The VR meme, did you fall for it Sup Forums?

The VR meme, did you fall for it Sup Forums?

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It's okay there's no judging in here

>MFW there are people posting on Sup Forums right now that fell for the VR meme


Post yfw you're not a turbo poorfag and are actually hyped

>800-1000 bucks to make yourself throw up


>actually hyped

Post YFW you didn't waste your money on a shit gimmick and aren't on the denial stage right now.





Yeah, you deserved it.

Vive is the only real VR experience until Oculus releases the fucking controllers and sensors.
I've tried it and the hype is fucking real.

I think we've just learned not to reply.

Isn´t it funny how we always create hype for something here and then bandwaggoning retards take it seriously and lose money? It happened with so many games already and now it´s happening with VR. How retarded do you have to be to fall for marketing?


>Mfw thinking about all those sonytards who will fall for the PS4 Neo meme just because of the shitty VR


No, but I fell for the PS4 meme.




i bought vive and a couple onaholes just to play h-games

that said I already broke 5


You would think Sup Forums would know better than to trust shitposters and actually spend that much money on a shitty gimmick

You would think

I got GearVR, primary for porn. It's cool, but Oculus software is cancer. Will buy Vive at some point, when more games show up.

You would think Sup Forums would know better to not fall for shitty waifubait games like overwatch

you would think

You think both of you would realize just how normie/underage/pleb infested Sup Forums has become to allow for such shit to take place.

You would think

Although i too am in denial


Another poorfag rage thread.


I'm thinking about getting one for my next phone. How is it?

Do any flight sim games support VR yet?

When headsets become cheaper in the future, I kind of want to play one and fly around.



I have spent nothing on VR but i have much hope for it.


A bunch do. Vehicle simulators are pretty much the easiest genre to turn into VR.

I don't get the people calling people who think VR is a gimmick poorfags.

I mean, it's fucking indisputable that VR right now is complete garbage. The only question is if it will ever be good or if it will be nothing but a gimmick. I personally think it will never go further than Wii status on the fad level, some think that it could be the next big thing in the future and all video games would require it.

Either ways, everyone with any sense agrees you shouldn't waste your money on any VR platform right now.

ITT: people who have shit genetics, never exercise in their life and have poor balance and cant handle motion. kek i get you guys get sick from boats too.


For now, VR games just don't have enough meat on their bones.

the fuck has the wii to do with VR you console baby

I remember reading that people who did a lot of exercise involving balance actually were more susceptible to sim sickness. Simply because they use their vestibular system more, so it gets easier for the brain to notice that it doesn't match the visuals.
Don't remember if there was an actual study behind it or if it was just anecdotal, but the reasoning seems sound to me.

I'll buy one when they're cheaper and actually have some good porn on them.

this poorfag is raging hard.




You vrcucks should hope VR is even half as successful and long-lived as the Wii, 2bh.

lol no

If you have a decent phone, you can buy a cardboard or equivalent for a couple bucks and then head over to /t/.

>ea has already opened a VR studio
future is here boys

what could you expect from fat neckbearded nerds?

Deleting your post? Smooth move there, faggot.



Pretty retarded, actually. Not that I mind, buyers remose threads are always fun to post in.

My Vive is amazing. RIP Oculus though, competitors are good.

I get travel sickness often enough when I'm on long bus journeys. I can still play my Vive for hours and feel perfectly fine while moving around.

VR has great potential and I'm glad people are now actually taking it seriously and progressing the idea further, but in it's current state it's an absolute gimmick and a waste of money.

Having tried both the vive and the rift, the rift feels like the fad. However the vive with its full room tracking system and controllers feels somewhat mindblowing.

Seriously, I can walk around a virtual space and whack imaginary objects with a couple of controllers. Not only that I can lie on the floor and look up the skirt of an imaginary 3d character. And it looks cool!

However even though its mindblowing, it's still fairly expensive. Until the prices drop and the quality of some software improves (since interaction mechanisms still feel a bit inconsistent across software) it will be more of a fad for the general consumer audience.


>I get travel sickness often enough when I'm on long bus journeys. I can still play my Vive for hours and feel perfectly fine while moving around.
If you're playing room scale games, there's no artificial locomotion going on. If you want to compare your travel sickness to sim sickness, you need to play something with artificial locomotion.

I just wanna play 3d custom maid 2 with the VR



>Can't even move normally using a controller or a keyboard without causing nausea to half the potential userbase
They should have just called it quits at that point. All this "click here to teleport here" shit is just laughable.


No. There's no fucking games for it. Everything is shovelware or stupid shit like teleporting around.


I can spank it to those games just fine with a monitor.

don't buy the cheap shit user

what's wrong with teleporting?

Could you elaborate a little more on the current quality of H games for VR?

Thats the only thing im interested thats related to VR, I might play some horror / FPS games but Waifu Simulators is what I want the most.

no, but i wanna see what the Morpheus has got to offer. also im pretty sure Sony will make VR trend even more because of that shit. they're gonna force Morpheus into their mouths.

well, that's because your a normal human being.

Last thing I heard one of those illusion games was made compatible with the vive
maybe check hongfire

Me too.

psvr is obviously going to move more units that pc vr but less than mobile vr
seems like it could be a productive middle ground type of thing

It's fine for the price.

Tracking and 3D is perfect, but lenses and resolution is so-so. Pixels are quite big and noticeable. Lenses are sharp only in a small area in the center, you can't look around with your eyes much, have to look with your head. Isn't a deal breaker, but you definitely get what you pay for.

Then there's overheating, I have S6 and I get an overheating warning after 20 or so minutes of video. You can dismiss it, but the phone throttles down the CPU, so the framerate may drop.

And the Oculus software is cancer. I had to buy an app, that disables whatever services it installs, just so that I can run Cardboard applications. And I had to sideload porn watching application, which is a multi-step process, with getting developer code from Oculus, then uploading it on some webserver and then that webserver building and signing packages for your phone. Even then the app doesn't show in Oculus library. Hearing how now they're locking down the platform even more - fuck them, not going to buy anything from Oculus. What's the point, if you can't even run porn on your VR.

Consider waiting for phones that support Daydream, that will be a lot better probably. Might just get Cardboard for now. But GearVR is fine, if the price feels cheap to you.

vr enhances it

you can move around naturally, plant your face in your waifu's crotch, grope her with virtual hands

It's fucking stupid. That's not gameplay.

i hope morpheus will be the staple of VR gaming. like shit you can't trust microsoft to do VR

There's nothing wrong with teleporting - it's an acceptable compromise for not being able to move too far by walking. After all if teleporters existed in the real world, americans would be using them to teleport across the room instead of using their legs to walk around.

>And I had to sideload porn watching application, which is a multi-step process, with getting developer code from Oculus, then uploading it on some webserver and then that webserver building and signing packages for your phone
what the fuck
do you have a link to a tutorial or something for that shit

What's Microsoft to do with anything?


I have a vive. I'll answer questions if anyone has any.

I got you friend.

>mfw I fell for the meme and loving every minute of it

what's the eroge situation?

Porn videos are already good. Not all of them, still plenty that get basic things wrong, but a lot of them are perfect. Just have to deal with a mess on the software side.

tried a friend's for free and here are the two problems:

1. for some fucking reason, games that worked on the dk2 don't work on the ck1, what the fuck?
2. a lot of the current games are fucking expensive

how loud are the retail lighthouse units?



calling it now Sony will save VR

there's a reason why my successful friends say "only Sony"

I believe the first is due to different runtime environments between the dk2 and cv1, so the ones who made those games have to update it to the current one otherwise it won't work.

>tfw I got a job just to upgrade my pc and buy this VR crap in the future

I dont know what to do now. Probably I should quit and waste those 3000€ going to japan alone or some shit, I have lost the hype.


I'm way too poor to fall for something like that.

there's a reason why we say always do the opposite of what Sup Forums says