Can anyone actually explain what a half a press is?

Can anyone actually explain what a half a press is?

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Watch the video

It's nothing. It's just extreme autism.

It's all a load of bull shit though

the only thing it could be.
pressing the A button and then holding it before you enter the level. then you keep holding it while you're in the level and it's basically "half" the a press because then you're going to only use the up cycle instead of the down cycle while in the level.

Watch the video again after you finish high school then.


then why ask for an explanation? waste of time threads

Is the button pushed all the way down? Yes. Fuck off. It's a button press.

TJ """""""""""""Henry"""""""""""""" Yoshi


Improper terminology I guess.

As digital inputs are concerned you have a pressed state and a released state, you cannot have anything in-between.

As the action of pressing and releasing the A-button is concerned, he has pressed the button and does not release it. Makes more sense from a user-action point of view.

We're already aware that you have no idea what you're talking about, you don't need to keep telling us.

He's still pressed the button. He's saving an action.

No because holding it down provides different actions. The language is incorrect for this situation. A "press" in this case, is pressing AND releasing.

Basically, if you're counting the number of times you pressed A in a playthrough, a half A press accounts for everything you can do when holding the A button from a previous A press, which counts as part of that A press.

Not really, Super Mario 64 is beyond normal human understanding

It's explained extremely simply in the video but I guess all the shitposting memers can't understand it.

It describes a difference between an individual level run and a full game run. In an individual level you'd just press it but in a full game run you'd have pressed it elsewhere and all you need for the sake of this level is the holding function, implying you didn't let go of the A button earlier and as such aren't pressing it again in this stage.

>fuck that kid
>playing the game by his own rules
He's already beaten everything in the game by pressing the button once normally.
He's just giving himself another autistic challenge. There's no prizes, he's doing it for his own amusement and it literally doesn't mater to anyone else.

So if you stuck a gun in your mouth and pulled the trigger and didn't release it, would that be half suicide?

If you clicked on submit but didn't release it, is it a half shit post?

Seriously, you can stop now. I'm almost embarrassed for you at this point.

>tfw I found this video interesting and informative
>not hilarious like most of Sup Forums

Maybe I'm autistic too

Speedrunning is already an autistic pastime but when you sit there and make up bullshit to be even more of a special snowflake with the rest of the autists, then you have a real problem.

Should have used a quarter A press

This is more like firing once and keeping the trigger held instead of just firing again. Are you pulling the trigger twice?

If you held down the fire button before you selected a mission in an FPS and finished the level without releasing it (killing many enemies along the way), would that be considered finishing the level without pressing the fire button?

If you used that original trigger pull to kill both yourself and another person than it would've only been a half trigger pull for each person for a full trigger pull for the entire suicide.

it ain't analog boy.
it's digital, there's only an ON and OFF state.
2 transitions, not 4 mate. Never really heard of a quad state system except for "quantum" computers.

I'm embarrassed that the government didn't pay for your abortion. But that's neither here nor there.

It would be considered a half press. Almost right

No, it would be a half bullet

This coming from the guy who can't even grasp a simple concept like half an A press. Epic bantz tho.

That's stupid because guns don't have defined on and off states. The only thing that "triggers" is the bullet when it transitions from an OFF to ON state, other than that, there's nothing happening.

Here you go buddy,

Its a press consisting of three parts and you execute [1 + (1/2)] of the parts of the press

Same. Too bad he didn't upload any new video
Is there another channel?

I once tried Gran Turismo on a PS3 and was shocked to discover the X key was analog
You could press it halfway through to get half throttle

Just a reminder that he spent 12 (twelve) hours hyper speed walking to build sufficient speed to travel to a parallel universe in mario

When was the last time you showed as much dedication to a game

i don't believe that you still don't know what a half-a press is after watching that video, it makes it so unbelievably simple.

he's got a second one for more experimental stuff

mostly messing with RNG things right now

fuck off, this guy is a god at this game. you can't even begin to comprehend.

not him but what channel? sounds interesting!

The action of pressing the trigger is only half of it since you can release it to stop firing. Holding the trigger down does something different than just pressing it (fires continuously or not).

In the case of M64, holding down A allows you to perform different actions than if you were to just simply press it. The jump is only the first portion. Thus, these actions, only viable in a held a state, are considered the on and off. No different than auto fire versus burst in an fps

This is the first time someone's explained it in a smart way.


Oh that's true, I wasn't considering auto fire weapons since a standard suicide weapon is semi-auto. Semi-auto weapons only sense one side of a trigger transition, and so do not really have on off states.
Fully auto weapon are a different story

thank you anons, i appreciate it.

Why all those quotation marks?

Well in a semiautomatic you can load the next round into the chamber with the trigger held down (video game logic /k/ don't kill me). Technically that's a state change as well.

Can't *

no no no, its more like this
>pull the trigger to shoot something (half a press)
>hold the trigger for an hour
>release the trigger (seond half of the press)

So wouldn't it be a 1/3 a press

No, because holding it is one part and you have to hold to release.


Yah but the release is part as well, even if it does nothing of value it is still part of the cycle

>likes watermelons and fairy pokemon

pink yoshi is my nigga

>likes eating /\/\ario
Not accurate

In fighting games they are called negative edges.

Basically getting multiple actions from one press, because controllers recognize the switch getting depressed and also released.

I don't agree with calling it a half press, though. You should count once for the press, and the release is a free action. For the purpose of counting it helps, so you should just round down for the final result.

No, it's saying that it likes eating and it likes mario



Exactly what i meant.

I really hope all these posts are bait because if you've watched the video you'd know this shit isnt that complicated.

But can you prove that? No? Well then.


the nomenclature in this circumstance is meant to show the difference between a single level run and a full game run, since while it does need to be pressed it doesn't need to be for that particular stage. I think .5 a press works fine, it would round down for an overall count.

>That kid in your class who misaligned his QPUs

RIp in peace little bobbuy

No you're saying that there are two parts to an a press and that is wrong

There is the press, the hold, and the release


>that kid that hyper speed walked to school

It's just terminology for "holding a button before entering a stage."

TAS runners have this challenge where they limit the number of times they press the A button. Mario can do certain things with the A button held down such as slowing decent with the wing cap or increasing the ascent when bouncing off an enemy. It's possible to do these things regardless of when the A button was actually pressed, as long as it's still held down.

In some instances, the A button is pressed once and then held down for several stars in a row. In a complete run of this challenge it would only count as pressing the button once that whole time, but when talking about a strategy for an individual star it's important to note that the button had to have been held before entering the stage.

THIS is a half A press: a term used when talking about an individual stage which means that the A button was being held down before entering the stage. Literally speaking it's "half" the process of "press and release" but it only really means something in the context of an individual star. It's not only "half a press" if you're holding the button before you start the run, for example.

No, that's what i meant.

So the two "halves" would be

>first half of hold


>second half of hold

My first language isnt english so i may be fucking this up.

A button press has 3 parts

Rising edge

Button being held down

Falling edge

If you start the level with button already held you only get the falling edge

He explains that it's actually two thirds of the press, but since releasing the button has no use they don't count it.

Except, releasing the button is what triggers the jump. So it's really 2/3rds of a button press.

pressing the button triggers the jump, holding it enables increased jump height and releasing it primes the button for another press.

Probably because it's completely jerry-rigged.

This shit will never get old to me.


>likes watermelons
>is my nigga




It's incorrect terminology. Unless there is a potentiometer, there can be no "half" press. What the autists mean is holding the button after it is pressed or not.

It honestly makes me kind of sad that this guy has wasted his super autism on a game. He could have advanced any field significantly if he had applied his gift to it

Instead the world now knows of scuttlebug raising and parallel universes in mario

is this the only game he does this shit for? I would like for him to do it with newer games.

I never understand posts like these. You can have a hobby and a career, they aren't mutually exclusive. If he wants to help send a man to Mars while cutting down on A presses why can't he do both?

I think I remember someone asking him to do oot and few said sm64 for life

Press doesn't necessarily have to refer to the digital state though. It could refer to the whole process of pressing said button. From off state to state to on state back too off state. On the subject, there is in fact no such thing as a "half press." He started at on state and went to off state so he actually did a 2/3 press.

Only if you clicked before entering the thread

If you've seen his videos it's evident that he expends the majority if not all of his time and energy on a 20 year old game

On the bright side I can see him hyper speed walking his way to completing the game in half an a press


I want to fuck TJ "Henry" Yoshi's tight dino asshole!

this is great

>mfw that part

If it's in actuality 2/3rds of an A press, why does he insist on calling it a "half-A" press?

Yes and?

Because the last third has no use anywhere in the game, so it completely ignored.

That's pretty great

It's still there though so that's a bullshit excuse

And anyway, an a press is an a press, you can't just call it half

So if you press and hold that's 1.5 A presses?