I know you miss me, but you're just too proud to admit it

I know you miss me, but you're just too proud to admit it.

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It's still my favorite, and I say that with no irony at all. I beat all of them, but have logged triple the hours on DS2. It's comfy and better suited to methodically exploring with a shield/spear. Also I don't mind that most bosses are humanoid knights because it's castle - based so I expect to find the majority of those types of bosses. /V has been pants-on-head dumb about DS2 for years.

Dark Souls 3 is a great game, but fuck me it felt like it took too many steps back compared to DS2
>no poise
>no proper dual stancing
>smaller weapon and armor variety
>less spells that are even shittier and nerfed than in DS2
>WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much fanservice, which ironically is one of the reasons everyone shits on DS2
>even more liner
>way too many gimmick bossfights

I like them all, but DS1 will always be the king.

It's a marginal thing but i liked it more because it had new cool areas like heide, eleum loyce, tseldora not anor londo again, izalith 2, valley of defilement 2, generic catacomb #3647474

I like DS2 more than 3 at the moment. 3 is such a chore to play.


DS2 > DS3 > DS2 > BB > DeS

not poo - posting at all. That's how much I enjoyed each

you wrote DS2 twice,
which one did you mean to be just DS?

People thought 2 was fanservicey? Jesus, 3 has more "get it, like DS1??!!??!? Xdxdxd" than any game ever.

I like Bloodborne and DS2 the most, which basically means that most /v thinks I should be put in an oven.

Ita so bullshit i need to go to the ng++ to get the last miraclea and pyromancys there is anyway u can rush thia game? I'm lvl 180 and i just started ng+

it was a more interesting sequel, but 3 is the higher quality sequel

People threw a massive shitfit because it had Ornstein on it, which I guess is understandable, the four Great Ones had the souls of the DS1 bosses, which was such an obscure and subtle reference to them, plus you got them only on NG+, and the Sunlight Altar. All things DS3 has, in even larger amounts. It's like playing Bloodborne with a DS1 coating.

Also I forgot to add DS2 had much better NG+ than DS1 and DS3.

oh come on that's obvious

DS2 is a much worse looking game, but I feel like the lighting is actually much better if you run around with the torch. I just started scholar of the first sin after playing the original game and they added like invisible hollows that you can only find by their shadow and they give you great stuff.
Also DS2 switching so many things up between SotFS and both NG+ makes it the only game worth playing more than once. It's like an entirely new game with new weapons/armor to collect and all sorts of new encounters. It's really a shame that all DS3 offers is the full lothric sword and rings that give you +40% cast speed instead of the normal +30% that's pretty much max cast speed anyway.

The only thing I miss is guardbreak which is so much better than the shitty kick.
Everything else can fuck right off, especially powerstance and those giant ass weapons inspired by korean mmos. DaS2 is pretty much Dark Souls: Anime Edition.

Also, next to zero invasion in 350 hours played.

Going to play it as soon as I'm off work. Love it.

I really did not.
2 is a chinese knock-off game that was a slog to play start to finish. Every other game in the souls franchise is miles better in every way.

DLC was good though


I have 500 hours in Scholar

finally someane who thinks like me about dark souls 2. it seems like the people on Sup Forums either don't like it or are just following the 'meme' to call dark souls 2 a bad game. even though it had alot of great features that are not to be found in dark souls 1 or dark souls 3

I haven't even played 3 and I thought that 2 recycled way too much content from 1. Christ that's terrible. Maybe I'll pick up 3 if the issues are fixed in the dlc.

i can't buy the game . because i live in faking poor country . i have only the torrent version

Steam family sharing is your friend.

>Great Ones had the souls of the DS1 bosses
This was in NG+ though.

Are we really supposed to believe that NG+ additions are canon?

DaS1 and 3 feel so easy after playing DaS2 though. After putting 500 hours in DaS2, I feel like I just slept through DaS3 because of non-stop unpunishable rolling + instant Estus.

Dark souls 2 is literally the worst game of all time made me vomit and sterile killed my father raped my mother etc.

As a long time extreme souls fan, I have never gotten tired of ANY souls game as quickly as I did with das3.
I have literally no desire to play 3 after putting hundreds of hours into into the others. It's just SOOOOO BLAND.

If you have beaten ds2 more than once you're retarded and need to kill yourself for the benefit of humanity.

Since this is a souls thread, I wanted to ask a question:

I'm looking to pick up Demon's Souls, a bit late, I know. Did Demon's Souls get any dlc, and if so, is there a version of it I can get that has all of it? Or would I have to get it through PSN.

Ironically, it makes even less sense to play through DS3 more than once due to the crippled nonlinearity, lack of viable builds, and lack of NG+ content.

For all the shit people gave about the pve in DaS2, at least it had some level gimmicks that changed things up. DaS3 is lacking areas like the gutter, shaded woods, shulva, brume tower, earthen peak, amana, no mans warth etc. All it has is a poor mans valley of defilement. I was so hyped for the giant archer, but it turned out to be nothing.

>Not playing Bloodborne instead

What's wrong? Not gud enough or no PS4?

pretty much this

>hmm what should I do today.. guess I can play dexfag, pyromancy.

What is even the point of armor in this game. It literally does anything and vitality is pointless

It's never too late to pick up a classic. No DLC and yes I think you can only get it through PSN.

If Dark Souls 2 re-released with Dark Souls 3 graphics, I wouldn't be playing DaS3.

Yeah, me too, they'd just need to make it have 3's animations, level design, and mechanics too.

But DS3 has the worst mechanics in the series.

I never actually got to scholar content because the base game was just so fucking boring

>level design
Fuck no
why are you even typing.

I do not know, man.
Shrine of Amana and The Gutter always persuade me not to replay the game.

No, DS3 is better in every aspect,except for one:
Red Iron Twinblade

But Shrine Of Amana is amazing. It's not even that hard, all you need is some basic dodging skill.
And Gutter is pretty atmospheric - again, you can smash the statues with impunity if you have the foresight to bring a backup weapon.


Shrine is fun as fuck considering dodging magic is the only time in the game where combat (outside of bosses) isn't "side step or roll then backstab".

Played three bosses into this game the other day and quit. It's worse than I expected. I thought the people shitting on it were exaggerating.

I beat 1, started playing SOTFS but stopped early on because 3 came out, and I wanted to play it while it was new.

I have to say, what I played of 2 felt better than 3. 2 actually felt like something different and fresh, 3 feels like more of the same so far.

DS2 is still the best in the series.

My brother on his ng+5 of ds3 and its so ridiclously easy that I installed dark souls 1 and told him to play it and he gotten to the 3rd bonfire so far before going back to dark souls 3, cause dark souls 1 is 'slow and clunky'

He has ds2, ds3 his first ds game so I can't expect much, but I feel like dark souls 2 is prob the 'easiest' dark souls to become familar with, cause he swings like a retard all the time and has his friends carry him.

I know he will never beat dark souls 1 without co-op so my point I'm trying to say is that dark souls 2/3 are more casual than dark souls 1 and that dark souls 2 is prob the most balanced of the 3, considering its diffculty scaling with the estus shard collecting and purchasble healing equipment, compared to the crazy heal amount in ds1 and the overstocked estus in ds3

God I miss twinblades, Dragonrider twinblade was my go to weapon for many of my playthroughs.

But more than anything I miss having full left handed weapon movesets, instead of the fucking retarded blocking animation. It doesn't make any god damn sense.

BB > DS1 > DeS > DS3 >>>>>>>> dog shit >>>>>>>> cock >>>>>>>>>>>>>> shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sotfs >>> DS2

I never tried any of the DLC, I traded in DS2 within a month of release b/c soul memory made everything pointless.


Dark Souls 1 was terrible, half of the game was unfinished.

What is the justification for the weird hitboxes as far as DaS2 fans are concerned?

After playing through 3 3 times, I went back to SOTFS. I remember thinking 3 was easier but goddamn I'd forgotten how much harder 2 was.

Found the co-op cuckold

>liking video games and dog poop more than cock
Found the faggot.

>to level up, find a bonfire

>to level up, find a bonfire, teleport to Majula, talk to the girl, skip her four opening lines, kneel

I seriously hate when things become worse in a sequel.

>rating cock as 5th in your list
>dogshit rated higher than cock


What's a babby mode class in ds3 for cruise control PVE?

Git gud

it was lore related though

its still the worst in the series, by a fairly wide margin

I'm willing to accept that different people have different tastes, but I can't think of a single thing that DS2 didn't do worse than DS1

or at best attempted to mix together the features of demon souls without really understanding what made that game good

the proof of this is that all of the changes that DS2 introduced were discarded for DS3

>what is lore?

At least half of the people complaining about hitboxes were just people who didn't know what ADP was.

I've never seen anything particularly worse than DS1/DS3.

only area in the second half i would deem shit is demonruins/lostizalith. the rest is fine and way better than any of the areas in 2

its like they took the level designers for demon ruins, told them to smoke crack and make DS2

If Scholar of the First Sin found a need to shuffle all of the enemies, then maybe the enemies weren't placed in a meaningful way in the first place.

and checkmate DS2 sucked.

I got invaded yesterday in sinner's rise at lvl 180. I didn't think anyone was playing anymore on PS4 since there were no summon sign near the bosses.

>I've never seen anything particularly worse than DS1/DS3.
That's a dumb comparison. It's like saying, "Oh, my left arm is broken, but it's only as broken as my right arm, which is also broken."

>Dark Souls
>meaningful anything
These guys can't be arsed to write an actual story and you expect them to pay attention to details like enemy placements?

>but I can't think of a single thing that DS2 didn't do worse than DS1

It was a finished game, for one thing.

>the proof of this is that all of the changes that DS2 introduced were discarded for DS3

Your argument that these features were bad is not based on how they affected the gameplay but that the same developer that introduced those features made the rookie mistake of scrapping them entirely instead of fixing them?

It's a good comparison when Dark Souls fans proclaim that one is significantly worse than the other.

They also excuse it by saying that 1 had bad hitboxes too (which it did), even though 2's are still consistently worse and it still doesn't justify anything.

I hope Alsanna was freed from watching the Chaos by DS3 and lives happily ever after


Here's some pasta for you senpai.

Good changes DaS2 made that FROM removed in DaS3 for some retarded reason

>Ascetics, not to respawn enemies but to respawn bosses
>Able to use a weapons full moveset in the left hand
>Upgrading shields actually improved their stats, not just the stability
>Depleting your stamina caused your character to breathe heavily
>You didn't lose your momentum from falling down 2 feet
>Poise wasn't as retarded as in 1 or as useless as in 3
>Slower estus recovery animation
>Increased rolling stamina cost
>Interacting with the environment unlocked secrets, like lighting all the scones in The Gutter
>Other secrets like the pig and the pickaxe
>Pharros Lockstones and Fragrant Branches to manipulate the environment
>Getting wet reduced your characters lightning resistance while boosting your fire resistance
>NG+ didn't just increase enemy HP and damage, it added new enemies and items
>rolling in poison pools made your poison build up continue even on dry land because you were still covered in it
>rolling in snow/poison/water covered you in it, and it slowly disappeared
>You could activate several pools of blood at once, resulting in hilarity
>You could be invaded even if you were hollow and if the boss was dead, but at a lower chance
>You could burn an effigy to block invaders, but as a result you blocked summons as well
>Poison builds were not only viable, they were useful
>You could roll in more directions when locked on
>Hexes were fleshed out
>White phantoms couldn't Estus with an invader in the world
>Small soapstones if you wanted help with the area before a boss, without having to Black Crystal to solo the boss

I would actually reinstall you if the online wasn't dead.

DaS3 PvP bored within a few days thanks to broken covenants and the straight sword/cestus meme.

What's with the random red enemies in SOTFS? I'm not talking about the invading ones, just the basic enemies now coated in red.

Even though this will go over poorly, and is probably false-flagging, I can't help but be happy that you're giving this guy more views.

jesus, looks like a ps2 game

ds2 truly was the dark days of souls

>above anything


Doesn't prevent me from enjoying the game none the less.

I played the game with proper brightness settings and had to use the torch to see the deep water.
I dodged the soul arrows by actually running around them. Shit was fun as fuck.
Screw those miyazakimatosis cocksuckers for being petty bitches.

Objectively speaking

DS = BB > DS2 > DS3 > DeS

3 just barely edges out DeS because it has good bosses, but the world of DeS is better. DS3 had the weakest environments/level design in the franchise.

>hold your shield up and circle strafe, the game

no thanks tanimura

This is all your fault. You decried DaS2 as a bad game. You made From roll back these changes. You're the reason these features were removed.

Hope you're proud of yourself.

Those are NG+ changes, unless I'm forgetting some from NG.

Demon Souls had them too, in NG even.

they just couldn't make the transition from fighting one enemy at a time to multiple (read: git gud) so they say the game is bad.

So do I have to buy DaS2 twice to enjoy it remotely?

>rookie mistake of scrapping them entirely instead of fixing them?
Besides ascetics and NG+, scrapping them WAS fixing them.

DaS3's animations are so fucking bad compared to DaS2.

This isn't even a subjective topic.

I have two gripes

The floaty feeling of movement doesn't suit the stye of gameplay

Enemy placement was designed to be as tedious and not fun as possible because it had to follow up with the Prepare to Dieā„¢ moniker

Caestus was fucking baller though, I'm fucking pissed about them in DS3

half of that shit doesnt make te core game any better

its fundamentally flawed

it's time to give it a rest tanimura, let big m handle game directing from now on

This explain why I couldn't remember ever seeing them before.

I'm almost done with DaS1 and I want to buy Scholar, but all the negative opinions make me scared.

You're fucking with me, right? There's no souls game with worse animations than DaS2's floaty, mocapped player animations.

SOTFS is better than DS2

>It's comfy and better suited to methodically exploring with a shield/spear
My brother.

The halberd moveset was wonky at first, but I fucking miss it -- especially the thrust from behind shields

Assassin if you aren't totally brain dead and only tend to die around bosses and tougher enemies
Pyromancer if you just die at every turn