Why does Sup Forums hate popular things?

Why does Sup Forums hate popular things?

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boring, toxic normal people eat the first shit they see, its good coz they dont have time to explore
meanwhile a hobbyist knows you better not fucking go for the babbys first shit, league of shit etcetc forced trends coz yuo know better.
Mostly coz popular things are forced everywhere and coz people who like popular are major faggots irl

The way you typed that hurt my eyes

t. 17 year old

Is not that Sup Forums hates popular things, it's more like Sup Forums hates when things get popular for things that are not part of why we play vidya

Take a look at all the OW threads
>Discussion about waifus, borderline porn
>Barely 1 or 2 people will talk about the gameplay
>People will start a new thread just because no one has typed anything in the last 10 seconds so they think the thread is dead

Hahaha that shit fuck song so funny xD i saw a streamer use it as donation song so funny

>these are the kind people you share a board with

one day I'll leave this place..

Popular games are usually trash.

EA/Ubisoft, Activision, Naughty Dog, etc games for example, very popular, but they have boring generic gameplay.

Because anything that the masses like is no longer unique and special. It becomes a global meme. O>Barely 1 or 2 people will talk about the gameplay
verused, ubiquitous, commonplace, stale.

when you spend most of your time on an image-board, arguing starts to become your favorite pass time.

why do you care what other people you'll never meet or interact with think?

does the existence of opinions that are different than yours make you upset?

It brings even more cancer to Sup Forums

>These posts
Man, summer is in full force today.

Because here is a popular thing to hate popular things

Because games that are popular 99.9% of the time are made for mass-market, and not enthusiasts. Diehards of a genre or franchise do not want something that's simplified or reduced for the purpose of appealing to a mass-market. They want something that stands alone as amazing on its own merit. There's a reason why Monster Hunter still, to this day, garners adoration on Sup Forums, but something like Battleborn is automatically shat on the moment it is brought up.

you are the cancer

Yeah say that to the guy using twitch memes.

also summer Sup Forums is not for another month and moot already debunked summer Sup Forums

>Sup Forums says they hate jews
>lets vote for a trump, the second most jewish candidate, MAGA!!
>Sup Forums says they hate popular games
>lets all buy dark souls every year..

>t. Hipster faggot
Kill yourself

>he actually thinks Sup Forums is one person
There are thousands of people here right now

Because we think that's all good critics do.

only me

Look at this angry uncharted 4 fan



I have no idea what you just said. And it's not helping to make the case for whatever point you're trying to make.


watch this video and then feel shame for what you do

>generic gameplay

As opposed to what? Avant-garde gameplay? Sort it out m8.

Daily reminder that Uncharted is literally aimed at the mentally retarded.


Because spergs can't sperg in a single thread and instead have to flood the board with their spaghetti.

Consider suicide

It's just part of growing older and becoming desynthesized with games

Think about it, back in the "glory days" whenever a game became popular and everyone wanted to play it, even people who browsed this board were acting like this

>New game is becoming popular
>"So cool, i want to play it too!"
>"It's a shame i don't own [console] to play that
>"I'm enjoying it a lot"

Not word for word, but it does reflect the general opinion one has when you are younger. Nowadays (Mostly true for the manchildren in this board) are like this

>Game becomes popular
>"Bet it's normieshit"
>"Look at those grass graphics, oh my god!"
>"Game has QTEs? DROPPED!"
>"Game is just waifubait!"
>"They censored 2 pixels! JUST"
>"The fanbase is austistic"
>"The gameplay is too simple"
>"Artificial difficulty! JUST"
>"Story is shit"

And so on, you know you are too old for videogames when you come up with arguments like these to not at least try a videogame