>I watched on Youtube and-
Stop right there. Your opinion is completely invalid.
If you do this, spare us all and just don't post.
>I watched on Youtube and-
Stop right there. Your opinion is completely invalid.
If you do this, spare us all and just don't post.
Other urls found in this thread:
>seeing how mechanics work through a video doesn't count because I say so
Not an argument.
Why are white people so racist?
Like all they ever think about is race.
You wouldn't comment on how a car drives by watching a video of it, so you shouldn't comment on how a game plays after watching a video.
>friend doesnt play any single player games
>anytime we're all talking about single player games and he chimes in
>"did you even play the game user"
>friend: "oh no...but i...watched..."
In terms of thinking about race I think it's the exact opposite actually
White people never need to think about their own race, that is.
I don't get people who watch games on Youtube. Maybe for a first impression, fine. But I've had people say stuff like "oh, you're playing Dark Souls? Yeah, I watched someone on Youtube play that!"
It's completely baffling.
>car analogy
Well at least it's not a food analogy this time, still doesn't apply here.
Why doesn't it work?
Doom is a prime example
Multiplayer though not as bad, they were generally right
However, the single player turned out to be 10x better than the shit being spurred out about it
Any analogy works if it's not a retarded one, it's just something anons say to disregard your argument without having to think about a rebuttal
If you have to play a game that i'm not interested in, just to conclude that i'm not interested in it, then you are just a dumbass user
>mfw my friend did this with Undertale
>he didn't even understand why I was mad
>he said he's going to buy it anyway and play it himself
>he doesn't
>he watches pewdiepie and the rest of that scum
>he's 31 years old
There is no saving him
I've tried
The watching LPers part. Not the Undertale part.
Because a game has game mechanics which can be observed without having direct control.
Handling of a car can't be observed in detail.
>the single player turned out to be 10x better than the shit being spurred out about it
Haha nope.
>Not an argument
Not an argument
>mfw people actually do this
Like what the fuck is that kind of expression. Just smile and say hello
Because most of Sup Forums isn't old enough to drive.
Analogies never work
They always make you looks like a dumbass, just stay on topic and make comparisons similar to the topic at hand
>Handling of a car can't be observed in detail.
It can be observed just as much as you can observe game mechanics.
>Let me post a video of an experienced player going side by side someone playing like a pussy in two different games
never post this video again, look up DraQu_ if you want to really see someone play Doom4
>Just smile and say hello
Or how about we stop being creepy fucks and greeting people we don't know?
Are they lately?
All I see lately is other races talking about LE WHITE PPL XD
Unless you're talking about politicians or seniors.
Every race is equally racist
Wow how are we supposed to meet people then, dumbass?
I'd be able to tell some things, like how well one can see out the windshield and how high up the car is from the ground, both of which have an impact on my ability to see other cars and obstacles.
Similarly, watching a video of a game in action tells me what the artstyle and movement is like. If the video creator notes their specifications and what settings they have, I can also tell how well I can run the game and how good or confusing it looks.
Movement is entirely based on feel, like every other mechanic. You can't tell how good movement is by watching.
How do you meet people then spergo
Is Twitter literally just nigger memes and white apologists now?
Not randomly on the street. Shit I don't know. Parties or something then it's ok to say Hello to people.
I don't really know how to smile on command, so often something similar to that is the best I can do.
>meeting people
I mean the movement that I see on the screen, particularly that of other players or characters.
>talking to random passerbys and strangers in the street
You've clearly never lived in a city or even remotely densely populated area. Nobody does this and everyone thinks you're a fucking weirdo if you do. You "meet people" at parties or bars or at a workplace.
Yep same with a car. You're retarded.
Maybe in Americongo.
>meeting people
fucking normies
>trying to fit in
how does it feel to live in a country with niggers?
the last time I've seen a non-white person was 6 years ago
Yes. I'm not sure which one I hate more.
Why is it wrong to get a sense for how other players move in your field of vision by looking through that field of vision in a video?
>Similarly, watching a video of a game in action tells me what the artstyle and movement is like
Not really. Everyone plays games differently. You could watch a professional counter strike player or a teenage kid play CS and they would look completely different. Or a Dota pro vs some dumbass in the trench who doesn't move.
How you handle a game is going to be different too. Some people enjoy controls in games like Resident Evil, some people hate them.
Tell me, of what heavenly land do you grace, brethren?
I rather have nigger than arabs
Eastern Europe
arabs are non-white too
Probably a trash tier East-European country.
It's fucking terrible
Why would you smile at anyone who passes you on the street?
Contrary to how a car drives, which is mostly relayed through visual and auditory, but also haptic information, game mechanics are entirely taken in through visual and auditory information, which can in most cases be adequatly transposed through a video with working audio feed.
Unless the video does not show much of the actions that can be taken in a mechanic watching it is very much the same as doing it yourself, except of course if you have mental problems imagining moving your hand.
Indeed, it is a verdict, not an argument.
>how a car drives, which is mostly relayed through visual and auditory
We're done.
>Contrary to how a car drives, which is mostly relayed through visual and auditory
> game mechanics are entirely taken in through visual and auditory information
Underage and clinically retarded.
Smiling is an indication of you being polite/kind/nonviolent. It says "hey I'm okay, are you okay?"
>Eastern Europe
Pot kettle yadda yadda
Up in most of Northern Europe it is popular to be an autistic sperg hocked up on anti depressants.
Just fucking end my suffering already
You're not gonna make me download the free versions of ubi games or DOOM or whatever.
I will complain about what I see.
>salty burgerclap detected
Also you forget to call him a yuropoor, faggot
Is blonde hair, brown eyes, white skin too impure?
I don't smile at people when I pass them, but I do raise my eyebrows. Like a quick up-and-down, and then it's done.
That's literally a "I want to fuck you" when done to a woman
Do you look like you want to bang groups?
>needing to play every fucking game out there
No wonder you guys have backlogs and no money.
There wouldn't be anyone left posting in your precious milanese sculpture gallery though
>autistic scandis thinking they're the standard
Then don't play it and ignore it. but watching other people doing it instead is retarded
So watching sports is retarded?
I mean it's just VIDEO GAMES.
>he watches pewdiepie and the rest of that scum
>Posting FilthyFrank
You're worse than him, user.
Why did you ever think you could save someone when you yourself are the one that needs saving?
>Did you play the game?
>No but I shitposted about it on Sup Forums
>hurr watching games is bad!
Kill yourself you censorship cuck apoligist. I watched FE:Fates so that I could understand some of the story writing better, since I bought the uncensored Japanese version of FE: if instead but can't read Japanese.
If you didn't bet on them, then it is a complete waste of time.
You wouldn't tell how a hamburger tastes after watching a video of hamburgers!!!!!!
I guess I should watch movies then. Or read anything.
>saying I'm as bad as niggers
Fuck you pal
>starting a thread with a derailing and completely unrelated image
Please stop doing this
Damn, son. You're not going to find much support for this opinion.
You're right.
This. They know exactly what they're doing.
>what is white trash
Face it we all shit fuccboi
Yes, you should watch movies. Movies are meant to be watched.
Reading "anything" is kind of too vague to say it's ideal, though.
Maybe they don't want to meet niggers ever thought about that?
I watched someone play through Firewatch. I thought it was a nice little story with pretty visuals but no actual gameplay an a high price tag made it unappealing.
Are you trying to say im wrong?
If the car breaks down during the video then you can say something about that.
What're you, a fucking faggot?
some games its dumb as fuck, but if a game is mostly cut scenes. like MGS4
>watch apple pie being eaten on youtube
>suddenly I know exactly what it tastes like so I can talk about it online
Here you go, a new food analogy just fresh from the oven
It's pretty fucking retarded too.
>This recipe calls for allspice-
>Fuck I HATE allspice
>I can taste it in anything it's in
>Guess I won't be making this