I honestly don't think I've ever been more disapponted in how great a game looks and sounds and how fucking awful it actually plays.
I honestly don't think I've ever been more disapponted in how great a game looks and sounds and how fucking awful it...
>Ni No Kuni is too hard
Call of Duty/Overwatch threads are down the hall and to the left OP. If by some miracle you're not shitposting, keep your teammate's MPs up with MP replenishing items. Triangle makes everyone go into Defense mode immediately, Tactics exists, etc.
In all, quit being bad.
Fucking this.
It looked charming and gorgeous, but the gameplay and combat was mind-numbing.
I feel the same way about Ys. It's a game so praised, yet the shit looks like Final Fantasy 1 or something.
>A game can only play awfully if its too hard.
You probably liked White Knight Chronicle
It's not hard, it's just not fun, user.
This shit doesn't stop your companions from going literally braindead in combat, though. They'll still attack without their familiars out, just because.
And stuff like learning Defense mode after a boss where it would have been useful is still one of the dumbest things I've seen in video games.
Face it, the game was fine but the combat was shit and people who were bad at it weren't entirely at fault.
Yeah no not even close.
FFIX being slow is nothing compared to Ni no Kunis myriad of issues.
That's exactly what I tell people about that game.
It sounds great and has a great style.
You actively have to fight the fucking systems to play the fucking game.
No don't use magic, dude.
No, dude. Use the banana monster I gave you. The banana monster! FUCK.
This game was a fucking disaster, it had no business being a video game. They should have just fucked off and made another whimsical anime for all the weebs to harp on about.
Fragile dreams was fantastic except for the combat being terrible and the section where you basically have to backtrack to the beginning of the game basically.
It's not a case of difficulty. It's a case of interest. Or in this case, a lack thereof.
for me it just felt like the game was holding my hand throughout the whole thing.
I was bored to tears after 6+ hours
It's fine, for people who claim to like video games you sure seem to not even try.
I agree completely, it had amazing presentation but the gameplay was mediocre.
I don't agree about the sound direction, that wasn't great at all. Hearing the same annoying repetitive music all over the overworld and during every random battle really grated on me more than anything else.
Oh, and fuck the dubtitles.
>tfw I managed to catch one of these before getting to the Fairy Island after six hours of deaths
>a planet-signed one at that
The best tank in the game, bar none.
Just make sure you give it to the girl so that she'll never die.
I don't think I've ever seen that one. I gave Esther the banana monster for tanking. And then again in bed.
Yeah, the tree monsters are kind of rare(they can only be found on one island, they only have one spawn point and their catch rate is pretty low) and the monsters there can be hard to deal with depending on your level.
I was really underleveled when I got mine because I had just gotten the boat, so my strategy was basically "spam Oliver's fire spell, use Swaine and Esther as meatshields and heal Esther when the monster's HP was low enough"
OP never said anything about it being hard. He said it was shit, mostly likely due to clunky D-pad controls and retarded AI.
Anyway I wholeheartedly agree that Ni No Kuni was absolute rubbish. Not just for the gameplay either, but the story and characters are uninspired JRPG schlock too. People were jizzing over this game because of muh ghibli art style, but when you get past the colorful presentation you're left with a subpar game.
I like how Sup Forums's argument to any kind of criticism is "I GUESS YOU JUST DONT LIKE GAMES"
Yeah, I agree with this too. Even for a JRPG, the writing in Ni no Kuni is very juvenile and characterization extremely shallow.
Wat. shitty gameplay =/= hard
Boring is the new hard, you just need to git gud.
Honestly though, it is not that new, Diablo 2 managed that 15 years ago.
>myriad of issues