Dark souls

>tfw sitting in front of drake and josh for an hour and still no summon
Did everyone git gud?

No nobody plays it anymore.

>5,088 in-game on a monday afternoon

If you can get by that asshole fucking archer you can kill these motherfuckers. Easier than those archers by far.

Why, you ask? Because at least they play more fair than shooting you off a fucking ledge.


According to steam charts, Dark Souls is right now played by twice as many as Dark Souls II.

if you alt-f4 quick enough it won't register your death
Cheap strat, I know.

Man these guys are easy after going through DaS 3.

Maybe they just refuse to ask for help. Dark Souls is a journey every man should do by himself.

A lot of the servers for DS1 are down, so it's probable that you aren't even connecting to multiplayer.

I just realized that I have not seen a player message since I started playing. Damn, that sucks.

I got bad.

I downloaded a trainer, one shotted mobs, then bought the game for co-op, bosses mist wall 50/50 works, have to actually play the game again without hack (according to me) and just summon real people to help me kill bosses..

NAH i one shotted them already and the co-op is fucked.

WHY No co-op all the game without interruption. opportunity to fashion souls my way through multiple play throughs with easy un-interruptible co-op is gone, cuz devs never though of FUNNNNN.

I could of ran through the game multiple times as diff chars and set ups. one for polearms, two for duel, 3 for axe, etc.. oh well.

MUH fire lords and uhhhhh yes something lore down the drain.

What the fuck are you even saying

Here's the reaction you ordered

I've never read a post where the actual words and grammar being written proved the person writing them was bad at the game he was talking about

Sorry got brain damage.

What i said was, i downloaded a trainer, ruined the game, bought the game from steam rather than pirate copy and did co-op only to find it was fucked, and didn't have proper co-op for the whole play through without loosing players after the boss died.
And boss encounters on co-op bugged 50/50 of time.

In DaS1 your summoned person always goes away after the boss dies.

It's in Dark Souls 3 that they allowed for whole area co-op.

I've solo'd this boss fight on every play through of this game. Quit wasting time waiting for a summon

I honestly can't tell if this makes sense or if its absolute shit

Ok, fuck sake, i in process of re-funding game and didn;t know that.

How i allow whole area co-op, meaning whole game or do you mean it is just an area and 1 boss?

In Dark Souls 3 it's one area 1 boss I THINK. Someone correct me on this.

But in Dark Souls 1 it was only 1 boss.

>tfw I've been sitting near the bonfire waiting to be summoned and still nothing

Those posts are me.

Look .

I was just got up to these two this weekend
I can beat Ornstein easily enough but then Smough one-shots me when he goes supercharged, is there a trick to it or should I just not get hit ever?

Made it past archers easily second try by rolling and jumping, are they usually a big problem?

They just pissed me off is all. Eventually I just parried the faggot knight and kicked him off the ledge but he did make me angry as fuck.

Circle strafe around the arena, and kill Ornstein first.

They made the archers way easier recently by moving the left one so you can't get shot by both when you get to the top

Uber Smough is easier in my opinion (both in phase 1 and 2), but you can try killing Smough first.

I see a lot of people saying this but every time I get to the top one of them shoots me in the back while I fight the other.

Get a good greatshield and thunder resist armor but stay bellow 50% weight.

Should I invest a level in faith or whatever for MR? Its the dying in one swing that really bothered me

If you're getting one-shotted you might want to invest in some more Vit. How much do you have? I also just recently got to these guys for the first time but I had no trouble with them

What lever are you and how much hp do you have?

Never happened to me. Are you playing a pirated copy with an old patch or something?

>takes me 20 tries to get past the Anal Rodeo archery range
>have to put the controller down and come back after calming down to finally beat it
>all of my friends beat it on one try after I told them "oh shit just wait till you get to Anor Londo and have to get past the archers"

I'm still salty.

>tfw Black Knight Sword made the game too easy


The game is plenty active, but shit got fucked after Dark Souls 3. When DS3 came out, Steam beta was discontinued. Make you sure you have opted out of the beta. If you're still not seeing signs/messages, download PvP Watchdog. It will tell you if you are connecting to other people and will let you connect to more people (from 20 to 32).

If you have 0 "nodes" after 5-20 minutes, you might have connection issues. From here, try resetting your router, using DSCM, opening ports etc.

Last week on ps3 I was leveling both my sunbro and darkmoon covenant characters

lvl 55 with around 25 or 26 in vit and end and 33 in str

Are there any nearby? I didnt see any by the giant blacksmith and I didnt want to trek back through all the bullshit in anor londo to get armor

Everyone summons Sunbro.

Weird, I didn't get one-shot with like 20 vit.

>No mention of Solaire
You can summon Solaire for this boss fight you filthy casual scum.

>have 0 issue my first play through
>could barely get by on my 2nd

Thanks I'll try that.

If you are getting one-shoted with armor on, than just drop it and move faster, or get some lightning defense. Most bosses are actually way easier without locking on, also sprinting is sometimes a way better option than a roll


He is trying to get summoned, he's saying that nobody is using his summon sign you illiterate fuck

>reading comprehension
I already beat the boss, I want to be summoned by someone.

>get a good greatshield

Actually, get the shittiest greatshield. You can tank any boss in NG with the Eagle Shield, which has the lowest weight and STR requirement of any of them. Plus it has very high lightning resistance.


No, everyone just wanted to play a superior game.

Wary of wasting the humanity and fucking up and dying on it anyway. I summoned him for Gaping and easily beat it, but then I summoned Mildred for Quelag and died, only to come back and solo her easily

I guess I'll just have to try that out and not get hit by the hammer

Eagle shield is the best greatshield.

Still a shame it's nerfed in ds3

I'll try that out, I was using the grass shield for the stamina regen, should I go for the stamiina regen ring? using Havel's ring and the physical defense ring now

I find Quelaag easier solo just because you can really fuck with her AI when you're the only person she has to focus on. An extra body in the fight makes her more unpredictable
Kenan and Kel are a really fun fight to do Co Op though. I'm literally 1 level out of your range but if you can hit 56 I'll run over and put down a sign you can try to summon me and OP

I didn't expect them to pull bullshit like the original archers again though

Was kinda expecting I could just run through that part in 3.

Using the Black Knight straight sword now, should I farm the Silver Knights for the Silver Knight straight sword? I hear people talking about it alot but is it actually worth it?

Never understood the hate, i enjoyed ds2 although i miss being able to go to end game areas asap on ng+, the patched pvp made up for it.

>die 8 times trying to get past the archers
>beat ornstein & smough on my first try
i legitimately wasted around 15 minutes looking for a side-route because i refused to believe that From would gate my progress with such a cruel fucking area as the archer ledge

Took me 3 tries to kill O&S
Took me at least 20 tries to get past the Archer

I still hope Miyazaki gets hit by a car for pulling shit like that.

>killing smog last is wicked easy
>never understand why people have a problem with it
>try killing Barry Feinstein last
>get my shit pushed in for hours
>eventually say fuck it and kill smog last first try

Well it is anor londo you're going too at the time, i remember them being a lot harder to fight in ds1. Maybe i just git betta.

I'm wrapping up a 20 page paper here so I can't make it today, are you free tomorrow?

They were not even hard in DS1, just cheap.

A patch even moved them to an easier spot. It isn't bad anymore.

I actually like the cheap stuff that DaS1 pulls off. I feel like it's right on the edge between "cheap" and "it's your own fault"

Opposite for me. Super Oreo is easy if you just stay in his dick area and dodge now and then. Super Smores gets me with his butt slam with the huge range when I'm out of stamina

Yes, but I can't guarantee that I won't have leveled up more by then. I'm still only doing my first playthrough so I'm eager to keep progressing

That's understandable, if you're still around there tomorrow my steam ign is thaddeus maxwell

You can just get super Smough stuck on a pillar and shoot him to death tho

>playing ranged cheese
Bet you went mage too

Is there a drawback to pyromancy? It doesn't require stats investment like miracles or sorceries. Besides the souls used to level up the pyromancy flame.

you still need attunement slots, otherwise no, enjoy your free spells.

The drawback to pyromancy is that it enables retarded twinking and helped fuck over the PvP.

>guy starts casting a slow ass fireball that you can dodge without effort even if the lag is bad
>slow ass AOE that you can just slow walk away from and punish during the recovery animation
>lava you can just go around
yeah, totally OP as fuck.

is that the name of your character or your steam username

Steam name

are you sure you CAN summon? like, you're not doing anything wrong? maybe your soul level is way off (either up or down)?

anyways, just run the fuck away from them, and then fight Ornstein 1v1, when Smoug starts to close in, get away again, repeat

focus on evading Ornstein, hit him once after dodging, repeat, same for empowered Smoug 1v1 (Smoug 1v1 should be even easier)

Well I'm at 0 nodes at all time.

make sure you get that Wulf connection fix, dsfix is obsolete with GFWL being dead i think