Watch a bit of Overwatch on YouTube

>watch a bit of Overwatch on YouTube

It looks like the most shrug game ever. Why is Sup Forums losing its mind over this shit?

Other urls found in this thread:

Shills and normies flock here for a little while whenever AAA shit gets released. They'll go away soon enough.

They wanna play a feminist video game

We played the game instead of watching youtube videos, cuck.

>he can't spot shills


Because waifufags
Literally the only reason why this happened, in 300 daily threads you might get 1 dude who talks about the gameplay instead of how big Widowmaker's ass is or how thick Mei is

>Made a thread for a post that could go in any Overwatch thread
Because there's a shitload of idiots like you

no thanks chad-kun

Just pre-purchased the origins edition for a good price. I am now in sunk cost fallacy mode and required by my pride to defend the game whenever.

Jokes aside, there is nothing else to play for the next two months until Mirror's Edge or deu sex is out so this should fill the gap even though I'm 90% sure that before two weeks it will start to get stale.

In which of the 5 current ones user?

It's a new IP from an extremely popular company who haven't made a new IP in 15 years, made by the A-team who made vanilla and BC WoW who went off to make Project Titan while B-team interns stayed to manage current WoW. Project Titan ended up being Overwatch.

Also it's a fun game.

this, viral marketing


I don't play FPS

I played the beta because of waifus and because it was free and my friends were playing it

I had a lot of fun so I'm going to buy it

I'm with you, at this point in my life I'm so over shooters. I haven't touched the cod that came with my PS4 just because I don't give a shit. I'd like something fun like TF2 but that was a huge time sink and I'm done.

its a fun shooter

I know it's hard to believe but a good portion of Sup Forums count on overwatch to give them female interaction. You see the beta fag garbage that plays overwatch only does so because they are obssessed with the female characters.

Funny how nobody points that out when EVERY one of them is about the waifus, but when one is about criticism or bashing oh no, that's one thread too much.

There was an open beta, everyone had a chance to play it. It's a fun game. Watching the game being played doesn't do it justice. You should have tried it.

I don't get the while shilling craze with this game. Everyone got a change to try it for free. At this point everyone knows if they'd want to buy it or not.

I both love and hate how the Overwatch shills are battling against the Battleborn shills, though the latter ran out of money and doesn't has much presence anymore

Please stop using Sup Forums as your battleground, shills

because only degenerates are posting in the ones about waifus anyway, and we have a lot of degenerates here who enjoy it and the rest don't care enough to complain. I am entirely aware there is a different thread always up for each corresponding girl though.

Blizzard and they learned how to not have meh marketing from HotS' failure.

Don't fall for the marketers

Blizzard fucked up



Most Sup Forums is fucking pathetic just because you faggots don't like to enjoy videogames anymore doesn't mean the rest have to. keep shitposting, meanwhile in some hours i'll be enjoying ;^)

Ight Doom shill get out of here.

>"hey guys, check out how much I dont like popular thing"

You did it, OP

You're an official Sup Forumsirgin now

You get to be a part of our cool club and use our exclusive memes

Hey everybody, lets welcome our new comrade!


After all my friend convinced me to buy Destiny, and I hated it, I convinced myself I was over multiplayer. I shrugged off most releases.

>SFM Overwatch porn every where
>Hana being a cute
>Mei being a thic
>dat Widowmaker

>Played the open beta

I'm in. Going to work a twelve hour shift when I get up, but after that I've got a five day weekend with Hana (or Symmetra, Tracer, Mei, and Widow; I'm a team player after all)
Can not wait.

Keep it to one thread at a time, asshole

soooo you didn't play it and are now judging it. good for you!

it's a fun casual shooter

is this the new Todd posting?

personally I'm savouring this because I miss Toddposts. It's just not the same after Fallout 4 came out.


I'm just gonna fap to thicc Mei and ignore everything else about the game.

>Why is Sup Forums losing its mind over this shit?
>Sup Forums

thats why.

If it's not a low profile Asian game, then Sup Forums is going to bitch about it, no matter what.

here let me help you

>watch a bit of Overwatch on YouTube
The funny thing is that you probably think of people who watch Let's Plays instead of actually playing games as subhuman, yet here you are thinking that a video of a game gives you an accurate impression of what it feels like to play.

>westaboos cry about fans of Jap games not shutting up about waifus
>Overwatch drops and that argument is strangely absent from Sup Forums

Why are people like OP so fucking dense on the concept of fun

If the game is fun people will play it. I wasn't gonna buy this shit until I played the OP beta and i had a blast so now im gonna buy it and spread the word to my friends. Blame waifu shitters for overglorifying the women in the game

>that argument is strangely absent from Sup Forums
There are people bitching about waifufags in this very thread, you fucking cockmongler.

The game looks fun but apparently this is the new era of viral marketing. Feels bad tbqh.

>implying you have to jump off a cliff to know its not probably a good idea
>cant judge murderers either who are you to say when you havent tried it yourself
you can know how things work in general without doing mistakes.

Those are both completely false analogies.