Its time for a good old Mount and Blade thread
What mod are you playing and hare you latest conquest story
Are you hyped for the new warsword update which will be out """ next week """?
Bannerlords when?
Rhodok brethren report in
Its time for a good old Mount and Blade thread
What mod are you playing and hare you latest conquest story
Are you hyped for the new warsword update which will be out """ next week """?
Bannerlords when?
Rhodok brethren report in
I've been playing A Clash of Kings because the show is back on. I'm just kind of doing nothing in the game besides building up a decent company of mixed troops. Hardest part for me is choosing which side to back.
Daily reminder that Floris is shit.
Why exactly everyone hates floris?
The only thing I disliked was the huge bandit/manhunter parties that surpass 1k troop count
Quality > Quantity
The troop trees for example get lots of new units but at the same time it takes away what makes factions unique. Not to mention they arent balanced at all.
Does diplomacy fix the constand lord treason? Im at dayy 600 in native and lords are getting indicted
every day. Also king harlaus only awards fiefs to himself his favoured vassal or me. they have 500+ men armys and the other vassals less than 50. Same for the other factions.
Fucking this. I'm doing the same thing, tried backing the Vale for starters, but they wouldn't go to war with anyone even at my suggestion, so I went and joined Qohor, took over Lorath and Norvos for them and then got bored of their shitty troops, went and joined the Iron Islands and helped them beat back the Riverlands. Did the quests to make the Free Folk, Dothraki and Targaryens invade, bored again so I started building up my right to rule, joined Lys and married a Lyseni princess, took Lorath for them, asked for it and was denied, so I started my own faction.
I now own Lys, Lorath and Braavos but I have no idea where to go from here. Diplomacy's a fucking joke and no faction will ever enter into even a non-aggression treaty. Worst of all I can't think of a decent name for my kingdom.
I don't think it does, but I could be wrong.
Harlaus is just a shit, Ragnar is a much better, fairer leader in most of my games. Harlaus is notoriously crap.
I've been trying to play Native Expanded but I'm having trouble getting started without manhunter parties destroying me before I can even gather up ~30 people.
I started playing classic mount and blade and im having a blast, even though i bought warband and f&s shortly after they came out but I played mostly mutliplayer in those games.
Anyway why do people ignore f&s and viking dlc and still play warband? It's like those game never came out for them? Even in bannerlord interviews and v threads they dont mention them.
Don't go full bandit at the beginning friend
Man hunters hunt you when you tart doing bandit shit
Instead start with doing fetch quests for lords and hunting bandits until you get a decent party then do what ever you want
>Man hunters hunt you when you tart doing bandit shit
Native Expanded
Manhunters and mercs hunt you down if you're smaller/weaker than they are.
f&s and viking are clunky and buggy compared to the native game and mods add way more interesting stuff compared to what the DLCs offer so people stick with the mods instead of clunky DLC
What this user said. I meant to say mercenaries in my first post, anyway.
There's always around ~5 or 6 groups of 30+ mercenaries near every large town, and they patrol out to villages and back at least once per day.
but that doesn't make sense desu
why would a manhunter do what a bandit does and get away with it?
shit mod
As far as i know yes it does fix that because its been a long while since king "this is mine too" halaus shoved fiefs into his ass when i added diplomacy
Is the A Clash of Kings mod even worth playing now?
I played it a while ago, got bored rather quickly.
Still waiting for that fucking new Warsword Conquest update, hype
There is an option to use Native troop trees in Floris, though
do you think bannerlord will be good?
also im on day 165 and captured 31 lords and 2 kings so far and i am keeping them cucked in a castle. Save scum whenever one of them escapes. I am going with swadians but i will betray them when i capture rest of the lords and capture swadian lords. Too bad you cant marry in classic m&b.
Which mods are fun?
>Join Swadia
>at war with the Khergit Khanate
>Rhodoks declare war shortly after
>They take Uxkhal while I'm busy taking Narra
>Vaegirs declare war
>Send massive armies to rape my fiefs and Narra
>I am literally dealing with the whole Vaegir army and occasional Khergits
>War ends with Khanate.
>Nords declare war
>Nords take Praven
>Vaegir try to siege castles
>I can barely hold them
>Literally all of Swadia is playing grab ass doing nothing at all while I defend everything myself
>Nation still falling apart despite my efforts
Why is every Swadian noble such a useless tool? I can't be everywhere at once, and literally anywhere I am not gets raped.
Should I just abandon Harlaus?
*drinks from your skull* x3
Can I be a human necromancer in Warsword Conquest and lead a spooky skeleton army?
F&S isn't anywhere near as good as Warband. I've played Vikings though, and it's actually pretty good now, though I heard it started off very buggy and all that.
I've played all the big mods, and along with Gekokujo and ACOK, Vikings is up there with the best. It's like an improved version of Brytenwalda. Downside is, Brytenwalda is free.
>Can I be a human necromancer in Warsword Conquest and lead a spooky skeleton army?
Not just the troop trees are unbalanced.
1257 AD and Gekokujo are fun as fuck
Warsword after update will be good too so wait a week and then get the mod
add that new caribbean pirate mod to the list too if you like pirate battles
And yes bannerlord so far is top notch based on the gameplay videos and the engine is fucking perfect for new mods
ACOK is much better after the recent patches and definitely worth retrying
This huge stack of desert eaters showed up near Sargoth.
Harlaus is the cuck king and its your fault joining his cuck squad
Join the true race and conquer the world
Depends what you're looking for.
Depending on how long ago you played it, there are slightly more quests to get started with, troop trees have been altered a lot and Qohor was added.
It's good if you want an ASOIAF game to play through, but it suffers from having too many factions if you ask me.
Gekokujo, 1257AD, A Clash of Kings, Perisno, Suvarnabhumi Mahayuth, Brytenwalda (once you are very familiar with the game). That should be enough to get you started.
haha try playing floris friend
Yes, he's always awful. Notorious for holding endless feasts while at war with 4 factions.
Abandon the sinking ship. Rhodoks are good for when you want to have easily defensible strongholds. Not much can make it past a hail of crossbow bolts.
I played it a couple of years ago and my problem was, other than the native-esque shit, there wasn't much else to do other than a few quests.
Are there any new gameplay systems or fluffy shit in it, like hunting for legendary gear and shit like that?
Cleansing the galaxy of rebel scum and hutt lovers. Being in the empire never felt this good also Star Wars Conquest is a nice M&B mod.
Do you why the swadias main export is butter?
because they use at as lube for the king Harlaus rape fests
>Niggers evolved into gibbons
>Tree shrews evolved into Native Americans
>Proboscis monkeys evolved into women
>Baboons evolved into the French
What the fuck am I looking at?
does it make sense now?
Yeah, there are some quests that reward legendary gear, quite a few now.
Outside of the quests and native shit like joining kingdoms or forging your own, there really isn't much to do, but that's a problem with all of M&B, really. It's the main problem I'm hoping Bannerlord fixes, along with diplomacy.
I loaded up my old Floris save a few days ago
>left the Nords to start my own kingdom
>struggling with money
>getting fucked by Nords
>buy land in Sargoth and Reyvadin to get guaranteed payouts every 2 weeks
>save up some money during peacetime
>take a castle when Nords declare war, and another one as a deal for accepting peace
>get more money
>take everything from the Vaegir (though they're still alive for some reason)
>end Swadia's pain and erase them from the map
>now planning to take the remaining 2 castles and Tihr from the Nords
Buying land in Floris feels like cheating, but I'm happy I'll finally conquer Calradia.
My fear is that I back a faction and they start losing.
>Poles evolved into toasters
Alrighty then
>Vietnamese evolved into tree shrews and Japanese people
>Arabs evolved into women
Yes, now it makes total sense.
Bannerlords will be released on the same date as Half Life 3.
Who /horsearcher/ here?
Jokes aside on the latest interview they said they are reworking some of the game mechanics after the community feed back and they game will be out either early 2017 or on the summer
It's pretty impossible when you're a high level and you support them. With the right troops you can hold a city against over 1000 enemies with about 200 men. Plus the AI tends to be shit at holding cities it takes.
The Reach is just about being beaten back with Dorne, House Targaryen, the Westerlands and the Stormlands attacking them for a long, long time.
If you're worried about that, join one of the free cities like Volantis or Myr because they very rarely get beaten back. The North is so big that they only really have to contend with the Free Folk, who are pretty easy to beat back.
Nah ill stick to my lance and blade and fight like a real man in close range
Didn't they say it would be out in some capacity, like an alpha or beta, before the end of the year?
>tfw burning and razing swadian scum villages and stealing butter as we speak
this just feels great
>Everyone hates Floris
Did I miss something?
they did mention a closed beta but there was no sign or talk about the close beta in the new interview
I don't think they will do it though
In the middle of conquering Calradia, the Swadians decided to host a feast at Suno.
I conquered Suno, thinking that might cancel the feast and get them back to fighting. Or at least they might conquer Suno.
Thus far they've spent about 3 days near Suno but they constantly fuck off to chase caravans and peasants instead of actually fulfilling the siege, and more Swadian war parties are arriving from across the map.
Stop feasting you shitheads, fuck
>Russians at the bottom
>Canadians that high
Pretty shit tier list there
Careful user, if Harlaus runs out of butter for his feasts he might even get off his fat ass and do something about his crumbling kingdom.
Hello Russian/Canadian friend
Rhodoks it is then.
>Lower Primates and Household Appliances
Enjoy being a good and loyal vassal to the just and wise bear kings
Get close to count Gerald and marry his daughter he is a strong vassal and her daughter falls in love easily
Even mr skel is a fat fuck that can't stop feasting.
I'm playing M&B as we speak and this thread somehow still makes me want to play.
Is that father of the king harlus?
he died doing what swadians kings do
feasting to death
play harder then
also post yer character i want to see your face
my nigga
Just got done defending this castle from 800 men with only 150 defenders.
This is me standing in the hall, victorious.
Any mods that change horse archer AI to something like original M&B? in WB they just charge like cavalry.
I know i can mico them but once you start having bigass armies it fells apart for some reason
>playing floris
>order troops to hold postion
>somehow i die while fighting from a crossbow shot
>dead now
>my troops are holding the line
>they wont move from the position
>archers are tearing them apart while they are just waiting and watching
>I cant use any commands because lol ur ded
I'm feeling physical pain watching this battle
Assign them to a new horse archery class and separate them from charger cavalry
This fixed the retard charging for me
Go to camp, mod options, you can make it so when you die they change whatever order to charge.
I'm gonna try that out, i always make a separate unit (i think 4 renamed as horse archery) but i forget when i amass them
I love Phantasy Calradia. I've played as an Elven ranger and a Dwarven cleric, so it's probably time to try out a necromancer character.
Nah mate, Human Paladin. You know how to play.
been playing Sands of Faith taking back the holy land from infidels and heretics
Deus Vult!
Fucking PEASANT coming through
How is that in comparison to 1257AD?
Fuck this is too true. They really need to sort this out for Bannerlord.
>posting the edited version
that's one of my webms you cheeky cunt
nice miss you tried cutting out at the end u shit cunt
>editing the true version
swadian niggers at its finest
post more
>swadian niggers
Typical lazy rhocock not even versed in proper mountainblade insults
Plan to destabilise the Calrad: Success
It's been over 16 days, but after a decent amount of conquering and ceding territory and antagonising various lords, the Calrad's internal politics are right fucked.
5 of the nations have been reduced to one-city provinces in whatever random land they took, which led to this bizarre clusterfuck.
Swadia controls the rest.
You might think that's a win for Harlaus, but all these fiefs are unassigned. Assigning them will piss someone off.
Here are the % of Disgruntled (not restless, Disgruntled) lords in each faction:
Swadia: 53%
Vaegiers: 59%
Khergit: 71%
Nords: 57%
Rhodoks: 33%
Sarranids: 80%
When I let this shit go, it's gonna be a shitstorm of defecting lords.
fuck u wanker
i'll do what i want
Nah im a proud nord unlike you filthy peasents
Why is this AI retarded sometimes
Lords won't give you shit despite killing millions in their name
Becoming a foot soldier will end up with your commander patrolling forever or running into impossible battles and getting your ass captured
I think its just better off building a fucking army yourself
Who's your favourite companion, Sup Forums?
Borcha probably
t. Ivan Ivanovitch Ivanosky
Jeremus and Lezalit
They both do something useful beside dying
is salmon pink the color of Vaegirs?