should i buy?
will it be too simple/get boring?
should i buy?
will it be too simple/get boring?
If you played the open beta, you can wait because they haven't added anything since or announced what is next.
It's probably the shallowest game ever.
>should i buy?
>will it be too simple/get boring?
haven't played the beta
that's what I'm worried about, that it's too simple and it'll get boring
>that's what I'm worried about, that it's too simple and it'll get boring
self reply, didn't realize i already said that in the op
If you haven't played the beta, you should wait a bit after release to see how well it's holding players. don't buy into prerelease hype.
It's without a doubt one of the most simple fps games ever released. Which shouldn't surprise you, if you've ever played a Blizzard game. Taking a pre-existing concept and simplifying it to appeal to a wider audience is literally what the entire company is built on.
>Should I start another shitpost thread?
No, no you shouldn't.
I want to make a meta shilling post but there's no need any more, marketers are out in full force today
It's an extremely "alright" game
You either like it or hate it.
I'm personally full hyped for the launch in 6 hours and 48 minutes.
>should i buy?
it's so good, you should buy 2 copies. 1 for collectible purposes.
fuck that, you should buy a copy for every member of your family + friends, you won't regret it son
It's fun. If you have no friends though I'd wait and see.
the beta was the perfect time to test this game whether it was for you or not
very rare you can actually playtest a game and judge if you want it or not
The open beta is the most fun I've had in a video game in a long time tb h
Although it probably will be frustrating without friends
you should buy it, Overwatch will literally get you laid, dude.
I was pretty burnt out by the time the beta ended, and that was after about 20 hours. You're definitely gonna be seeing a lot of buyers remorse for this shit over the the coming weeks, I can guarantee it. Reminds me a lot of Shadow Run actually. For the first week you play it seems like the best game ever and something you'll never get bored of, but soon enough it grows stale and tiresome and you can't even bare to think about it anymore.
Of course not. Overwatch's an overrated piece of garbage that only gets players because of sexist shit like oversexualized characters
If you want a cartoony hero shooter you should get Battleborn instead. It has loads of gamemodes (pvp and co-op), character leveling, absolutely no microtransactions and some epic character designs
>inb4 shill xD
No, I just support good games with my money, as you should. Overwatch isn't a good game
Battleborn has some of the ugliest characters I've ever seen
The only good thing about battle born is the opening cinematic
post in one of the other 50 threads, you cocksucker.
Felt like a poor man's TF2 from what I've played from in the beta.
I mean it was really fun when i played it. and totally worth 40 dollars. i wouldnt get the 60 dollar one tho. it's the sort f game i'm going to play a lot for the week or so. then i'll likely start playing it like i do league. 1 hour or so a day.
silky smooth 3 fps
I love traditional western style 2d animation, I honestly think it's becoming somewhat of a lost art form, but they really made it look bad.
How many threads do you need?
And no blizzard, I'm not buying your overpriced tf2 clone.
>ITT people who didn't play the beta
I'm always amused at how Sup Forums just know to shitpost about games they don't even played
It's the Hearthstone of CCG. Everybody will tell you it's shitty, poorly balanced, shallow trash but still popular because Blizzard.
im just gonna hide this threads its really boring to watch 14 years old think "What If I Bought Colourful Beginner Candy Ass Shooter As My First Game" tier crap
How long can I wait until pre-order?
Anyone want to make a team?
my friends are a bunch of casual who only play League of legends so i'm sure i need to come here to play with actual non-retarded people
might see you sometime user
>that titanic bra hanging off the door
>0.10€ have been deposited
i don't have any friends is this game any good for the lone wolf kind of player?
played beta was boring after 4 hours if they wont release anything big on release dont bother
Just become really good with genji or tracer.
Another OverShill thread.
can someone buy me this game, I would really appreciate it
check your PM
shallow gameplay and slow, barren and simplistic game modes, deviant art character design.
>no single player or campaign
Do it.
>have a key for the division
>over 60 bucks on steam
>no money for overwatch
will anyone please accept this shit for it?
>check eu price for overwatch
>eur 59.99
>equals $67
SO when are these shitty mods plan on following their own Global Rules and plan on moving all OverWatch threads to /vg/?
I have interest in the game
I have no intentions of buying and playing the fucking the game and Iamtired of seeing porn, ads, and recommendations of it spammed across the board trying to get me to buy it when I don't plan on doing so.
Depends on if you wanna pay 40 dollars to watch other people press Q op.
Goddamn, why is Mei so bae?