Is there ANY game out there with a similar campaign mode? Please post suggestions
This shit is literally digital heroin and I need more
Is there ANY game out there with a similar campaign mode? Please post suggestions
This shit is literally digital heroin and I need more
The first Halo
doom 3
Wolfenstein TNO, Shadow Warrior, the good old Painkiller... there is plenty of decent shooters out there.
Except for Unless you want two-weapon limit, slow as fuck, dull as fuck, linear terribly designed piece of shit for some reason, stay away from the Halo games. Even the first one. It's actually really bad.
Metroid Prime
Halo: Combat Evolved
Serious Sam
The Wolfenstein reboot is on par with the new Doom campaign.
I fucking love the originals and I fucking love the reboots. They are both equally incredible in their own right.
Half Life 1
The first Halo game
Metroid Prime
Resistance 3
This is what happens when you let people who pre-order games review it.
But yeah, I should also mention other games.
>Shadow warrior (original & reboot)
>Painkiller series
>Blood (we can only hope for a reboot of this gem)
>Serious Sam series (loved these games as a kid)
And last but not least the obvious
>Duke Nukem 3D
a lot of people are saying halo 1, but really they're all pretty good. never played halo 4/5 though.
>Unless you want two-weapon limit
This is true OP. It works based on the way the game is designed, but its still 2 at once.
>slow as fuck
This is also true. Halo is a slow game.
>dull as fuck
This however is false. Its actually a pretty good time with nice variety.
>linear terribly designed piece of shit for some reason
Also false. Its linear but not much mire so than the new Doom. Every game acter CE is much more linear.
>It's actually really bad.
We're talking about CE, not 3, 4, or 5
>comparing Blood and DN3D to bethesdoom
This only problem is that Halo doesn't hold up and was never great. It's slow and not anything like Doom.
Just because it's an FPS doesn't mean it's a game that feel like Doom.
Halo 1 is the only one that has at all open level design consistantly. 2 is also good but not like new doom.
Not my fault you have sub-par taste/don't know how to have fun.
Get the serious sam HD versions and play.
You'll see why a doom-inspired game is better than this doom. The enemies are a lot more, more diverse and the monster boxes are properly disclaimed, and they don't try and hide them.
P. much this. No love for Hard Reset? It's somewhere there, I've heard people enjoy it more than SW reboot. I couldn't get into it because of the atmosphere and I really love the humor in SW reboot.
>Half Life 1
Corridor: the game
Also one of my favorite games.
Wolfenstein TNO is not a reboot you turbohomosexual.
It's a direct sequel to Wolf 09 which was a direct sequel to RtCW.
TNO was shit
shadow warrior 2013 is the same formula as doom 4 aka the painkiller formula
there are plenty of better games
>le leafy meme xD
3 was the one with the most huge, open set-piece battles, and some very long levels.
Quake 1+2
Can't really think of any.
People are gonna say Wolfenstein TNO or Shadow Warrior but those games are nothing like Doom. One is a cinematic slog that takes itself too seriously and the other is barely a shooter.
not that user but whoever it is that you're talking about didn't invent "kys"
>This however is false. Its actually a pretty good time with nice variety.
Are you fucking kidding me?
No, it's not. It's one of the most dull, dragged out, boring shooters I've ever played. Unless you were raised with consoles and this was the first not completely broken FPS you ever came across, it's not a good shooter. The story is cringeworthy, the level design is some of the worst I've ever seen on a PC shooter, second half of the game is literally a retread of some of the worst fucking levels ever designed in a reverse order. The two weapon limit, along with really shitty weapon design makes the actual gunplay a chore without any variety. The vehicle sections are - thanks to completely brain-dead companion A.I. - an absolute chore to slug through. The game is mired with bad design decision, poor art direction, terrible dialogue and cringe worthy exposition.
There is ONE moment of surprisingly good vista right near the beginning, and ONE good level (Silent Cartographer), and the music is good, if completely generic and very poorly fitting the actual rest of the game. The A.I. is decent, though no better than in games like original Half-life: sadly, given the shit design on weapons and encounters, it counts for very little.
Halo C.E. is a crappy game. Anyone who claims otherwise does not know shit about PC shooters. It's an ugly, poorly designed mess that beats you to death with boredom, occasionally sprinkled with some of the worst story cringe you'll find in a shooter.
Even fucking Prey, and god knows that was a shit game, was better than Halo CE, a game whose SOLE fame is due to it's uniqueness among the console scene.
>Even fucking Prey, and god knows that was a shit game
I agreed with everything you said until you spouted this cancerous fallacy.
Kill yourself.
Are you seriously saying that Prey was a good game?
>No love for Hard Reset?
I thought that game had great potential but never really managed to achieve it. The movement wasn't as fast as I would have liked and the enemy variety was lacking. The guns were kind of a mess, with 3 or 4 weapons being actually good and the rest were garbage.
I'm hoping they manage to fix it with the upcoming Redux edition but I doubt it.
Would love to see a Hard Reset 2 though
Halo CE is a better game than NuDoom
Both are good.
Doom 1 is my favorite game.
>3 was the one with the most huge, open set-piece battles, and some very long levels.
False. 3 has the shortest levels and the smallest campaign. It has 2 big levels. Everything else can be completed in 5 - 10 minutes without speedrunning. I've LASO'd Halo 3 and it's pretty easy as well.
>sub-par taste
says the faggot who pre-orders AAA games
I played the PS3 Wolfenstein and beat it but I do not remember the story since it was so long ago.
I just remember it being horribly mediocre and shit in conparison to The New Order.
Don't know why you're being so hostile, but have fun with being a salty cunt.
>bad taste
>the post
>Halo CE is a better game than NuDoom
t. my first FPS fag
Halo 1 has aged like milk
Never said in any of my posts that I preorder. I haven't preordered a game since the PS3 era.
Such a butthurt fag you are.
kys bethesda shill
If Halo 1 has aged like milk, then Doom 1 and Marathon have aged like chocolate milk
the only good thing about halo was that it was the first game to perfect fps controls on console
Yes, I am you cockmongling nigger.
>PS3 Wolfenstein
Wolf 09 was on PC too you know, retard.
>I just remember it being horribly mediocre and shit in conparison to The New Order.
You remember wrong, it was much better than The Casual Dumbed Down NuFPS Halo-influencestein.
ITT: Underage cockslurping niggers
Go choke on your NuDUM, Gaylo and Jew Order.
Get cancer and die.
You couldn't be farther from the truth troll
Doom 1 has aged better than those games due to the level design
Halo 1 and Marathon had a habit of throwing you in the samey looking corridors for most of the game with even less enemy variety
I played it on PS3 so that's how I remember it.
Calm down. Holy shit, this is like communicating with a bitch on the rag.
Have a good one. I miss when we could actually have proper discussions on Sup Forums.
No, just better than Halo
Quake 2 has one of my favorite single player missions of all time, it was mindblowing back in the day when you could pick up air strike beacons and then destroy entire buildingswith true 3D graphics. The feel of dread you get as you see your fallen comrades scattered around the Strogg planet is pretty unmatched even to this day, the prison map is especially unnerving. The multiplayer fucking rules too
Quake 1 also has a pretty active mapping scene, there are some maps and campaigns released in the past 10 years that are actually better than the originals.
>Is there ANY game out there with a similar campaign mode? Please post suggestions
Have you tried Doom 1,2, or brutal Doom?
>there are some maps and campaigns released in the past 10 years that are actually better than the originals
Any recommendations? Preferably stuff that has small-ish maps that efficiently use all of their space by opening up new paths, looping around and making you explore them very thoroughly.
You're making me want to play Quake so bad.
I was always a Doom, Wolfenstein, and Unreal Tournment guy. Never got into Quake.
Which games in the series are worth playing? 1-3?
>No, just better than Halo
And what exactly did you think I meant when I said "Prey - and god knows that was a shit game - was better than Halo"?
Wolfenstein The New Order
Fun fact: new Doom was made by the same team that made Wolfenstein, MachineGames, because the modern id studios is in fucking shambles. Bethesda / Zenimax basically told id to outsource the entire thing to MachineGames, and that's the only reason it turned out okay. That is also the reason MachineGames didn't announce anything in the last two years after they finished Wolfenstein.
This will never be public info
They look like shit though
Arcane Dimensions for Quake is incredible
Go on here https: //www.quaddicted. com/ and look at all the newest releases. The recently released Arcane Dimensions mod and campaign is a good place to start. My personal favorites are Warpspasm (Huge campaign in a Lovecraftian/Eldritch take on the original Quake's setting) and the Rubicon Rumble Pack (more huge maps). If youre not into big maps Arcane Dimensions would probably be more your speed.
Play 1 and 2's single player, definitely. If you've never played Quake 3 it's mostly known for being one of the most skill based first person shooters of all time, it was elevated to esports level for a long time until CSGO took all of it's popularity.
Id only be playing for single player, I've only heard stories about Quake 3's classic multiplayer. I wish I was on the front lines back when it was released.
As someone who played TNO recently for the first time, DOOM is definitely a step or two ahead of it. TNO has really satisfying gunplay as well, but it wastes your time with too much story bs and the exploration and level design is also way more linear.
I just finished it, and I know I probably shouldn't expect too much in the way of resolution in a DOOM game, but that was still kind of a shitty way to wrap it up.
Thanks senpai, I'll check them out
No, what they've done with DOOM 2016 is unique and pretty much unmatched by any other modern FPS. It's tough, I know, but we're just gonna have to wait for the next id game. Until then, this game will not be surpassed.
So guys what do you prefer using
Mousewheel for selecting weapons, number keys, or the Q weapon wheel?
I personally like the wheel when shit gets hectic, as time slows when you press it, giving you a little time to think about what weapon to use and assess the situation tactically
how did D44M end up being a million times better than TNO then?
I haven't played TNO since release so you're probably right, I just remember loving TNO when I beat it and having similar feelings towards it as I do to the new Doom.
>DOOM 2016 is unique and pretty much unmatched
>this game will not be surpassed.
>wrapt it up
see you in the dlc, boi
Haven't played it for PC yet but I'm gonna be assigning them to hotkeys
1 = pistol
2 = shotgun
3 = ssg
4 = assault rifle
G = plasma gun
Q = gauss cannon
F = rocket launcher
pretty much standard quake setup
I thought they were only going to do that for the MP?
Until id release their next game, no, nothing will be better. I'm mesmerized by this game.
number keys+letter keys for some weapons because we aint no grandpas.
Don't get me wrong, l still think TNO was excellent, but it should've embraced what made it great a bit more.
you need to play more games then
That's wont be their first rodeo
Number keys because gotta go fast.
The only time I used the wheel was during the final boss fight when I was trying to dodge the beams while finding out which guns I still had ammo for.
I've played every notable 90's FPS and most of the modern FPSes from 2007 onwards. FPS is my favorite genre and no FPS that's been released this century even comes close to this game.
>the story is cringeworthy
Where's your proof, friend?
How fucking young or dumb do you have to be to think what Halo CE passed for a story wasn't a pure cringe? What was your favorite part of it: how it made absolutely no fucking sense? How insanely inconsistent it was, with retarded ewok aliens running alongside super edgy dark stuff about parasite organisms and you having to mercy kill your commander? That fucking painful A.I. character that only an absolute drooling mongoloid would not immediately identify as later-game villain?
The story was insufferable. Perhaps the worst thing about the game after the bad encounter and level design.
>it was shit
haha I heard that one before just like doom huh?
Shit opinion
We get it, you don't like Halo so you're a cool guy, you don't have to lay it on so thick though.
I actually asked you a question. Which part of the god damn mess the game had for a narrative did you actually thought was good?
I don't understand all the hub bub about this game. I played it and found it really dull.
Serious Sam
Shadow Warrior
Wolfenstein tno
The closest you get
That's just your opinion user
>there are plenty of better games
Tell me, I want to play them.
Yeah I know that captain obvious.
You forget, a good portion of people started playing video games only last gen. It's only natural they'd be wow'd by this, they have no frame of reference.
>4 types of zombies
>Big guys
>Flying machines
>Invisible Elites
I don't like Halo story too (Only played the first one), but jesus, calm down dude. You seem pretty upset for no reason at all
yes, the credits in the doom credits are all just a lie! This is literally "that kid" on the playground levels of bullshit, user.
:( probably never
It's the best shooter to come out for years.
Seeing a lot of people talking about Wolfstein TNO
I really enjoyed it but never bothered with the next one "the old blood?" or something like that , was that one any good?
I've been playing games since the NES and all I have to say is that Doom feels like a breath of fresh air in comparison to 90% of titles released today.
I'm most likely older than you bud.
>Half Life 1
>Corridor: the game
You're forgetting how On a Rail broke that formula and Half Life babbies have been weeping and gnashing their teeth over it for 15 years.
All of which gets old after the first encounter get, and zombies straight up suck as an enemy regardless. Zombies are a last resort for the creativelybankrupt.
>Sentinels weren't in certain
>Can't enter enemy tanks in certain
>Invisibility doesn't mean jack, they're still just elites
>Can't enter flying machines anyway.
I mean CE