Why did Skullface come off as ultra serious, no-nonsense, scary as fuck villain in GZ...

Why did Skullface come off as ultra serious, no-nonsense, scary as fuck villain in GZ, but super silly and over-the-top in the full game?

because kojima is a hack

Maybe because villains being silly and over the top and silly is the norm for MGS and somebody in the studio probably pointed out how dark he was in contrast?

Skull face is a ghoul

In what way was Skullface "silly" in V? Is it just because of the ebin "Such Lust!! xDD" meme

Video Kojimbo

>Why do MGS games come off as ultra serious, no-nonsense, scary as fuck in the trailers, but super silly and over-the-top in the full game?

>Silly getup
>Poorly written dialogue
>Completely retarded plan

On second thought, isn't that exactly why Kai Leng is a bad character?

Hes not over-the-top
Just incredibly stupid
>instead of killing the hero, he tells him his whole plan while driving 20 miles to your base to get him killed by a giant robot
In GZ instead of talking for 15 minutes he destroys mother base and his dialogue with Paz at the end was incredible
But in the main game all we got is
>I was born in a small village

To be fair the scene with him and Venom Snake in the jeep is ridiculous. He just sits there monologuing about bullshit while Snake looks all around him like he's really bored without saying a word. It's pretty hard to take Skullface seriously when Snake just doesn't look like his gives a fuck what the guys saying.

This, at least Solid had the decency to pay attention.
>words can kill huh?

Because Kojima got seriously butthurt when Konami told him to stop dicking around so he decided to fuck his game up.


no he just shows up to shitlord and say goofy one-liners and then a pole falls on him

>Completely retarded plan
>implying those aren't the best/ funniest to watch

It's hard to take a ghoul dressed as the Lone Ranger seriously.

this wasn't meant to be silly
this was just bad exposition


>Skullface is a sadistic mother fucker; torturing people and shoving bombs in vaginas

>Skullface goes full Cobra Commander, tries to create a Word Dominator, gets his shit pushed by brainwashed medic, a mute girl, 2 cripples, a dog and a cowboy

Did Kojima have a stroke at some point?

Less is more. Skullface didn't come off as silly because he didn't have a goofy plot involving a young psycho mantis or magic parasites. He showed up, interrogated the fuck out of some kids in Gitmo, and blew up the mercenary base in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico in a surprise attack.

The whole plan to release an infectious parasite that fucks you up if you speak a language? Dumb as hell. At least every fucker trying to get access to the philosophers/patriots treasure horde has a reason to do so in that they're paranoid fucks who trust no one, not even themselves.

No, this is how it always was without fukishima

He wasn't super silly and over the top in TPP. He was poorly executed and ended up being cringe. Liquid Ocelot was over the top and silly.

Skull Face would have been a little less of an embarrassment if he ditched the mask.