Just three weeks after launching...

>Just three weeks after launching, Gearbox’s hero shooter Battleborn is already down from $60 to $40 both at retail and digital. And oh, hey, did you know that Overwatch goes live today?
>It’s quite the coincidence that Blizzard launched the Overwatch beta on the day Battleborn came out, and it’s even more of a coincidence that Battleborn is getting a $20 price drop on the day Overwatch comes out. Who knows what these two lovable scamps will do next?
>Even Battleborn’s digital deluxe editions are down to $40, just in case you’re looking for a new video game that’s not Overwatch. Meanwhile, Overwatch will be live at 7pm Eastern.

Ahahahahahahahahhahahahaahhahahaha, suck it Blizzard.

It makes me happy to see Battleborn stomping Overwatch out of the video game news cycle for a change.

Other urls found in this thread:


>lost 50% of the player base in less than 3 weeks from release despite double XP weekend, new character dropping, and now a price drop
>claims victory

Jesus, this is cult - like delusion

Honest question, how come Battlebourne is only discussed when it's being compared to Overwatch. Is there nothing unique about the game that makes it stand on its own? Does it have to cling to the prominence of another title to even be relevant?

>lost 50% of its player base

That's bullcrap and you know it. Battleborn’s players have grown leaps and bounds since release and will explode with the price drop.

I don't get this ironic support of battleborn meme

Doesn't Battleborn have a full campaign as well?

Several layers of irony at work here.

Maybe it's probably because combing a FPS with slow as shit MOBA mechanics was stupid as fuck.

Matches can last up to an hour. AND you have to unlock characters on top of that.



I seriously don't understand

What's extra weird is that Battleborn is a MOBA, whereas Overwatch is a class-based shooter like TF2

They're actually quite different games

It's a bit like how hawken was only ever brought up when people were discussing mechwarrior online.

So yes.

>Challenging Blizzard.

It had 12,070 players (lol) at launch, and peaked at 5,907 during "DOUBLE XP WEEKEND".

Overwatch has cooldown based abilities (as opposed to animations serving as cooldowns) and MOBA oriented hero design. It also sucks because of how streamlined it is but Battleborn is a fucking sad excuse of a game.

Protip: BB didn't spend a ridiculously huge amount on advertising to distract from the mediocrity of their game. They were probably always planning on dropping price to dick Blizzard over. I wish Overwatch would come out already so you can see how much of that ad money came out of gameplay.

And? It happens all the time. People rush to play the game the day it's released and then it cools down. Not every player is going to play at the same time.

Overwatch will be packed tonight. Tomorrow early in the afternoon, the player count will be lower than when the servers go online tonight. Are you going to say Overwatch is a failure?

>competition is bad for the gaming industry
What the fuck?

Both games look like shit.

>Being this delusional

No, because it's going to have more than 12,000 players at launch.

From what I've seen of both games they don't really play anything alike, so I'm not sure why Gearbox is pushing to compete so much.

I'm pretty sure Gearbox' actual competition are games like SMNC and Orcs Must Die: Unchained, or arguably Leagues and Defense of the Ancients

I love that battleborn is only relevant because Overwatch exists

Otherwise it would fall into obscurity just like loadout did

>first double exp weekend since launch
>less than half of all players turn out for it


You do realize Overwatch had a pretty long beta. Most people already know what to expect.

Shill Overwatch
Good goy
Shill Overwatch

Under 30 days for a price drop = price protection eligible. $40 is pretty good for a release day pickup

>Overwatch has [...] MOBA oriented hero design


Smart that instead of blowing their load on ads they let Blizzards autistic fanbase do it for them.

I hope you people are getting paid by Blizzard to constantly crap on Battleborn. It would be pathetic if you all did it for free.

Where did he imply that you moron?

Competing with Blizzard isn't a good idea, user

>being surprised at this sjw-tier delusion at this point

>And oh, hey, did you know

If you know that then you know that the beta is basically everything that is in the game. No campaign no lore. Weak ass generic modes. It's gonna get old so fast there is just no way around it.

If anybody picked Battleborn up from a retailer that doesn't price protect, you can manually get your $20 back. Just buy a new copy @ $40, and return the new copy with your $60 receipt.


There's a difference between making a game that's kind of similar and outright calling out Blizzard.

It's quite funny, because it's not like Overwatch. They just released it at a bad time and the game itself is meme filled garbage SMNC that nobody really gives a shit for.

If they released it like 3 months from now it'd be a different story.


Nothing hurts more like the truth.

Nobody's paying anyone to dump on Battleborn - it simply isn't worth the effort. It's so shit Morrowind still sells more copies.

>Campaign in a multiplayer focused game
Man that really hurts games like cs and lol

You're probably jus an ass blasted dirt covered favela kid. Still mad you can't afford the price of admission along with the rest of us?

That's an absolute lie, the game is still 60$ on Steam

You'll love this game if you're a true oldschool gamer, it's a very badass game like the badass games of the 90's we oldschool gamers know and love, so buy it!

Competition is good. It's what drives, makes, and ends businesses.

However, taking on Blizzard when they have an actually new game, set around a new IP, is the videogame industry equivalent to invading Russia.

It's not competition. There was no competition. Just arrogance and stupidity.

TFW I didn't buy digitally

Still $60 USD on Steam though

>2K made both Evolve and Battleborn

How many more until they realize they're losing money?

It's 40 on amazon.

>release game for full price
>fuck over early adopters not even a month after release
wew lad

>shill is sad they stopped paying him after the first week of shitting on the game
Here's a thougt, how about you where so bad at the job they hired somwone else?

>1/2 abilities with short CD and 1 ult with long CD

>They were probably always planning on dropping price to dick Blizzard over
No one cares about battleborn though. They can drop it to $10 and OW will still outsell it

How can you possibly spin being forced into a price reduction 2 weeks after launch as a victory?

>tfw your newly released multiplayer game has less active players than three different yearly versions of football manager

>Post YFW Battleborn BTFO Overwatch

>we'll drop the price to $40.. then $20... then $10.. then go free to play... that will show those blizzdrones

You forgot that they didn't market it at all and what few shit they did release were horse shit.


>Battleborn stomping Overwatch out of the video game news
I don´t know why you don´t see this, but most other people see BB kowtowing before Overwatch and much too soon admitting defeat, lowering the price to have even a slight chance to sell at all.

both those games suck.

hahaha my favorite thing about this flame war is Battleborn fans are always chill and having a good time with the shit post. But the Overwatch autists are just so frothing mad about everything.

I set my mind on Battleborn almost day one when I saw the ripped off cast from OW. They couldn;t even bother to give them original backstories.

And guess what LoL has a story and character lore. CS doesn't even have characters. Every time one of you Blizzcucks speaks the most ignorant nonsensical shit comes out.

2k is a publisher, they don't make games. They fund games and boy they've been fucking up recently.

>Below youtuber's life
gearbox, I...




shit out more borderlands and all will be well for them.

Overwatch BTFO!

More like BattleBORED, amiright boys?

Waiting exactly 31 days to price drop is fucking over early adopters. This is a $20 refund to anybody with a brain.

>They can lower the price all they want the game is still StillBorn

I have honest to god not seen one clip of battle born and the only times I see it referred to is when comparing to overwatch. But then people praise overwatch and post webms of it.

>YFW Blizz has cucked Gearbox so hard they actually think they're winning

thats a fucking horrible drawing though

Like Destiny?

That's true. I'll be honest, the game isn't bad. I feel like it they marketed better and have been f2p for hats, the game wouldve been far more successful.

>Le ironic shitposting maymay

Battleborn faggots are getting more and more hysterical

Nah cause 50% of 9.7 million is a bit more than 5,000

They even tried to start a twitter fight with Blizz

The best thing about this is that it's ridiculously obvious what they're trying to do and that it's not working at all

Man, what do people think about the new hero? do we really need another healer? We have Miko, Ambra, Reyna and Kleese and they are all good at healing except naybe Ambra.

Gearbox is a garbage developer.

They've managed to come across as a competent company by making one accidentally successful game: Borderlands. The graphical swap they made during the development of the game is the only thing that saved Borderlands from being a flop.

Gearbox had only one real success, and that was porting Halo to the PC.

They have the shittiest artists in the business, and their games have ZERO fucking personality.

It seems like the only reason they keep making shit is to keep their mediocre employees off welfare.

Also, have you seen Randy Pitchford? He's the adult version of a child who legitimately thinks button down flame t-shirts are cool.

Oh so you're embarassed you bought one of the biggest failures in gaming history?
Hey, did you at least get your $20 back?

Waifus will save battleborn.

pic related
not gonna happen

No idea, I don't own a console.

Blizz did what they usually do and aggressively marketed, even putting the open beta up just as Battleborn came out.

2K did no marketing at all and people these days mostly hate Gearbox

These are the important factors. Not comparing the games.

Thats because Overwatch desperately needs people to have an overwhelmingly positive opinion before it comes out. There is an army of people shilling for Blizz. Why? Because once you paid for it, it doesn't matter if the game holds up to them.

Battleborn lets its gameplay speak for itself.

>That sad attempt to make battleborn characters look cool and hip.

Whether you guys hate or love Overwatch, I'm glad we can all sit here and watch Battleborn die. If there's one thing all of us can agree on, it's that we love to watch shitty companies die. Rip Gearbox I hope you don't come back.

>tfw you will never racemix with Pharah

God damn, Civ5 is that popular still? Makes me want to boot it up.

Give me a country to play, Sup Forums!

>Lowering price means they're having success

I'm not sure that means what you think it means. But if it's any consolation Blizz almost instantaneously lowered the price of OW on sites like Amazon in response, it's just beyond savage at this point.

>Ok, we have a MOBA game which costs 60$ and added season pass even though MOBAs are all F2P
>It's character/hero based and a FPS
>Let's pick a fight with Overwatch so people talk about us and compare our games even though they're completely different genres!


Even Rainbow 6 Siege took 2 months before a price drop and that game was dead on arrival with low tickrate, lag, desync, and hackers everywhere.

Battleborn didn't even last a month...

>stillborn fans

A lot of BButtblasted faggots on those threads, here's one of them


Warlord Ghandi.
Go for domination and name all your cities mocking parodies of the enemy nations.

Because they picked a fight they couldn't win. I imagine the meetings went over something like this greentext I made in two seconds.

>hey, man, let's make this game that's a lot like a Blizzard game that's gonna release whenever they feel it's ready.
>oh, shit, fuck, they're actually releasing it. What do we do now?
>okay, okay, we can act cool and pretend it's not happening, or we pick a fight with Blizzard.
>hey, man, we made BORDERLANDS! Who the fuck cares about Blizzard? Let's go, son. LET'S GO! I'm getting my twitter ready right now!

Fucking idiots.

>My nigga Darkest Dungeon is even ahead

Good feel

See? what is this retard even saying. He doesn't even deserve to be directly btfo'd by the likes of me.

I had no idea Battleborn was a thing until their weekend open beta a few days before release. Looked stupid so I didn't download it.

Out of curiosity how long would it take to get the credits necessary to unlock her.

>Strong, independent, muscle girl
>Draw her as a frail and busty slut

What's the fucking point?

Mmmm, nuclear warlord. I will try and go for it.

I can't get into any Gearbox games. I tried out Borderlands 2 when that came out; The map was so empty and boring it felt like the graphics and gameplay from a 5 year out of date chinese Tf2 ripoff had been combined with the sparse monotony of an MMORPG map.

Trying out the Battleborn beta I got the exact same vibe except this time its the same dogshit graphics ported into a MOBA. From the moment you begin Battleborn feels inferior, the screen is so fucking busy and cluttered I thought it was a joke at first, combat feels overly simplified and everything moves in this awkward stiff way. Ignoring how crap it is trying to play a MOBA in first person, Gearbox has done a pretty awful job of making anything visually distinguishable. I spent a lot of time squinting at my screen wondering what even happening.

Overwatch is a TF2 ripoff but at the very least it has something of its own direction that it sticks to, Overwatch feels like a finished title where Battleborn is a complete mess with no idea what it wants to be. Even a simple thing as the flow of the game is off in Battleborn, absolutely everyone has a huge AOE damage dealing ultimate which drags games on needlessly long and creates rifts in the combat while everyone hangs back waiting.

Now I'm probably not going to get either seeing as Total Warhammer releases in a few hours but really, what were they thinking, bringing Battleborn out at the same time as Overwatch