Soooo... does this game actually have a story or what...

Soooo... does this game actually have a story or what? Because all I see in the trailers is blam blam blam kablooey pbthpbthpbthpbthpdthdth lol

yea it has a fucking story it's the git good story

video games


No it doesn't
Problem ?

Yes, it has, but it's obviously far from being the main point of the game.
Also, before making a thread about a game, check the catalog if there isn't already existing ones. Because there are currently 3 other doom threads that you could have posted in.

>story is needed to have fun
i bet you like shit like Gone Home, faggot

Gameplay is the most important part

No it doesn't.
Go play Clive Berker's Jericho, which has outstanding story and abso-fucking-lutely abbysmal gameplay.

>gameplay is only grafex and exploshuns XD
>storeys wats matters XDDD


>Demons from Hell are invading Mars.
>Go kill them all.
There's your story, and that's all the story you need.

There's more in it if you want to look, but plenty of people can't be arsed.

>Posting Unicorn Nerd

The story is presented almost exclusively via item and pickup descriptions that the player can read whenever they feel like it, ala Dark Souls style. I didn't think I'd like it at first, but it actually works really well for DOOM and compliments the run-n-gun game.

Dark Souls is probably my favourite type of game narrative and its nice to see DOOM follow suit. A few forced cutscenes in the game (around four or five) which sucks, but aside from that it's all active, interactive narrative.

>playing Doom for the story




>Guy named Doom is sealed
>Doom is unsealed
>Doom is angry and Doom wants to kill demons
>Doom kills everything

I giggled xD

It's shit. Dead Space cult nonsense and some Crysis I mean Praetor suited hero saves the day.

No. It's just running around small, linear levels shooting monsters until you get locked in a tiny arena where you shoot more monsters before you're allowed to move on.

It's a massive step backwards from Doom 3.


Ibrahim is that you

The game has a plot, it's just DOOMguy has no time for it and dismisses it as quickly as the rest of us so he can get back to killing.

Best plot in vidya for fucking years as far as I'm concerned.

I like how whenever Samuel Hyden is trying to deliver the story Doomguy is always like, fuck that shit I got demons to kill.

Wow, I never thought I'd see people say stories don't matter in video games. Doom 3 had a great story with a combination of Half-Life and Dead Space feel to it. Doom apparently has pretty graphics and fun gunplay, and that's it.

I'm curious what you guys thought about Fallout 4. It had pretty graphics and fun gameplay. You probably thought it was the greatest game ever, right?

Jared is that you


But it doesn't have either of those?

Its meta as fuck. Its the Doomguy from 1993 placed into a game world from 2016, in the same way he was encased in rock for years and the world changed around him.

No one gives a shit, nerd
If I want to make another doom thread, I will.
Faggot lol

i hope it's just "bam bam kablooey" fuck stories.give me my god damn VIDEO GAME

>Doom 3
>great story

Read a book faglord.

>implying doom can't take whatever the fuck it wants from other fps games
>implying that either itself or wolfenstein didn't inspire/pave the way for said games to begin with

Rip and tear, faggot.

What if the story is that there is no story?

FO4 has neither of those things

>Wow, I never thought I'd see people say stories don't matter in video games.
How new are you? Its like the number one complaint about modern shooting games (and other genres).

>fallout 4
>pretty graphics and fun gameplay


everything about fallout 4 was just ass. i went in with low expectations and I was still disappointed. for such a 'big' release it was easily one of the most forgettable games I've played

>game comes out
>style over substance
>90% gameplay
>even MC doesn't give a fuck about the plot
>storyfags crying

Absolutely based. Although my favorite series is still heavy story this game is fucking awesome and proves story isn't needed. Go play an RPG.

That's the implication, but I don't think that's canon.

The game has established that he's one of the Night Sentinels from Argent D'nur, a world that ends up being in Hell. The Doom Slayer is the betrayer of the Sentinels and the supposed leader of them, he made a contract with the hell priest to save his son. This didn't work out, his world ends up getting destroyed, all of the sentinels are dead and he's the only one alive. So he gets messed up and starts to ravage hell, ends up killing the Titan and continues the slaughter until Hell priests or whatever trap him. He's not the same guy from Doom 1/2/64/whatever, unless it was retconned.

>mfw storyfags

If you want a story go read a book or something faggot

Just turn off your brain if you want to play vidya


ancient good awakens

It does. It has cutscenes that stop the game, voiceovers during levels, and boss fights that are literally circular arenas.

what do you think doomguy's butt smells like? lol just wondering haha


probably like a butt XD

i was trying to avoid using glory kills but when you either waste an extra shotgun shell or just hit F I tend to do the glory kill even though I dont want to. Also is there some cheat to unlock all of the weapon mods and all taht shit? I hate these stupid pointless upgrade systems and I just want it all immediately but idkfa doesnt work

>I may need to listen to the Slayer's Testaments again, but I thought the betrayer's son is killed, he betrays the sentinels to bring him back, and they do - just as a demon that is implied to end up killing him. So Betrayer =/= Doomguy.

>I never thought I'd see people say stories don't matter in video games
Be honest, how new are you?

>I'm curious what you guys thought about Fallout 4

Unless there's different dimensions/realities I was under the assumption he's the same dude
I just got to that story node in hell where they talk about the cyber demon rising and doom guy coming and slapping his shit