect the ending!
-BAD combat. Yeah I know, and I always ran past 90% of enemies in originals as well, but holy shit this is WORSE than in SH1-4 if you ask me.
-UT3 engine bugs and annoyances (texture & area streaming, usually lagging badly behind, the Subway doors getting locked, random bug of being unable to pick up items ...)
-QTE -like scenes.
Last the story... there technically isn't one! It's not deep or cryptic at all, it's just CONFUSING - most probably because before the very end, the game doesn't know how the story even goes, when your choices are evaluated. In this sense the game actually contradicts ITSELF earlier on, as there's no alternative cutscenes or discussion choices.
Yes, it's slightly better than Origins, can't say any better than HC, but it's still a BAD horror game, and worse SH-game. Far from the original Tetralogy.
Whats a Silent Hill that runs decently on PC?
Shit movie game series.
Emphasis on finishing a narrative same with Ico and Shadow of the Colossus.
One was good game with many small details.
Two has best story in games and great atmosphere. But weak monsters and Otherworld.
Three has better monsters and locations, but story is pointless and weak.
Four has shitty characters and boring monsters, except for one. Story suffers from connections to the cult. Gameplay sucks with replaying and escourt.
Origins is shit. Worst story, worst Akira's music, stupid monsters, same old gameplay. Fans may like it.
Homecoming is terrible.
Shattered memories is interesting new view on old game with nice feature, like psychologist's test.
Downpour is another good new game with story about main character, without any evil-evil cult BS, and gameplay based on exploring the silent hill. Monsters are weak, but nothing terrible like from room or origins.
>it's slightly better than Origins
Hey fuck you, I liked that one. It has good combat, the Silent Hill atmosphere was here and the story was interesting. While it's not on par with 1-4 it's damn good for a PSP game.
The secrets were interesting and bonus weapons were fun to use. The only real flaw it has is that it doesn't have 1-4 production values and shits on whatever few SH lore there was. Also it's gotta have one of the coolest interactive introduction where credits are displayed.
What did you think of Shattered Memories by the way?
>Hey fuck you, I liked that one.
well fuck YOU, I hate it with passion.
>has good combat
HAH, nope. It was clunkier than it had ever been so far.
>SH atmosphere was there
>Story was interesting
the story was a total mess, having this literal nobody going through his own version of SH2, all while the background story of SH1 was being literally raped with a rake simultaneously.
>what did you think of the Shattered Memories?
I actually loved it. To my own, big surprise as well.
I was sure I'd hate it, as SH1 is still my fav SH game, and this seemed to be a dumbed down "remake" of it on a Nintenkid system, without combat or anything. But once I started playing it, I couldn't stop.
I replayed it 4 times during the next week, each time seeing something new, and getting a new ending. I also witnessed two different persons play it afterwards, and was very surpirsed to STILL see some brand new content I'd not found myself.
Yeah, it's very easy and not hard at all, but it's a nice, atmospheric game. I appreciate it for trying to be more original than most other western SH titles. At the same time, it would not work as well without its implied SH1 "connections".
Out of what I played 1 is best, 4 second, the only other one I played was homecoming which I did not care for.
>1 is the best
my nigga!
You should really give 2 and 3 a go. Can't see you hating them, if you really liked 1 already, and even stomached 4, not to mention fucking HC. Grab the Pc ports from:
Well I played 1 and 2 and right now currently on 3 pic related, and I gotta say 2 was the best one out of the first 3 so I like in my personal order 2,1 and 3. Because 2 was more story and was sad too, like a mystery solving story. 1 was more of the same though more thriller like, 3 was just pure twisted and mind fucking and also sad because Harry dies. Overall, I really enjoyed the first 3 games. Later games in the franchise didn't have the same effect on me. :/ Until Silent Hill PT came along then was recently canceled, had my hopes up for that =(
You're really a shallow fuck, Heather was fucking adorable as fuck and hot too! She has the worried look on her face a lot in the beginning of the game which made me fall in love with her cause she's so adorable.
This video was BTFO when kojima announced his action game that next day.
Fungo is a retard.
This woman nailed the cosplay!
Same woman, is Maria.
Heather is love.
Heather is life.
I pray to Valtiel every night
Fuck all yall Silent Hill 4 was top tier.
max caulfield?
Mah nigga. SH4 was fucking great.
Henry a cute.
"What...the hell?"
I think she looks too healthy
>playing the PC version
>playing that shitty version with worse fog and awful controls
That's what the wiki spit out.
>Release figmas of Pyramid Head and Bubble-Head Nurse
>Absolutely no plans or anything for ANY of the protagonists
>Only option are statues that will be out of scale with the monsters
at least the monsters got made though
SH 3 on PC looks like a modern day game because of the fantastic texture work
The fog of SH2 really ain't that much different on PC. The controls are fucking fine, and you can use a goddamn gamepad if you wish. I just don't see the point, as the game's perfectly playable with KB only.
dead series just like Megaman, Castlevania an Metroid
I want this fucking Heather doll
You have good taste.
Downpour was so mediocre I couldnt even muster the energy to hate it. I finished it and literally just popped the disc out, put a different game in, and moved on. Trash-bag man was so fucking disappointing as the antagonist and any reveal was either easily guessed or just polar opposite endings for no reason at all:
>Good end: He accepts what happend and gets revenge
>Bad end: while calm and quiet, hes suddenly telling cops to fuck off in the last 10 seconds
Shattered memories for me was exactly the same as you. I thought it was going to be bullshit. It ended up being a real mind fuck and the first blind playthrough ending was actually scary accurate. It was a neat gimmick game and the different endings were varied and surprising in some instances.
SH1 > all the rest.
Team Silent > the other wannabes.