Can we have a peaceful thread friends. I'm waiting for my game to come in the mail
What's your rank? Who do you main? Show them webms
Can we have a peaceful thread friends. I'm waiting for my game to come in the mail
What's your rank? Who do you main? Show them webms
I only played a little bit on launch, made it to silver, put it down around the time of Alex's release.
I came back to it a week ago and now it seems the only folks still playing are Ultra Silver, Gold or higher and they stomp me into the ground.
It's a shit game
Bought it release day, wanted to love it. Made Super Bronze, put it down.
Are you generally good at fighting games or no? I'm ready to lose a bunch online
Only play about one day a week, but ultra bronze now. Consistently on par against silvers now, but my aa needs more work to actually get in.
Main Chun Li.
Maybe I should save some webms so you guys can tell me where im shit that I overlook myself.
where's the new character announcement trailer, why are they so fucking bad at this
I'm Gold League currently. Made it into the 5000 League Points recently.
It's capcom handling something that isn't monster Hunter on 3ds
Atleast they have been adding characters at all
Do you get more fight money the higher rank you are?
Starting with SF2, I've only ever played a handful of fighting games over the past two decades with friends, very low-level play.
SFV is the first fighting game in which I've been playing online against random players who are clearly far more serious than I.
No, it's always the same. 50 FM for a win, 1000 FM for a level up.
That's not so bad I guess, for a level up. But for the store... meh, I hope they add daily challenges soon or something. Wonder who the new character will be this month
Considering challenges have their own tab in the stats, they have to be added at some point. Stats as a whole are still defunct, however.
Also, it'll be Balrog. I'm more interested in the second, non-playable character.
Oh look, Nubi has interrupted his job hunt to grace us with his presence again.
Which eric image will he post next? Or will it be the pasta? I can't wait!
Gold, and not playing ranked ever again because the netcode is a clusterfuck of randomness as to whether it's rollback city or not.
Vega all the day long. Played around with Ryu a little as well because he's always fun.
Not touched the game in a few weeks now though - just got sick of the netcode. Might pick up Guile as I've always liked him and my primary sparring partner will main him so I need to know things.
Do we follow the almighty google suggestions now?
Cammy is a goddess.
Though I also play Laura on occasion.
>he has to post memes at an attempt to justify playing bad
I know the game is boring but come on you're the same guy shitting up these threads
It's alright user
I cant keep my sfv thread alive anyway
Sup Forums likes talking about overwatch and shitting on Nintendo more
Take your meds mike
Eric, simbly eric!
Classic Nubi.
I dont speak pc
but LoL seems to have many people who love the game
Played it nonstop for about two months and dropped it. Love the game but fuck am I tired of SF. Give me another capcom fighter already.
Go back to reddÃt mike
First result motherfucker
Always the most searched
bronze-super bronze
i have a hard time with her executions cause she is a charge character. i also suck. i win and lose i'm stuck around 1000LP. nobody plays chun-li online because she is a hard character
It's Ibuki
I'm tired of saying the same thing to guys who don't even check the news then go ahead and tell lies.
Laura is probably my favourite semi-grappler in any game. She is just really satisfying to use
You Shoryuken niggers need to get your head out of your ass. The post was not news and the poster clarified he was rusing.
Fuck off.
Any EU player up for lobby matches?
I know. Your point?
Is birdie worth learning if i love grapplers
>What's your rank?
Super bronze now. Was Super Silver until yesterday, but...
>Who do you main?
...I've decided to switch out my Nash (because he isn't as fun as he was in beta 2 in my opinion) for Karin and I'm getting my shit kicked in. Tips'd be appreciated.
Yeah he is pretty snugly mid tier
there are plenty of bronze because my friend is still bronze, matchmaking is dependent on your connection too so you have a wider range of opponents and of course its still fucked up by matching me against #1 player online 2 games out of 10 when I'm only 4500. Obviously he's east coast for me
Don't care about rank. I just play casual/lobbies as silver and it's far more enjoyable than ranked.
Titles were a mistake. Beginners get too frustrated over demotions.
What's the next big tournament? Please be euro as Logan and F-word have been so on point lately
>now it seems the only folks still playing are Ultra Silver, Gold or higher
as a super bronze shitter this isn't true at all. I get games pretty quick now
CEO I think.
Poison in SF5 when?
Ultra Bronze
I started with Cammy and put about 100 hours into her. She's my favorite SF character and I ws pretty worried she might not get in V. That being said I just recently switched to Karin, she's just straight better and has more fun options. Playing casuals trying to learn her and doing okay. Need to grind out those near 100 hours again.
Also everyone should check this shit out.
Created a Battle Lounge, any and all welcome.
FT2, Character select on, 6 slots. Pass is 7777.
Fists will fly at this location
I feel the same way. I play it whenever a new characters arrives but honestly the game is is kinda boring.
Here's a webm
Thanks for trying BlackSheep but you got 2 bars
>Give me another capcom fighter already.
Not gonna happen, it's hard enough to make a fighter sell when you are an established brand never mind a game that hasn't got a new entry in decades
I'm using Chun as my alt and have just started to practice with her. She's pretty fun but pretty challenging compared to the rest. But she's always enjoyable to fight.
And another one
Yeah no point to play against Americans when in Europe.
So V is good now?
Why is there a penis?
thats fucking hot
It's quite astounding how you're still posting this in every SFV thread for months now without getting banned.
People shit on SFV's art style, but I am so glad we aren't stuck on this any more
unless you are still looking for single player content, then you should wait a month/whenever they add whatever Ono hinted at recently.
Online is pretty good now, not KI good but more than acceptable
Thanks, this is exactly what i made the thread for
Anyone up for EU lobby plays? I can make one if there is interest.
former abel player in mad love with laura.
And here's one for the road
Enjoy your ban.
And another just for u
why is this so funny. iam laughing like a moron about this.
Am I alone in liking her playstyle way more than Abel?
She just has way more interesting tools that are fun to use
Hear me out, what if season 2 characters were half newcomers, half old characters?
I still haven't got it because I have a number of games to buy and I'm trying to decide what to get first but how is Zangief?
>People who dislike or are disappointed with the game should be banned
And they say they are no capcom shills posting here.
As much as I want Makoto and Oro, I'd really like to see more newcomers as V's have been way stronger than IV's
No you fucking cocksucker you post the same exact fucking images in every SFV thread. We heard you the first time. You're doing this to the point where you come off as desperate to shit on this game. You're clearly obsessed with a game you don't even like. Did Ono fuck your whore mother in the ass?
>how is Zangief?
Just like the game itself
I think you read user's post wrong
I want more newcomers.
An entire season of six newbies.
Only if the game will sell well till next year. If not they will play it safe with bringing back some more iconic characters.
And Ingrid!
That's disappointing, I never played him that much but wanted to give it a shot.
Guess I'll stick with Guile and Vega until we get Blanka
We already know the season 2 characters
Being in story mode isn't a confirmed place.
Decarp is a shit
fucking retard
Zangief is still pretty fun to play even if he lacks any distance closing tools.
Perfect, I only want half that list anyway, half newcomers it is then.
I like Abel.
Literally only shitty characters.
>What's the next big tournament?
Combo Breaker I believe. Yeah they really need to change the American commentators. UltraDavid and Chensorship bore me to tears.
>America will never have a commentator as based as Ken Bogard
You can meme whatever the fuck you want about france, at least this guy knows how to create hype.
Anything is better than ski sonic
Fug meant for
>Alex is shit
>Guile is so shit Die dropped him
>Nash and Necalli still reign supreme
What the fuck is going on?
I'd be okay with that list if they throw in a new character to make it 6
>shitty unsuccessful pros changed their characters, time to change my opinion
I want Ed to be a psycho powered grappler, shit would be cool
He's way to scrawny for a grappler, also the game already has like 5 grapplers.
Damascus is the best. The guy gives absolutely no fucks. He makes a fun duo with Tyrant or F-Word.