I'm tempted to buy Doom for the PC, but I'm not familiar with Denuvo. Will it fuck my PC to a degree and will the DRM lock me out if I go offline?
I'm tempted to buy Doom for the PC, but I'm not familiar with Denuvo...
>Will it fuck my PC to a degree and will the DRM lock me out if I go offline?
no and no
If there's nothing wrong with Denuvo, then why the fuck people hate it?
because they can't get free games
Sakurako is the best girl to ever grace anime
It already has an ISO crack mate.
It's a bit harder to download and install but it works.
Same with far cry prime and just cause 3
cant pirate
mostly because it locks out mods
piratefags throwing a fit
Because it's an anti-pirate system you bellend.
This is Sup Forums. Pricks here don't have 2 pennies to rub together. This forces them to buy games.
Why exactly do people hate Denuvo? All I know is that it's an anti piracy thing and apparently even buy who buy video games hate it
hogs ressources
cant mod denuvo games ever
its drm
sakurako best s2 and 3 girl
akarin best s1 girl
Sakurako is a cuck.
>Can't mod
Is that why snap map became a thing?
>No more game demos
>DRM forces people to buy games to see if they like them, or if the games run on their PCs at all
>This allows for publishers to shit out half-assed games all they want and nobody can do anything about it except pirates
>Pirates pirate because devs don't make demos anymore
>Pirates are somehow in the wrong
Enjoying that Far Cry rehash and Just Cause 2.5?
Not really, map making has always been a big part of Doom.
Fuck, Snapmap has such great potential if they patch out the tiny issues.
I would us SnapMap more if they got rid of the demon limit, or at least made it higher, and make it so that more than 12 demons can be alive at a time
Enjoy your exploded hard drive
Steam allows refunds you cuck
and to add to this, for those who go
>b-but muh $60!
you have no right to complain if you can't even afford the fucking game
there is a nasty rumor that it destroys storage mediums and that would be most likeley a laughing matter if older drm didn't exist that destroyed my dvd-drive
They are going to restrict it in the future, due to all you faggots abusing the system.
Yea no
yes they will user they gotta please those Jews somehow
in what way they gonna restrict it?
by limiting how many games you can refund
dumb moeposter
What Sup Forums wants you to think:
What is actually happening:
>thieves cannot steal video games any more
When did you grow out of stealing video games, Sup Forums?
If your reply is in any way meant to imply that stealing intellectual property is not theft but sharing, then you have no valid argument, in law or theory.
Anti-tamper means no mods.
I also want to try the game but it's $80 cad and I have amd cpu. So I fear the worst.
no mods
theres a reason doom came with snap map instead of actual modding tools
It plays poorly on AMD cards? Fuck, I have a R9 280x.
link pls.
I'm just assuming since when I tired wolfenstien it chugged like a mother fucker.
>Buying a generic Western shooter
Please dont do that.
don't listen to the meme that it will destroy your storage or hog resources, it does neither of those things
no encryption takes place on your physical memory
pirates are just salty that they have to be starved of games now
physical storage*
you what nigger?
I bought a physical copy for 37 euros
can't you be, you know, a bit responsible buyer? Or should it always be one of those extremes - either publisher/store are fully responsible for your fucking satisfaction with purchase, or the customer must be 100% vigilant.
Quit whining all day and night, start being happy with something in your life.
fuck mods - with few exceptions, they are all fairly shit.
Serious Sam 3 has built-in mod support, and i dare you to name one note-worthy mod for it.
If your PC always get BSOD or Your place is always getting power outage then yes.
>Cant Pirate Anything Because of Denuvo
>Angry Pirates & Poorfags join ISIS
>ISIS members increased by 700%
>Suicide Bombing everywhere since Poorfags & Pirates are mostly suicidal
>ISIS Takes over 1st world countries like USA,UK,Germany,etc
>The world as we know it is over.
Thanks Denuvo.
just replace 'pirate' with 'get a job' and it's dead-on, Polly
>Will it fuck my PC to a degree
It will increase SSD wear to a dergee, but nothing fenomenal unless game has memory leaks. Even semi-decent SSD can take over 1k of total rewrites.
It will do nothing if you're using normal HDD, though I wouldn't be suprised if it would hit perfomance.
>ISIS Takes over 1st world countries like USA,UK,Germany,etc
>implying it's not happening already
They already have gemany
source im ali and i live in germany
So, we Doomed.
Thx Denuvo for making more ISIS members
>Sup Forums are poorfag meets who can't afford games
>Sup Forums are PC elitist snobs who only got game on high end machines and post their $2k+ builds
Which one is it?
a bit of both
>A large group of people with the only thing in common among them is the platform they play on can't be made up of people with differing circumstances
Somewhere in the middle.
Im between jobs at the moment but I'm working on my own stuff.
I have a 2000 dollar computer, but I built it 6 years ago.
I mostly game on consoles honestly. I just find that theres an incredible amount of shoddy ports and shit just fucking works on consoles.
I spend a -lot- of time fucking around with stuff because it's not working correctly (programming) so when I want to sit down and game, I like to just pop it in and go.
I don't want to fuck around with emulator settings, or downloading drivers or mods to make shit work correctly.
But that's just me.
>why have a 2000 dollar PC if you're not going to game on it
I do programming and video editing, so it's important to have a good PC so I can test things and not wait a million years for a video to export.
thats not gonna happen for me because I'm eurofag
Why would you pay 60$ for a mediocre copy paste AAA shooter that nobody will remember in a week and the MP will be dead in a month?
>can't test a game before buying it
That's a no, no matter what game is it.
It sure show you that neo-Sup Forums is true when people are actually willing to pay for bland westshit.
When will mods ban all westshit from Sup Forums that we can actually focus on good games?
People that make big breasts mods for her should die.
But user, if you can't judge by a carefully crafted gameplay trailer, you are the problem!
don't listen to that massive fag. The only bad thing about the new Doom is the price.
This negro knows what's up
Hello /qa/ friend.