Why don't video games have cheat codes anymore?
Why don't video games have cheat codes anymore?
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lazy devs..
Because cheat codes have become DLC now, goy.
Worst girl.
it invalidates achivements, plus they are now sold as DLC
That's the one thing I'll always praise Rockstar for, they still have cheat codes
Because the game is so easy it doesn't need them, or the devs are too busy appealing to the masses they dont have time for fun stuff like big head mode and the likes.
We only ever cared about cheats because we were children back then. Cheats are fucking useless and ruin the game.
Youmu a shit.
Don't insult Youmu.
Youmu a dork
sIeep tight pupper
Devs are tired of getting cucked
it's not a pupper it's a human female you cuck
probably because games are programmed better so they don't need them as much. For old konami shit that was designed to eat quarters sometimes codes were almost necessary to beat the game the whole way through, now we have shit like save/checkpoints and in-game maps and shit like that.
Too video gamey
Imagine being the sort of casual who thinks Youmu is even worth mentioning when Utsuho exists
Yeah I BET you need cheat codes
I think San Andreas was the perfect example what happens when cheats go wrong, I think the reason cheats are becoming more rare now is because the devs don't want to give players tools to potentially break their game.
All she is is a smart Nuclear powered Aya.
Dumb raven..
And she also has wings
They bring you a short shallow moment of fun only to ruin the whole game afterwards.
How is it no fun allowed? They literally made San Andreas unbeatable?
You aint gotta be smart to be the best.
Devs got lazy, the dlc age meant now they can get your shekels for cheats instead.
1: Youmu
2: Utsuho
3: Cirno
4: China
Rest: irrelavent
>i'm a dumbfuck that uses cheats
>oh shit, these cheats broke the game
This is how you sound like.
they use cheat codes all the time these days. but for some reason, the codes are just always identical to my credit card number.
>that list
Fucking stop posting, user.
1. Rumia
2. Reimu
3. Seija
4. Shiki Eiki
5. Mokou
If you don't stop being retarded, I'll bully this fairy to death.
You forgot one.
I never used cheats but alright if you don't understand how cheats alter the games code then stay ignorant
Daily reminder to not trust youkais in any way, shape or form.
If you find yourself being attracted, liking or trusting a youkai in any measure, throw yourself into the nearest black hole or into the effect of equivalent "complete annihilation" implements
Hong Mei Ring a chink.
Nazrin is essentially a human metal detector.
Youkai are an endangered species. Please do not bully them to death as they are in danger of extinction.
Youmu is sleeping!
Please observe a member of the Youkai Internet Defense Force in it's natural habitat.
Note also the similarity in behavior when compared to a Chinese 50center, a member of the JIDF or a Russian Beetroot Poster, commonly called "Vatnik"
It's true that futons aired in the sun feel... good... zzz
Youkai do literally NOTHING wrong. Seija is a great example of this. Name one thing, ONE THING that Seija was in the wrong for trying to do. That's right, you can't.
Because the games became so casual and easy that implementing cheats is a waste of coding.
Notice the way a YIDF member defends beings generated by the coalescence of fear, superstition, evil, hallucinations or misunderstanding or all of the above.
Take notes as previous events regarding the subject defended are conveniently omitted or misremembered.
Make sure to write down everything, you will be tested at the end of this course.
Vidya is too easy to have them.
Also too lazy to add big head mode, paintball, etc.
People who find big head mode entertaining should be staked up and burned alive.
Riot mode in GTA games were the best.
>all that violence and chaos in the streets
>hating people for having harmless fun
people like you should be told not to be so violent
>mfw riot mode with weapons
Shit was intense, but fun as fuck
uncharted 4 has "cheat codes"
What the fuck are you even saying now
If you cheat and break the game, then the problem is on you, not the cheats.