Something I've noticed Sup Forums likes to ignore about Undertale is all the little details it has that make it so...

Something I've noticed Sup Forums likes to ignore about Undertale is all the little details it has that make it so magical. There are so many moments throughout the game where you can think "Hm, I wonder if anything happens if I do this" and something actually DOES happen because Toby Fox knows the gamer mindset and anticipated people would try that. But Sup Forums just rushed through the game so they could get back to shitposting about how it's a "five hour meme game with two endings and no replay value." Of course you didn't enjoy it. You didn't even try to. You're like those streamers who just play because they feel obligated and they walk past everything and don't talk to anyone because they don't know how games work. But it found success with a majority of gamers because guess what? They actually like to game.

Undertale fans don't like games, is self evident if you lurk in Undertale communities, in which they constantly talk down about classic games.

I loved the fuck out of undertale because I played it very shortly after it came out, so I had no expectations going in. I was able to enjoy it without by expectations being ruined by the awful fanbase/shitposting.

As shallow as it sounds, I really feel like if I had played it later, after it became as popular as it is now, I wouldn't have enjoyed it nearly as much.

Stuffing your shitty meme game with easter eggs doesn't make it good.

Yes, that's true of every game. But people like to pretend Undertale is unique in that regard, just because it helps their shitposting.

A prime example of someone who hasn't even played the game.

its been like 7 months, let it die

>sillier item names and descriptions change to be more direct and straight forward during serious moments in the game
That really is one little touch that stood out to me. There's plenty more like that, but I just felt like pointing that one out in particular because I never see anyone bring that sort of thing up in discussions like this.

I actually did play the game, and those subtleties are cute for sure, but they don't redeem the game.

Really? Because that post seems to show that he understands quite well.

>People that just straightforward run in this game like it's some kind of Final Fantasy XIII cannot understand it.
Exactly the point I made in the OP.

It pretty much is dead, despite all the blatant shilling. There's a reason threads these days are so formulaic.

>Isn't this game great, guys?
>Teehee, it's a good thing I played this game before it became popular! That makes my opinion more valid!

I'm just glad that what happened with this game can't be replicated... a big part of it was due to the autism of Homestuck fans, who shouldn't even be around five years from now.

Nah I think that's just the minority who hasn't played many other games.

You say "redeem" the game like it's bad in the first place. What the hell are you talking about?

>meme game

Keeps being funny.

It's bad though. The gameplay loses its novelty really fast and there isn't much exploration going on. You can chalk it up to it being a story-driven game, but the story itself is pretty meh.

This. I bought the game, but I didn't played it until a week ago because I was too annoyed by the fan base, and yet I couldn't understand them because I tried to avoid any spoiler.

I finished the game. And I love it.

Its very hard to do it with all that can base, though.

>The gameplay loses its novelty really fast
not really, it was an RPG with fairly varied Wario Ware style mini games in place of RNG attacks and chances to hit. More entertaining than some other turn based RPG's

>isn't much exploration going on
maybe not, but there's a great level of attention to detail especially contrasted with the two different runs you can do

>You can chalk it up to it being a story-driven game

>but the story itself is pretty meh
Agreed, though I did like the TTGL style ending of the pacifist route

>It pretty much is dead

Is that why it's being ported to all other systems, still wins awards, and still spwns hundreds of new pieces of fan art every day?

I'm not talking about it merits here, but it sure ain't dead.

>don't redeem the game.

From what?

>Someone has a different opinion, he must be wrong!
Get fucked, one of the main reasons I couldn't enjoy Undertale is the over reliance in wacky references to be comical. Shit like the FFVI Opera, Alphys sperging about anime and Giygas dialogue in the final boss of all things genuinely made me cringe, like that guy who tells the same shitty jokes all the time and never knows when to shut up.

Alright, I have seen three consecutive undertale threads today, after seeing zero for what feels like a few months. Did something happen that I am not privy to or is this just a coincidence?

Discussion is dead*
Your tism is not

>claiming autism left and right

There have been Undertale threads here and there, user. Always.


I'm sure there have, but to suddenly see three in rapid succession one after the other after a dry period just made me wonder if something had happened to cause people to want to talk about the gam again. It would appear not, as I can't seem to find anything. Oh well.

hard mode when?

Undertale fans have lost their fucking minds.