Is Phoenix Wright in the top 5 for most OP video game characters? He's literally indestructible
Is Phoenix Wright in the top 5 for most OP video game characters? He's literally indestructible
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>gets hit by a car
>gets out with a sprained ankle
Can't argue with you.
He gets help all the damn time, Phoenix Trite ain't nothin'
Because his waifu Maya was always with him.
>falls off a cliff 50 feet high with rapid waters at the bottom that are probably 80 below 0 and is also known for making people go missing
>gets out with a cold
Reminder that Maya is going to die in AA6
The car got damaged from that somehow as well
Wasn't it on fire at the time too?
Yep, the river was on fire too. Forgot about that.
>can survive huge falls, fatally cold water, car accidents, and can even take on Galactica
>fell 15 meters from a burning bridge into an ice cold raging river
>just had a fucking cold after that
Nothing can take down true justice
>Yogi got off because he was declared insane at the time
>which means he did kill Gregory, he just wasn't sane at the time due to oxygen depravation
>Misty still got shamed for being wrong even though she was technically right
also, Gregory didn't even know who fucking killed him, he could have just said "I don't know"
Gregory thought Edgeworth killed him and there seemed to be only two options for the suspect.
He was protecting his son by declaring the other guy guilty.
Is squirrel girl the most powerful character in existence?
He could have just said he didn't know who killed him them, Gregory was supposed to be an Attorney who believed what was right, so by blaming Yogi, he would have been going against all he stood for, plus, if not even Gregory himself could give a name, the police would have considered the possibility of a 3rd party
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if he said he didn't know he might be leaving it up to chance that someone might figure out that it was Edgeworth who killed him, which is what he believed. He framed Yogi to make sure that didn't happen
How good are those grocery store deals?
Okay, but how do you explain the fact that even when Yogi admitted his "guilt", Misty still got shat on even though she was fucking right
Maybe when in Turnabout mode with X-Factor Level 3 and the phone evidence. But good luck getting all that in a real match.
So did Maya really not visit Phoenix Once in those 8 years?
So is DGS good enough to learn Japanese for?
How would you react if you found that the police contacted a fucking spirit medium and used what she said to accuse someone? Redd White forced Grossberg to give details about her and then sold the information to the media.
but she was fucking right, if that happened in real life she was get a shit ton of publicity since she was able to correctly say who the killer was, hell police even rely on spirit mediums when they're desperate in real life, too
>elevator with three people
>one dies
>suspects are some shiggy diggy suspicious adult and a kid that is also the child of the victim
I don't think you need to contact spirits to tell who is the most likely to be the killer here
if it was that easy then the police wouldn't have had to use a spirit medium in the first place
Depends. How does refuting an autistic detective's shitty theories sound for you?
There is literally no scenario that justifies seeking a spirit medium for a police investigation. I mean, you are aware that there are many other unsolved cases in the shelf much more mysterious than DL-6, right? It was just a plot device. Also, Grossberg was involved with this meaning Mia was also involved, therefore chances are Mia was the one who came up with the idea of a spirit medium, she'd try to shove her spirit medium culture in the justice system's ass sooner or later.
Mia became a lawyer after the DL-6 incident though
She was still under Grossberg's wing, see the anime
Mia was still a kid when DL-6 happened.
unless Capcom says so, it isn't
The last time I had to endure autistic detectives I had fun
Is it really that bad?
Someone needs to explain why Tobaye was a suspect in Romein's murder at all
>scrawny fucking 14 year old blind kid wields a literal arm cannon with no ill effects, then drags his 6 foot+ corpse onto a rising a stage
>romein identifies lamiroir as a witness, despite the fact that he should have no idea she was anywhere near the room since she was in the air vent, and the fact that she was there was a secret known only to Gramarye and herself
fuck that case
Nah, Sherlock isn't a cunt like Erica. He's more like Battler.
See the anime.
Also, she had a special reason for wanting a spirit medium there.
Here's my theory:
She probably contacted Gregory earlier, before anything official, and asked him what happened. Gregory revealed the terrible truth: Miles had killed him. It was a sad moment for the two, and they decided to attempt to sweep it all under the rug and protect Miles (because they acknowledged that he did it in an accident). She asked Grossberg to use spirit mediums. He was a kickass attorney at the time so he managed to convince the police easily.
Now you might be asking: Why would Mia channel Gregory? Why would she be sad with Miles being the killer? She had no connection to them at the time.
Wrong. Wrong you are.
That's right. There was always a theory around. That Misty Fey was Edgeworth's mother. That would mean Gregory is also Mia's father. Now make the connection with the DL-6 incident, it explains the entire inconsistency surrounding it.
I don't believe you, everything will turn out daijoubu
>watch the non-canon anime
>here's my little fan theory
The anime has no relation to my theory
I hope.
The games state that it was the police department that contacted Misty Fey.
>Miles is his brother
I mean, Miles is HER brother*
Who knows?
That's obvious. See what I said: Grossberg convinced the detective/prosecutors at the time to use a spirit medium.
Just imagine if DL-6 happened with different people today and Edgeworth was the prosecutor, I'm sure Phoenix would easily convince him to try out the spirit mediums (assuming a setting where the Kurain clan is not dishonorable of course, which was the setting when DL-6 happened)
Phoenix himself was travelling for a lot of it, and Maya was busy with training I guess
Why would the police give a shit what the defense attorney said? You remember how people in this profession are treated by everyone else involved in the courtroom process, right?
It fits into the series logic perfectly fine that the police department acted like a bunch of incompetent fucks (like they do atleast once in every single case in this series) and hired a spirit medium to help them solve a crime.
The police wouldn't give a shit to what an attorney says, but they would obey a prosecutor without thinking twice. And prosecutors will often listen to what the famous attorneys have to say, after all, they face them in courtrooms daily.
By the way, Mia and Miles being brothers is heavily implied in the game. Their parents go missing at the exact same time.
>Mia and Miles being brothers is heavily implied in the game. Their parents go missing at the exact same time.
user what are you even talking about
Gregory never went missing at all, he gets killed
Redd White finds out that a spirit medium was involved in the investigation and sells the info to the media
Misty Fey was slandered and then she disappears
>someone persuaded Manfred von Karma of all people to tell the police to rely on a Spirit Medium
Give me some of what you're smoking m8
Consider this: Gregory, as an attorney, was forced to stick around the big cities where the courthouses are, thus having to live far away from his wife and his recently born daughter, Maya Fey. The incidents take place and Gregory dies. Misty Fey goes missing.
Miles mentions his mother went missing when he was still a child. Maya says the same thing about her mother and also says she doesn't even remember anything about her father (of course, she was way too young and would very rarely be able to see him). It just makes way too much sense to dismiss all that as "coincidences". And once we established the relation between Miles, Gregory and Mia, and once we remember how Mia is related to Grossberg, who was also related to DL-6, it is easy to make the connections.
Manfred wasn't the prosecutor in that incident you idiot, else he wouldn't have a "perfect record" (Yogi was considered criminally irresponsible)
>These batshit theories
Someone explain to me why Maya was a suspect in Mia's murder at all
>yeah so this girl totally killed her sister with this clock, even though she left no fingerprints and remained at the crime scene the whole time. We only arrested her because of a painfully obvious red-herring we didn't even bother to check the back of
>Maya is Edge's sister
>She always hangs around Edge's rival
>Edge is feeling NTR'd as fuck
She was the only one in the crime scene and the receipt had her name written on it.
>be police
>enter crime scene
>find someone dead
>two people there, one is shocked and against the wall
>find blood writing with the shocked person's name
>no fingerprints which mean nothing as they could have been wiped or she could have used some other cloth to hold the weapon (come on it's the oldest fucking trick in the book)
>witness that says she did it
>police doesn't even really care anyway because muh dark age
>It just makes way too much sense to dismiss all that as "coincidences".
None of these are coincidences, everything you've said is pure conjecture.
Misty fled after the Feys were slandered thanks to Redd White
The police still actually knew where Misty was (and that she was living as Elise Deuxanim) the entire time, it's stated in AA3 that they were tracking her whereabouts
Nothing about Edgeworth's mother was ever mentioned in the games
There's a canon explanation for the lack of a father figure in Maya's life (and Pearl's life too)
Gregory in general is characterized as a man who puts his family before everything else, it's completely uncharacterisitic of him to have and then ditch a daughter
We know that the police department were the ones to contact Misty Fey, not Grossberg. There's no particular reason for the games to hide it if he did given that the player does interact with him when investigating this.
You have to throw all of that away just to somewhat work your theory into the story - and even then it barely holds. We had an entire AA spinoff focusing on absentee parents, it's actually a really fucking common character trope in this series.
The Ace Attorney universe has this weird obsession with writing the name of your killer, and that is the only possible explanation and interpretation of that name. It couldn't POSSIBLY have been the name of a loved one who was your final thought before dying.
The exact same bullshit happens in Maggey's first trial
>t-the police knew it all the time, they were tracking her!
If they knew why would they track her? Do you know what tracking means? In fact, why would the police even track her several years later if she is not a criminal? That only proves Miles had interest in her and probably made them track her, thanks for proving my theory.
>Nothing about Edgeworth's mother is mentioned
Except for the fact he doesn't have one?
>There's a canon explanation for the lack of a father figure
Yes there is, and it only further enforces why Gregory couldn't be near them, he had to live far away. Which also explains why Maya wouldn't remember him.
>Grossberg didn't contact the spirit medium
I never said that, read my post, I said he convinced the prosecutor to tell the police to contact one
>Gregory wouldn't ditch a daughter
He never wanted to ditch them, it happened unintentionally because he fucking died
>Why would the game hide it?
The game didn't hide this, it is just painfully obvious to anyone that cares enough to examine the clues.
>get killed
>"I'll write with blood the name of the person I love, screw the killer haha"
>no fingerprints which mean nothing as they could have been wiped or she could have used some other cloth to hold the weapon
Still this was used in 1-4 to save Edge's ass though.
>In pic, the guy who shot the pistol used his left hand
>Edge's right hand fingerprints have been found on the pistol so he can't be the one to shoot with it
>Th-there is no way he could have deleted his left hand fingerprints and hold it with his right hand again to make a false evidence and trick trial
How would he know a photo had been taken?
Man the anime really upping the ante with the new episodes.
I'm glad they're using the game's OST as well
Who here /hyped/ for courtroom shenanigans?
>get killed
>I have complete conscious control of all my faculties and am not simply exhibiting uncontrollable automatic reactions based on my emotional state prior to death
The use of the OST is a little sporadic.I really liked the use of the testimony theme when Vasquez stole the evidence though.
I'll be excited to see this play out
What are you on about? Since when do people get retarded when they are dying? If you are about to die your body sort of interrupts your entire sense of panic and pain because there is no point in feeling it anymore if death is impossible to avoid, you basically enter the sage mode
>Literally needed Gumshoe to save him from a bunch of mafia in 1-3
>Needed him again in 3-3
I like the anime but I don't expect them to do moment's like this justice
He doesn't need to know that a picture had been taken when the pistol was shot. It could have been a precation he took to deceive the trial in case they could have reach to it somehow.
>If they knew why would they track her?
Remember why she fled in the first place?
>Except for the fact he doesn't have one?
Nope, nothing about Edgeworth's family is mentioned period. Could still be alive for all we know, could be dead too. Same goes for Phoenix's parents.
>he had to live far away
There weren't any males in the Kurain village not because they were forced out, but because they got fed up of the village's matriachal structure and left of their own volition. If he did knock up some random Kurain chick, he didn't "have" to leave. Like I said it's still completely uncharacteristic of him to do this too, to say otherwise is pure conjecture.
>I said he convinced the prosecutor to tell the police to contact one
setting aside the fact that prosecutors typically give even less of a damn about defense attorneys than the police did, why would they even want to contact a spirit medium in this case for no reason?
>He never wanted to ditch them, it happened unintentionally because he fucking died
Refer to what I said about Kurain village. I'm talking about before he died.
It's fanfiction tier user. You can have whatever crack ships you want, it's not "painfully obvious" though - it's based entirely on conjecture.
*nothing about Edgeworth's family outside of Gregory is mentioned I mean, obviously
>Since when do people get retarded when they are dying
when they get their fucking skull cracked open. There is no way to know Mia's state of mind at the time of her death
>that Maya jumping around after Phoenix wins
Too fucking cute.