What video game character would you name your child after Sup Forums?
What video game character would you name your child after Sup Forums?
Gotta continue the family tradition and name all male children after Roman Emperors
Man Filipinos are retarded, and just brown enough to be Sonyggers apparently
>that one kid named after Nero
That was my Grandfather's name.
>first name is full name
Marisa, it's an actual name where I live, albeit a bit old fashioned
1000% guaranteed ladies man
Spotted the nigger
Who are you named after?
None because I'm not a fool who is unable to separate fantasy from reality.
This is so fucked up
Poor kid
Garuda 1
I'm trying to convince my wife if we have twin boys to name them Lucas and Claus.
Django but if anyone asks it's based off the movies
Kids named Sephiroth after FF7 came out are now old enough to post here now
More like every fucking person in my family has been a historian for the last 7 generations.
>tfw I'm a public relations manager
Maximus, everyone just calls me Max though.
Since she's in Hawaii, there is a good chance she is Japanese anyway. Otherwise she is going to be bullied for life
I'm not going to insult my child before he/she can even speak by naming them after a video game character. It's already rude enough bringing them into this world.
A child? Really? It's embarrassing enough when people name pets after characters.
Good taste
>Not naming him after Larry Foulke
you fucked up, buddy.
Hey it's better than white people naming their kids Sunshine Moon Space Healer or Twinkie.
It's not any worse than naming them after characters from shitty novels, which people have been doing for centuries
not bad
Is there a Titus already?
Shadow the Hedgehog
at least it can be shortened to rei or ray, though with the birthdate i hope they like star wars
or Beezow Doo-Doo Zopittybop-Bop-Bop
>naming your kid after Caligula
Have you got a Caligula in your family yet?
not yet. My parent's joked that if they only had a daughter they'd name her Cali.
Not that I'm aware of. My brother is named Claudius. He just goes by his middle name, Ryan
Caligula dindu nuffin, it was dem philosenate historians crakas
I will name my daughter Lorelei
>Plus our other friend has a son named Optimus Prime
You just can't make this shit up man.
Pic related
Seriously if I ever have a daughter that's going to be her name.
Or spics naming their kids after their favorite soccer team
What game is that from?
I need to find that video of the black woman who named her kid le-ah and says you're supposed to pronounce the dash.
It says "Yome" which means wife in Jap
This desu
is a cock ring
Isabelle is actually a legit cute name though, not a bad choice.
I'm having trouble deciding between Big Smoke and Salt Upon Wounds
Wow more like gluteus maximus lmao fkn rekt
No it says Ax.
All these years I thought the joke was some kind of BDSM thing about collars. Jesus.
>not giving your child an androgynous name in the off-chance they were born as the wrong gender
You guys are selfish and absolutely unbelievable.
>wanting fratricide
It's like you love suffering.
I wouldn't name it after the character but Aldrich is a really nice name.
Very true, I am going to refer to my kids by their birthdays until they choose their gender pronouns and what name they identify with
Did I just get spoilered for Mother 3?
I've only finished the first chapter.
>actually forcing your child to accept their birth year
You're a horrible parent
>mffw my niece is called America
And not the America you think of.
Why not just give them a number?
Girls aren't good with numbers! Asshole
I know mother 3 fans are faggots but you should probably finish the game you're trying to name your twins after.
Literature is art, though.
I'm not a monster, just the month and day because they might identify as be from the middle ages or say the industrial revolution
>my kid is named Africa
Some are good with 69
When my wife finally gives me a daughter instead of another son, she's getting named "Candy Tiffany
If you let your wife do that you deserve it
>month and day
>Actually denying your child its basic right to decide it's own birthday
>plus our other friend has a son named Optimus Prime
It's not a spoiler, I was just making a joke. Besides, it's an open secret in the game anyways. You should really finish Mother 3 before you try posting about it, you're asking for lots of spoilers otherwise.
>Sup Forums
>having children
Anyway, I'd use the names Vincent or Vivian, not after vidya characters, but vidya gave me the idea.
Though a friend told me Vivian was a whole name from the Bible or something.
I named my sons Jensen , Zelos , and Kamina. Thats pretty much it.
I'd name my daughter Adeleine and call her Ado for short
>being Mexican
>Being a supporter of the worse fubol club in Mexico
Mfw it took me a minute to realise you meant Isabelle, because Gelbooru sorts by japanese name so I thought you meant Shizue.
>not naming your child John or Eva
Of course month and day, if they didn't have that they wouldn't be able to follow the horoscope to know what to do each day
Is this your niece?
Kek I know a guy named Prime after Primus . Its honestly a pretty great name. He gets complimentes on it alot
I now want to know what would happen if I name my kids Petrol, Unleaded, and Dugga.
Orran probably and it would fit because my son would be pale and get sunburnt easily just like me.
I've had girl names picked out for a long while already and won't change them
>first name is two names
At least it wasn't Dohvakiin or whatever that poor fucking kid was named.
Crap, I just remembered there's an entire generation of girls named Renesmee. Fucking snowflake ass games
I can think of a lot of jokes about priming a motor based on his name.
Armand if boy
Eloise if girl
I think I've been playing too many french dukes in CK2 though
>first name is both a first and last name
I dated a girl named Tifa before. It was alright.
>giving your child a Jap name
You better be at least Asian.
>first name is William
I'm pretty happy with it. The characters that have the name are also generally based. I'd probably name my kid William too.
>people calling their daughters Renesmee are allowed to have children on first place
How comes that I haven't been able to get a gf yet?
it's actually Éloïse in french but whatever
Best tutorial campaign.
I'm on my phone, and I'm too lazy to change the keyboard but you are right. Glad you caught that, now that you mention it I wonder how many people would mispell her name
Honestly, if it's a subtle vidya name that actually sounds like an actual name, it's fine. Kids that are named Dovahkiin or whatever are dead on arrival at school.
It's a different spelling or whatever you call it of the Spanish word. Camina.
Which means walking or walk. He had trouble walking because problems with his legs, went though alot of surgery be his legs were messed up, we were told he wasn't ever going to walk.
I don't think it would matter since english speaking people generally can't properly pronounce or write french names.
There are women who have sex with animals too, user. Also women who like getting shat on (and not metaphorically) and tons of other unspeakable acts.
The world is a funny, fucked up place
How about Guybrush
I was going to say that name is retarded, but "Walker" is a pretty common name in English.