Uncharted 2.7 Million in first week

Uncharted now outsells Halo.


Xcucks on suicide watch.

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What's Halo? Is that an old game?

At least Halo was a video game.

I don't get how people aren't utterly bored with the moviegame genre.

Will people still be playing Uncharted 4 in 6 months though? Exactly.


30 million more consoles will do that for ya

they will still be playing the multiplayer

just like Halo

meh i can also cherrypick webms to make a game look fun/boring.
either way it's sad that Halo has fallen so far. granted there are just way less people owning Xbones.

>Will people still be playing Uncharted 4 in 6 months though?
Co-op will be out by then, so yes. My Bros and I played Uncharted 3 MP for like 3 years

They probably wouldn't even unlocked everything in
Multiplayer by then.

Kek no they won't.

kek, that's way behind the pace of Avatar or Avengers

but you posted a webm that made it look boring...

>Out of ammo! Look for pickups.


Everyone already knows that sonyggers love movies.

>handgun doing damage like a high caliber mounted machine gun
>barely any recoil

Are there any Xcucks left to care?

>out of ammo!!!!!

Oh fucking thank you for reasuring me, the counter usually lies to me

I'm glad the game tells me I need more ammo when I'm out of ammo. Otherwise I would've been very confused.

It doesn't even look like you can get hit during that cinematic

And they'll blow everything up when Unproblematic 5 releases with "such a nerd" fighting femnigger.

So he's Spiderman with a gun now.


UC 4 is a better game than Halo ever was. Stay salty Xcuck.

the screen going more grey indicates damage taken.
that being said that webm is impossible on Highest difficulty.

The screen goes gray when you are almost dead and at the end of that clip the screen was going gray.

no, pcucks are the ones on suicide watch. naughty dog making consoles great again, i hope they don't stop the train.

its a flintlock, its supposed to be a special weapon like the golden gun

Pause Menu -> Game -> Tutorials -> Off
you act like it's something they force you to see

That's like an early 2000's Sears outdoing Piggly Wiggly, then gloating about it.

Did anyone else here play this? The combat was exactly what i wanted in an MMO but it had to close way too fucking soon.

>Somehow ND outdo themselves with the masterpiece The Last of Us
>Sup Forums is eternally asshurt over how absurdly successful ND and Sony are because they're producing the best games of their respective generations

It won't even get into the Top 200.


>caring about western-made garbage


Sometimes in a middle of a gun fight you are more focused on the enemy than looking down at your ammo. The game was meant to be played by retards too.

Not really. After the disaster that followed Xbone announcement, very few people have actually cared about the Xbox. Microsoft had it in the bag for them at the end of last gen with the 360, but they blew it big time.

>being a weeb


Who cares, Uncharted is now a SJW series and everyone who plays it likes to be sodomized by black, liberated, strong, black woman who needs no man.

Literally cucks.


> playing well using swing movement and placing shots
> you should be taking damage
please never design a game

>UC 4 is a better game than Halo ever was
You weren't around when halo 2 and 3 were at their peaks, we're you?

>Uncharted now outsells Halo

Which Halo? If you're referring to the whole franchise, then no.

Halo 5? Yes, without a doubt.

>slow mo to give the console plebs time to aim

Fucking pathetic.

>oh look, le black character, i bet the SJWs did this! xDDDD
>smug animu maymay xDDD
could you be any more retarded?

>running straight into gunfire
i fucking hate that shit.

Sadly, I have to agree with this to an extent. Same reason why I had to ultimately drop TLOU, Bayonetta, Xenoblade, and etc.

>muh strong empowered tumblr lesbians who don't need no man theyre so strong and empowered

I put these cinematic experiences right where they belonged. .


>Which Halo? If you're referring to the whole franchise, then no.

No fucking shit this is out 1 week and Uncharted has like 2x less games than halo

Oh you're bringing up that video? Are you actually making fun of people who are actually disabled?

Need i remind you that the things to make the game easier are optional?

Slow mo can't be used until after finishing the game.

It's a bonus mode you get upon besting the game. Man you fuckers will nit pick anything and everything

It's on ez mode, that section is ridiculously hard on the last two difficulties even before the fags with the turrets come up

That's the first shootout in the game, of course there's an onscreen prompt

>bu bu but muh $400 gazillion

People are trying real hard to complain about this game. Why can't you just accept that these are good games?

it's popular, so Sup Forums hates it.

This is Sup Forums user, you're not allowed to enjoy anything here

>Why can't you just accept that these are good games?
because they're not. Sorry for not bending reality to fit your narrative

>dozen of enemies hitting at you
>You took no damage
>There are no mechanics to the rope other than not stop moving

It sucks desu

They could have added more ropes essentially forming a circle and made you jump back n forwards, each rope would let you should at certain enemies who are hidden behind cover

get a pc pleb

#GG never 4get


>Have a larger install base
>Xcucks on suicide watch
>Comparing a walking movie simulator to a game

Yup,getting the rope now OP

Because personally I don't like them, 2 was alright, but that's it. I much preferred Crash and Jak by leaps and bounds and wish they'd go back to those games instead of trying to tell cinematic 'masterpieces'.

Then why show it as a good example of gameplay, fucking sonypony cucksuckers?

>Oh you're bringing up that video?
>Are you actually making fun of people who are actually disabled?
Get off your high horse faggot, everyone gets made fun of here
>Need i remind you that the things to make the game easier are optional?
Never said things that made the game easier weren't optional.


To be a game you kinda need more gameplay than just quick time events and hallways.

>bloated third act
that was some made up bullshit. The first act was the only boring part


Xbots can't do maturity correctly.

>YFW The PC version of Overwatch Sells 4 million copies in just three hours beating the record of Diablo 3 selling 3 million in three hours and beating uncharted 4 into a cocked hat
>YFW Sonyfags also on suicide watch

Overwatch is on PS4 tho

Because I played the 1st game and got bored within 30 minutes.

Casuals always win.

first act was slow as fuck
third act was all jungle and had very little variation.
only the middle part is good, and then not even that good.

I mean I can't answer that question personally. Pretty sure the OP was just showing game play in general, but the world will never know

Uncharted is a game you literally play once and it collects dust on a shelf years.

duh, it's a multiplat Blizzard release

that final bossfight is actually real fucking hard on hard difficulty

Sonyggers don't like it when a multiplat outperforms an exclusive. See the butthurt over Dark Souls 3 vs Bloodborne.

i thought uncharted games were open world games? whats with all the seemingly scripted events and qtes

unless you play multiplayer or something

And was this before or after it was known with the 2nd and 3rd game? Because i just saw videos of it when i was younger and getting it based on a recommendation

It was ok but now that it's known as this amazing series its ok to shit on the games now.

Same as The Last of Us,been saying for years Sony only makes single player games that you play once. You either trade it in,sell it or be a complete Sonygger on Sup Forums shilling it afterwards (Bloodborne)

I haven't played Halo 5 since the month it came out so it's really no different.

you were lied to

you do know both of those games have multiplayer right?

KEK is Sup Forums EVER right???

How can one “board” get BTFO so many times?

I keep coming back for multiplayer. U2 was pretty nice on that regard, sadly it's quite dead now.

keep crying bitch nigga

>been saying for years Sony only makes single player games that you play once.
That's Western companies as a whole.

>YFW Uncharted will never ever beat the Zelda series in copies sold



I played both multiple times


just seems like a typical dumb TPS with a simple plot that pleases gamers because they've never seen good cinema in their life

Most Xcucks have already killed themselves via magic kool aid in 2013.
the remaining turncoat to PS4.

producing the best games of their respective generations

what did it mean by this?

you mean press x to win generation.

Anyone playing the multiplayer? What's your loadout?

I'm pretty vanilla with brute, wrath and grenade (and a cashdrip booster for more of those things).Gun-wise it's all about the MP34a.

fucking nice


Why do people on Sup Forums post Max Payne and FEAR?

I had fun playing through the games multiple times on hard difficulties and treasure hunting. That being said, I did have to wait a few months before I felt like going through again. U4 might be one I don't bother going through again though since it was hard to get through it the first time.

>reach the lost city a third of the way into the game
Fucking Druckmann. Even shitty ass Uncharted 3 saved Iran for the last hour

Didn't Uncharted 3 outsell SS?

I think there's a very real possibility that Zelda U will sell less than Uncharted 4 depending on how the release goes. If we only count Wii U version sales then it's pretty much a guarantee.