Explain to me how this game got away with it

Explain to me how this game got away with it.

Catboi pussy

Being on consoles.

It didn't, it's lost most of its subs and is getting by on newbies, ERP and autism.

Catgirl pussy

>japs creating mmos
every time

Delicious Lalafells

Got away with what?

It's pretty much the only MMO I was able to get into.



Erping, weebs, and fashion simulator.

Shits boring as fuck otherwise.

Steady content patches every few months which each content patch givine you about a month's time to do things. People get bored of the next 2 months after because theres nothing they have to do unless they are raiding end game content, but after that period is over, people always come back for patches.

Like right now people would probably be bored as shit of the game but once 3.3 launches this june its going to be filled with threads for a few days.

wowfugee boogeymang

It just feels good to play. And the story is really neat. Plus catgirls.

1.0 was such a huge failure that A Realm Reborn looks like Jesus Christ next to it.

Anyways, the game needs more midcore content. There's only casual faceroll content and savage poopsocking mode, there's barely any content that's inbetween difficulty speaking.

Mainly because WoW got even worse than it somehow.

Garuda tits.

WoW got worse at the same time 2.X got better and better. WoW continued to get worse, but 3.X is slowly getting worse and worse.

Not as fast as WoW though. Which is a shame because there are still too many WoWfugees shitting up the game.

>not ass


I just started Heavensward a couple of weeks ago. Hostly, I feel like it's a lot better than the majority of the main ARR content so far.

What makes it get worse and worse?

3 month patch cycles and the game isn't pay to win

>3 month patch cycles
>finish everything worthwhile within a week

Where's your savage clear

Fuck off Yoshi.

That's right, I forgot you arent allowed to complain about this game unless you complete that 0.001% of the game that caters to autists.

It is focusing on the casual side too much and cut its patch content down from 2.0. In 2.0 you got 2 new dungeons and a hardmode. Now you get 1 new dungeon and 1 hardmode. It makes the mind numbing weekly grind even more so. It also doesn't help that they put resources into dumb, buggy shit like Lords of Verminion, instead of actual content elsewhere.

I like Heavensward, but some of their design philosophy this expansion has been pretty shit. They need some more middle of the road content that people can enjoy.

You can't say you finished everything worthwhile until you cleared Savage Brutal Justice.

4.0 is going to fix everything

Did the humor ever translate to the japs?


>cancerous western developers
>excell at a cancerous genre

Not sure what exact words they translate to for Japs, so I can't say.

Thank god they are dropping PS3

Can I rape and/or marry Y'shtola?


fucking /vg/ general faggots getting in here now.

RIP decade old console

PS3 players suck ass in this game anyways

What's wrong with this cat? Is she in pain?


Among everything else, it helps that the story (as of Heavensward, at least), is pretty well done, especially for a MMORPG story. Keeps me coming back for each patch at least.

>that Rabuahn duel in the 3.2 story, complete with referencing your rank if you're in the Immortal Flames
My dick was on fire in more ways than one.

>tfw Adder master race crushing Raubhan without taking any damage

Got away with what now?

I feel like the Heavensward story was a massive step up. The main ARR story was kind of eh. Not bad but not astounding either, pretty generic stuff.

The thing that helps Heavensward is that it builds off one of the more interesting plot points in the ARR stuff (the whole Ishgard/Dravanian conflic). Probably one of the only points in ARR that I actually had interest in the story, along with the shit leading up to Heavensward.

No real competition besides WoW, constant updates after the failure of 1.0, eventually leading to 2.0 which while a failure for some was a business success overall. Bigger question is how long will this game stay alive.

>there will never be a Garuda Savage

in saying that, 2.0 was so good. I do hope they see that the model for ARR is better than HW and do something to shift it close to how it was.

And maybe do a some more Coil related shenanigans.

It didn't, it never made it past 600k subs and now dropped as low as 400k if not 300k. It never made it to 1 million subs and that's pathetic for any modern day MMO, even TOR had 1 million at one point.

It barely keeps itself afloat because weeb faggots love to eat shit and buy useless cash shop shit and merchandise. That's what's really keeping the game alive, not their laughable number of subs.

Make sure you quote the word "content" there. We were stuck on final coil for like 8 months while we kept getting stupid "content" such as a pug 20 man brain dead raid or that fucking golden place.

Still having fun. A little worried that SE is going to balance everything around the dumb endgame raids killing all class identity other than "Tank, healer, melee and ranges DPS'.

>t. angry wowfag

>t. Squeenix weebcuck

The interesting story content in ARR was with Coil, which Heavensward also expands upon in a way.

Another good thing that helps out the story is by the time the 1-60 story is complete, everyone knows you're the absolute shit and win battles just by showing up.

low level content is fucking atrocious

gladiator and lancer is literally mashing two buttons until level 30

The previous version was so bad that any improvement would be a huge improvement

Back to /vg/ you faggot

Is there a genre more stagnant than MMOs?

Even first person shooters are changing it up a bit with DOOM and Overwatch and shit. I can't think of a single step in the right direction with any MMO in recent memory.

>Source: My ass

Mostly because MMOs take a huge cost risk so to ensure some profit, they all want to copy WoW, to the point weve kind of forgotten what a non-WoW MMO looks/plays like. The genre just needs to crash for a yr or two and reset itseelf, hopefully not be this hand-holdy all quests/instance shit that it is today.

>>Source proving other wise: Your ass


RTS is dead thanks to ASSFAGGOTs. Even that subgenre has been failing pretty hard outside of DOTA and LoL

i know it wasnt the best but man

i kinda miss warhammer online

So, I have a 60 day time card for this game. Square really fucking region locks their time cards, so I can't use it. It's European, would anyone be willing to buy it for 15 usd? I'll suck it up and lose out on it, I just want to get at least one month out of it.

lel. Not him but you usually show prove to ... well prove something. Not tell other people to prove otherwise.

I mean I can't just say you're a faggot and expect you to post a pic fucking a girl so you prove otherwise can I ?

>faggots love to eat shit and buy useless cash shop shit and merchandise.

people who play wow do this too so whats your point

the MSQ is a good enough single player experience, to keep people invested in story and endgame isn't daunting enough anymore as to drive people away.

it just needs better large scale content other than FATEs

>spend 5 years making an MMO
>nobody plays it because its not WoW
>or nobody plays it because its too similar and ill just play WoW instead
>make literally any other kind of game and get a bigger return

also who the fuck aspires to make an MMO? the creative people go to literally any other game.

It's filled with faggots, weebs that all live in trailers, work at walmart, own Ps3's and hate on heteros. The poor people play it so they can have meaningful lives, everyone else just collects transmog and mounts, it's literally warcraft 2.0

But it is worth playing for a few months due to how much playtime you'll get with it just doing the main story and a few raids

I work at walmart. Easy as fuck, I'm in the freezer section and we make 10 dollars starting because of the cold. minimum wage is 7.25 in the us

I literally spend like 30 minutes in the freezer restocking shit early on and then do nothing the rest of the day. It's a neighborhood walmart that's pretty slow, everyone's chill too. I don't know why people love to give shit to walmart.

> someone insults Walmart

> autistically defends it

> happy about $10 an hour

I'm dying here

Read the story of that guy who worked on the Lego MMO.

Shit like that would cause me to just walk away from game development.

I've heard the Yo-Kai Watch content will only be available to people level 15 or up. If I join now, will I be able to do the quests by the time they come out?

try blm

I'm not defending walmart, I'm asking why people hate on it. It's not a fucking career, it's just a part time job. 10 dollars for a job that requires literally no skill or effort is pretty good.

where can I find a good, non-cancer server/fc?

I was on ultros until I quit back in august, getting an itch to resub now that 3.3 is on the horizon and I heard that ZR is just shit now

You could get to level 15 in less than a day. The patch is in two weeks.

There's also a trial that lets you level every class up to 20 if you want.

post it, I'm curious

Are you EU? Would you like to buy a time card from me, 60 days I bought it off g2a and didn't realize the cards are fucking region locked.

I'd do like 15 usd for it.

Because just about every Walmart you walk into is filled with the shittiest people in retail.

Granted there are probably some decent white ones, but nearly all of them are filled with useless niggers acting niggery.

There's also the real hate for the Walmart family, which in turn may cause or contribute to some people's shitty attitude there.

Man, I used to play this game all the time, some time after patch 3.1 it lost it's magic. The Heavensward story/leveling experience was great, end-game was fun for a bit, but not having the relic quests out at launch put me off.

All in all I enjoyed my time, and it's a pretty good game. I might resub at the end of Heavensward just to see the rest of the story.

>Granted there are probably some decent white ones, but nearly all of them are filled with useless niggers acting niggery.

Sounds like a regional issue. There are no blacks where I work. The only minorities we have are a few patels working the pharmacy.

Nah, US.

Yeah, the region locking is lame.

Kinda unrelated, but I didn't know that you couldn't carry over an account you made on Steam onto the non-Steam client, so I spent like forty hours leveling in the trial, only to lose all that time when I actually bought the damn game.

Yeah, that's usually the main issue, even in good suburban white areas the niggers come to work at walmart and just make it all niggery and shitty

you'd really have to go to a very high-end area that may be doing very selective hiring.

I've been to walmarts in above middle class wonderful areas but most of the employees are black because they travel far to work, granted they aren't shitholes, but they're not that great either.

Like every other FF game. Marketing and hype. But the hype has worn off and with it, so has the subs.

The world design and music was some of the best in the FF series, if not the best. And somehow the game made Hobbits cute. But aside from those points, the rest of the game was pretty bad. There's no incentive to revisit areas outside of doing a daily quest or leve. The story is as facepalm worthy as the other FF games, if not more. And like all WoW clones, the end game is just raiding and crafting, which this game somehow did worse than WoW.

Dragon Quest X would have done better than this game in the long run.

If the Dragonsong War is supposed to end in 3.3, where will the story go for the remaining two patches? Buildup for 4.0?

alexander leaves his lake and does the bahamut calamity 2.0 please look forward to be exited

>But the hype has worn off and with it, so has the subs.
The recent consensus that JP guy did showed the opposite in a way. XIV thrives on new subs like crazy for some reason, besides the fanta and retarded mount sales, new subs are definitely the main income for XIV. They are bleeding long time subscribers tho which also explains why the player base is always constantly fucking shit whenever you DF anything.

That does explain why I see the new player leaf EVERYWHERE, even beyond where the trial takes you.

>XIV thrives on new subs like crazy for some reason
Most WoW clones do. Because the focus of the game is on a single player PvE story. Which 90% of people just quit the game after finishing that story and don't stay for raiding. And many of the people who want to do raiding just run back to WoW after finishing the story in the latest WoW clone.

WoW clones just have no retention rate. Because of how the game is designed. Small patches bring a few people back. But when only 10% of people renew their subs each update, then you have a massive problem.

The old players will come back around 3.5, when 4.0 hype starts building.

It's an unavoidable cycle, I think. Granted, Yoshi's done a shit job of player retention.

Hopefully now that XV will stop taking all the money that XIV makes, they'll actually try to focus on retention by 4.0.

I find it hard to believe that more people are joining than people are leaving.
Guess I wasn't looking in the right places.

I really wanted to try DQX, sounded so interesting.

>The old players will come back around 3.5, when 4.0 hype starts building.
Keep telling yourself that.

>Read the story of that guy who worked on the Lego MMO.
Link it - nothing is showing up on google.

I mean, if they don't, I won't be extremely surprised. Whether or not the next expac does well will probably decide the fate of the game.

I can't think of any other P2P MMO that manages it to the extent XIV does besides WoW. Most people who just want a quick MMO fix or return for the newest patch aren't always willing to pay for it when there's so many F2P options.

It's not a massive rate, I would say it's after the HW launch hype died down it's been +-0. The JP consensus had about 600k active unique characters, this has some filters applied to it like last time their lodestone profile was updated (HP value I think), minimum level of 20 on at least one class etc. It also can't detect how many are alt characters.

Main point is that majority of those 600k are newer players/characters and the active characters value was larger than the previous consensus by quite a margin. As popular alts can be I don't think XIV has a majority of people playing them due to the way the class system works. I know several people who have multiple alts but I doubt they are a norm.

most of the time i just see trashy ass white people in walmart

>I can't think of any other P2P MMO that manages it to the extent XIV does besides WoW.
Well yes, FFXIV is doing the best outside of WoW. But WoW, even after its huge meltdown, still has 10 million subs. While FFXIV is sitting at around an estimated 400,000 subs. So is it really doing that well? Doing enough to survive maybe.

if i remember right from my time in ZR most people try to keep drama out of the game and if anyone does shitpost they just do it in the general,but i left the server a while back so things might have changed

they actually changed it so that you have the leaf until you beat all the 2.x story quests or reach a much higher playtime than before

>white people are trashy
neo-Sup Forums

I thought this place was safe from liberal cucks.

Except if WoW removed its cash shop today it would still survive on subs alone for a while, while XIV would die instantly.