ITT: Dark souls pvp stories

ITT: Dark souls pvp stories

Just got ganked by THREE invaders last night in Crucifixion Woods and I was all alone. The exiles were also aggro'd on me, ended up dying from the exile great sword NPC. Lost my voice I raged so hard

one time I killed this guy lol I backstapped him

I fought this guy with a long sword, he could somehow hit me five feet away from the swords tip, there was a lot of rolling but then I killed him


I invaded and got killed.

Serves you right, you cherry bitch.

I killed an invader one time.

Got invaded in Boreal Valley. Used the obscuring ring and stalked the invader, taking potshots with a bow and just being a dick. He BC'd out then messaged me about how he could destroy me in a fair fight.

>be me
>dude summons stuff
>I disconnect because I
>realize I'm shitposting in a thread for a series I haven't even played
>rethink my life decisions
>realize how pathetic my life is
>decide its time to cry myself to sleep
Haha gets me every time

>get invaded
>kill him
>we all laugh

There. I just saved you 400 replies.

>get lag ranged to death by dark swords and estocs


I bet his version of a fair fight would be him hiding behind the enemies.

>it's a shitty fight club
>one of the reds decides fuck it and goes after the host
>another red tries to kill the red going after host
>kill the red attacking the other red
>host kills other red
>duel the host since nobody is left
>we kill each other at the same time
>still get rewards
Was interesting

that was ironpineapple

Demon's Souls

>get invaded in 5-2
>spill my spaghetti everywhere and roll into the swamp
>fireballs to the face

Post more role-playing builds

You mean Metallic Fruit?

That video was gold

>get summoned to a fight club
>easily beat down the shitters with their dark swords and greatshields that they don't have enough stamina for
>after wiating three minutes and being unable to summon anyone else, the host challenges me
>we both take off all our gear and fist fight.
>he gets invaded
>invader joins in.

Nothing beats a FFA bare knuckle brawl.

>I invade
>See two reds fighting the host
>I slowly start to approach
>the two reds and the host all stop fighting and look at me
>I wave
>The two reds and the host all proceed to gank me


I will never understand the recent batch of reds defending hosts. Its getting to the point where you're better off killing them on sight rather then trying to work together.
