Lady Maria is canonically the strongest human in all of Soulsborne lore

Lady Maria is canonically the strongest human in all of Soulsborne lore.

Yes, even stronger than the Good Hunter. The Maria the Good Hunter fights is a fake.

The real Lady Maria would defeat the Slayer of Demons, The Chosen Undead, The Bearer of the Curse, The Good Hunter, and the Ashen One.

Definitely parryable, shit boss/10.

>taking gameplay mechanics into a lore discussion

your waifu is SHIT

emerald herald is best soulsbourne girl

>stronger than TGH
>loses to him

>source: OP's smelly butt

>Lady Maria is canonically the strongest human in all of Soulsborne lore.
And why would you say that?


You don't fight Lady Maria. You fight a fake memory of Lady Maria.

Did you even play BB?


The most overratted boss in all of souls history. easy mechanics, easy as shit to parry, all she has going for her is music and visual effects.

>Lady Maria is canonically the strongest human in all of Soulsborne lore.
ludwig pre beast would BTFO Lady "bully me" Maria

>Lady Maria is canonically the strongest human in all of Soulsborne lore.

That would be The Master

No bully!

Biggie Smalls is also a fake.

Pretty sure they would destroy her.

Oh boy, here we go again

You have no idea how the Nightmare and Dream worlds work, do you?
The are literally stolen from Lovecraft's works

The real Lady Maria committed suicide in the well.

The Lady Maria the Good Hunter fights is not her.


>lady maria was literally BTFO so hard by the twin sharks the people said it was suicide to keep her name good

She's a high tier weeaboo.

Alonne would toast her and he's mid tier in Souls lore power rankings.

Nothing in BB reaches the same levels as power.

>Muh old gods muh lovecraft

Crowsteel the edgehog and his repeating pistol is stronger than her.

Lady Maria would absolutely stomp anything Souls, Eldritch and Alien fuckery is above anything in Souls games, demon's are nothing.


>I don't understand the difference between lore and gameplay

Isn't he hollow, though?

I absolutely love it how they made him a total weeb in his item descriptions.
As for his strength, meh.
Although he did have the Chaos Blade in the real world, so who knows?


this guy was fucking hilarious
>the world is dying and everyone is a mindless zombie
>also here's an actual fucking weeaboo just standing around outside firelink shrine

If she's so strong then why does my dick defeat her every time?

Who/ what is the strongest character in SoulsBorne?


The strongest character period? I would vouch to say Vendrick or Gwyn. MAYBE one of The Old Ones, but we cannot vouch for their abilities beyond generating Dreams and Nightmares.

My money is on Vendrick. At least, mechanically speaking. His hollow zombie deals significantly more damage than Gwyn's does, and even though he's not bacon, his sword isn't ablaze either.

>tfw Maria was turned into a sex slave and was double-stuffed by twin Sharks every day until she died of her wounds

make it a 5 team battle, three hard bosses, and two gimmicky bosses

False King
Storm King
Dragon God

Ornstein and Smough
Bed of Chaos

Fume Knight
Sir Alonne
Lud and Zallen
Ancient Dragon
Executioners Chariot

Orphan of Kos
The one reborn

Nameless King
Champion Gundyr
Pontiff Sulyvahn
Yhorm the Giant
Deacons of the deep

Who Wins?

old king doran

The imprisoned shoggoth

Your BB bosses suck. Have you never played the chalice dungeons?

it was a dream you tard she never existed

Chalice dungeons are only difficult in the gimped health scenario parts though.

If the bosses were fighting each other, they wouldn't be gimped.

That's a pretty bold assumption considering the boundaries of what's human and what's not in the games

Best waifu definitely

Honestly bed of chaos would probably beat nearly all those bosses in a fight merely because they wouldn't know how to handle it. Gamewise anyway.

If we are talking like just based on their respective fights though, manus or flame lurker alone would pretty much annihilate all other bosses in a man fight, and i'm pretty sure manus would just beat flame lurker because of bullshit dark ball spam.

The obvious weakest link is DaS3, nothing is remotely ass difficult.

Pontiff is pretty fucking cool though, and i'l like to believe technically he could cheese almost anyone lore wise with his stand.

>The Master in NG+

that's a fucking moba right there

Loran Darkbeast is a better gimmick fight than the one reborn.

GG, I don't even know why you typed the rest out.

Her and Gherman have the strongest willpower anyway. They never turned.


Lady Maria is canonically my cum dumpster.

I never fapped to her. Her body isn't special.

I think it's a toss up between Gwyn or The Good Hunter.
Gwyn's Credits:
>Warred against the immortal dragons in his prime
>divided his soul into 5 parts, then made himself kindling for the First Flame, then wasted away for god knows how long in the Kiln and still is leagues above any of the other Lords in Lordran
>soul is so potent that it maintains its uniqueness and stands out as the strongest next to hundreds or thousands of cycles of linking the fire within the Soul of Cinder
Gwyn's Failures:
>Lost his war against the demons of Izalith, retreating
>by dividing his power he is always inevitably destroyed by the immortal Chosen Undead or Ashen One because he forsook his own immortality

The Good Hunter's credits:
>Access to the Hunter's Dream, a haven that grants him immortality and can only be accessed by him and those that he allows into it
>Kills 5 Great Ones where no Hunter has come close to killing one, taking their blood for his own
>is immune to the godlike power of the Moon Presence, which crippled and captivated Gehrman, the first and greatest of the Hunters
>ascends beyond his humanity to become an infant Great One, unique amongst the others and becomes the sole denizen of the Hunter's Dream
Against the Good Hunter:
>Needed the Hunter's Dream to reach his full strength as a human and needs it to mature into an adult Great One, would not have surpassed Humanity otherwise
>still needs to buy blood vials

Moba based around soulsborne enemies and bosses. I'd probably try it.

Eh I reckon Gehrman could've taken her

>still needs to buy blood vials

From behind, if you know what he means.

Bloodletting beast is a champ.

I hope youre also OP because youre fucking retarded

the rakuyo description literally says she threw the weapon in the well, not that she killed herself there

good job not understanding what the dreams/ nightmares are

right up there with the idiots who think someone "hosts" the dreams

>You enter the Nightmare by touching a corpse
>You later fight a living version of this corpse in mensis, whose title is literally "Host of the Nightmare"

How much clearer does the game need to make it before you stop being a retard?

What weapon for ruthless invasions? I don't care about honorable duels. No gun bullshit though.

50 BLT Bloodletter with good gems

L2 is usually a 1-shot
And it's AoE
Pop a lead elixir and take out gank squads with zero effort

If she was stronger how did she lose?
checkmate waifufag

Go kill yourself

The dream doesnt end when micolash dies

the original (japanese) name is Master/Lord of the Nightmare

>Maria refused to use the chikage because she didn't like using blood to fight
>In her fight, she uses almost nothing but blood
What does it mean?


But you don't wake up after killing Micolash.


It's said that she doesn't like to use blood, not that she absolutely won't when her life is in danger.

>in the real world

"Host" is a mistranslation. Mikolash's original title is "悪夢の主", which actually translates as "lord of the nightmare" or "owner of the nightmare".

Also, the blood-letting beast uses exactly the same term "獣血の主" which translates as "lord of the beast blood".

Rakuyo, Reiterpallasch or Saif?

What the fuck is even so special about Micolash then?

Is he just a normal dude who entered the nightmare and declared himself king?

He means the past, he's talking about untended graves.

You find the chaos blade in the same place he was standing.

you mean the puffiest vulva haha right?

Yes, he even wears a crown

He's the leader of the School of Mensis, and is probably the person who contacted Mergo in the first place. He's kind of like Gherman.

We'll I'm glad you backed up your claim with so much irrefutable evidence! Wow! That settles that!

You're wrong all in all, though. The player characters are strongest, always, because they have a human intelligence behind them. Any NPC will always be limited by programming and no matter how bookoo you make their abilities, they will always be surmountable.

You're a fucking genius

How would Ornstein and Smough play?

>Souls games
>Local gods only, bound to a single planet and world

>Beings on several different planes of reality that wouldn't give half a fuck if all of the world went to the shitter cause they will just move someplay else

Hunter took down much bigger things than the Souls guys.

pick one

pthumerian descendant is stronger

>Lady Maria
one player plays O one S, if one or the other dies, your ultimate is ready, aka you go big and your skills change