
I heard that Overwatch is being released by timezones. When will it be available in EST?

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NYC servers go up at 7pm I believe my friendo

It's available for everyone at the same time.


i just heard that germany shouldnt have access to their games anymore

because they're nazi criminal scum?

When does it realse in central European time?

the opposite actually

So which platform is going to have the most players?

for the one who dont know what timeis in his zone



are you joking


>tfw bought it of cdkeys so got no thanking msg from Tracie


PC will probably have more than PS4+Xbone combined, be the home of the competitive scene, get updates earlier and in general be a better experience.


obviously not xbox but got it on there anyway since most of my friends are on there

is this really a question?
PC was always the go to for blizzard
console diablo 3 still dosent have seasonal and they barley have a console presence

7pm EST today (6 hours from now)

lol europoors get it tomorrow. sucks to be you.


>American education at work

>not the 24th

Obviously the migrants have degenerated the European mind even more than we feared.

>European education

>He doesn't understand timezones
Everyone gets it at the same time m8

>European b8 detection at work

Guys he was only pretending to be an idiot! He got us good!

yuros literally cannot resist a chance to be smug, even when it outs them as a retard

>paying $60 for team fortress 2 blizzard edition featuring extra expense

PC but I'm getting it for PS4 as well. Got to play it with friends on all platforms of course

keep telling yourself that. maybe the migrant dick will taste better.

Isn't it being released at 4:00pm PDT worldwide?

But I paid $40.

Have blizzard ever mention if there will be more characters in the future?

I just bought it.
Did I fuck up?

4pm PDT on the 23rd is on the 24th for everything across the yellow line, are you stupid? Is this an epic trole?

>I impulsed bought this because of my brother
At least I know what to expect

Came with a guest pass for Starcraft 2 wings,WoW , free hero on storm and some heartstone cards

u fell for the meme

>tfw probably some unknown user died in his sleep this morning and will never get to play overwatch

Oh well. For the rest of us, WHO HYPE AS FUCK

Oh I'm sorry what I meant to say is
>paying for team fortress 2 blizzard edition

>tfw can't currently afford to buy it.

Fuck my life.

yes there will be. no weapon mods, just new heroes

so glad I got the physical version. Centerfold is fucking baller

If I could play vanilla tf 2 for $40 again I would buy it twice

But overwatch is barely anything like tf2 and only similarity is the game modes

so is there anything added from the beta version?

ur mum


PC. I'm renting it for the PS4 though. I don't want to give Blizzcuck my money and I doubt I'll play it for more than a week anyway.

Just preordered it, I fell for the marketing, end me.

Modes and maps i believe.

cash shop

Any balance changes annpunced?

It releases 1AM in my country.
>stay up all night to see the disaster of server crashes and blizzard HQ and Sup Forums being on fire
>stay up all night to play the game ASAP for 2-3 hours
>go to sleep early to play it tomorrow all day
decisions decisions

Yeah the poster ain't so bad neither

shame about the cheap Winston fig but I didn't expect much in the first place

>all those buttmad amerifat (you)s

same. straight scammed

You still have to survive for 5 more hours, mate.

A jet engine could fall on you any minute now.
Don't claim victory just yet.

Thing is if Overwatch is just a TF2 clone then why did I always completely hate TF2 but really enjoy Overwatch?

well it worked and you replied, so i guess he did get you good

>pre-order offer ON THE POSTER
What were they thinking?

>blizzard fixes servers in one day
keep dreaming

I kind of want to see the servers fuck up. I'm logging in right at 7

>TF2 clone
Not really.

PC version has more players because there's a standard version for those who don't want to shill and extra 20 dollars for costumes.

>these replies

You knew what you were doing

That's what I'm saying.

Less than 6 hours until the death of Battleborn. Pay your respects.


Did the servers crash during the last open beta? I don't see anything like that happening when the player count will be reduced by the P2P barrier.

Do you just not read posts you reply to or something?

I see. People are just parroting shitty memes, they haven't played either game. The games are similar, no doubt. But to say Overwatch is TF2 clone is just sheer ignorance.
I'm tired okay??

Anybody else maining pharrah?

Ohhh, That one died when they decided to poke the beast... Should not have done that shit.

really want to get into her. tried during the open beta but sucked shit.

maybe it'll be better once the game launches.

I'm not going to main anyone

I am.

Do rockets (and other projectiles) loose damage as they get further away (as was in TF2)?

Stupid timezone bullshit. Rewarding the west coast and punishing the east. Just open the servers already.

There were definitely more players in the open beta than there will be at launch, so I dont think the servers will be a problem tonight.

There's so many games with rocket launchers. That's why I like her...no learning curve

Holy fuck....check out TF2 right now. Literally fucking dead.

Just further proof that the west coast is the best coast

Pretty sure the only thing dictating rocket damage is the target's closeness to the blast.



But it's 100% for a direct hit at any distance?

>tfw grow up as a poorfag in a 3rd world country and didn't get to experience all those rocket launcher-centric shooters

from scratch I guess

Does anyone know if they changed/nerfed/buffed some characters for the full game or is everyone still exactly as they are from the beta?

Is this timezone thing a running joke that I missed out on?

Yeah m8

step it up
i fucking hate posters, ever since i got a wallscroll of Super Metroid and MGS5 GZ i never want to see a poster in my life again
yea best thing about WoW is being the on launch day. just hundreds of nerds unable to play standing infront of the fucking draenor portal was hillarious.
no but that was also not everyone at once, they had that 2 day earlier thing for preorders.

H-how many hours until release?

Eh. I can't be arsed with the Soldier 76 statue. Why couldn't they have done one for Widow or Tracer? Why choose to do a statue of the most boring, generic character in the game?




Any Britbongs staying up to play?

tracer already got a seperate 150$ statue
should have been Reinhardt
but considering the story and role of Soldier 76... it kinda makes sense, good thing i fucking love the guy.

its 5 you retard

PC, since thats where the professional scene will be, games like this are kept alive by pros and tournaments, its not even out yet and teams like cloud9, liquid etc already have OW divisions.

>Open battlenet
>Overwatch has an update
>Holy fuck I might get to play it before work
>connection failed
>connection failed
>connection failed


Are you actually retarded? Servers don't come up for another 5 hours.

If you're telling me you wouldn't wear that fly ass jacket 76 wears you should get out of my face.