Who will you produce first in Platinum Stars?
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Miki, as always.
I just wish these games were on pc. I'm sure they would sell well on steam..
Mami is always superior to Ami. She is sexier and more mature, and would get all my belly kisses and tickles.
Doesn't matter, they all look the same to me.
I have prosopagnosia
I'm planning on streaming the game when I get it so I'll let the viewers pick.
As long as they pick Hibiki.
More importantly, I don't even know that this one locks you into your choice like the previous games did, in all the footage I've seen all the idols have been available.
>Mami is more mature than Ami
In what way? Cuz I don't see it.
so this......is the power........ of the ps4.........
Best girl.
tfw haven't played any iDOLM@STER games and am gonna be completely lost
From the gameplay videos I've seen you're not locked into producing one idol, so I'm going to level them all up in parallel and do shows with all 13 on stage at the same time.
Are you telling me you can't figure out pic related?
You mean reproduce, right?
Always Makoto
Absolute Best Girl
>Love Live will possibly preform during the Japan 2020 Olympics
>IM@S is still stuck with the old hag idols
I don't know what the dice even do nigga. I need to know the menus and what does what.
>do shows with all 13 on stage at the same time.
From what I've seen you're talking about the All Star Live event which appears to be the same as its implementation in One For All.
The show you linked to with 13 on stage is an encore, they only sing and there's no gameplay attached to that.
The event before does use all the idols but not all it once. In preparation you divide your office into three units of 5, 5 and 3. You give each unit a different song to perform. The event is all three songs back to back with a cumulative total score and a very high pass requirement. If you mess up you need to start over from the first song. It's like an endurance thing.
God, I can already hear /tg/ screaming.
I see, but I'm correct in that you don't pick a specific idol that you're locked in with for that playthrough, right?
The gameplay stream I watched it seemed like they freely switched out idols in their unit and there was a overview screen that showed the level of everyone.
I mean it makes sense with the joint training camp setting.
I can honestly see my self screaming FUUUUCK as I do this shit
slept their way to the top I bet.
I don't know how that works.
Looking at OFA again, you could change your leader idol whenever you want and pick teams from all 13 exactly as we've seen in PlatStar's footage.
However, you can't do it from the start of the game. In the beginning you pick only one girl and slowly unlock the rest as you progress through the game. I can't tell if this is how PlatStar's works or not.
how did they manage to make every girl great?
The one that speaks english.
She doesn't act as immature.
She more slutty and takes dick on a regular basis
That was only a rumor. Even then it's probably just the aquors since muse is retired.
Japan will be hosting? Holy shit.
I expect a Miku performance.
A-and maybe they'll play k-on too
I want to ___ on her forehead.
user haven't you been reading the news?
Japan is using this as their chance to show the world the are not strange.
They're banning loli comics in stores to clean up Tokyo for the world visit.
Anime is going to get cleaned up.
Why is she so smug?
Are people still mad that Honoka's VA took the dick on camera?
I want to wish Miki a happy birthday.
Because she knows she's best.
>No doujins for this
Kill me now
Not even close
gently kiss
land an aircraft
Please don't bully. Only love.
inb4 this thread gets deleted because mods don't like anime girls
Mods love anime video games though.
Man that dice minigame is lame, and watch them put Japanese geography trivia minigame in too.
While pillow fighting and water gun remains unplayable cutscenes.
What a missed opportunity.
If you talk about the games once in a while you might be more convincing that this is a video game.
The puchimas manga had surprisingly lewd art sometimes.
>you might be more convincing that this is a video game.
But it is a video game...
We're talking about the girls we'll main. Does this mean that people that talked about darksouls and what builds they'd use aren't talking about the game?
You haven't even seen their burst abilities yet though.
What do you mean?
RIP this thread
Well maybe Im@s threads shouldn't be made so early then.
That's not my fault that's OP's fault.
I just want a western release.
Never. Ever.
I at least want a release with english subtitles and buttons. An asian release.
Is a board, and the best girl!
Best girl!
haruka go to sleep
I don't even like mio but that's just too mean
Always Takane
Best body
Best voice
Best girl
english release never
No buy
No Cinderella no buy.
Maybe if Bandai Namco actually sold those games in the west, but they don't seem to want to sell Idolm@ster to us baka gaijins.
They'll be in it eventually
as DLC
Only shitty forced by namco CG like Uzuki and popular ones like Rin and Ranko
No obscure CG for me;_;
>not available in your country meme
Fuck you
CG are objectively terrible.
Rin's the one that they forced the most. She couldn't even sing that well (and it's arguable how well she sings currently).
Rin's force stopped years ago
I bet you're just buttblasted about this year's election results
Faggot. Name a better idolmaster than Kaoru. You can't.
So are you, but your parents still took care of you
And the only reason Rin was "forced" is because Uzuki was going nowhere.
Obscure ones are boring the one's who would be in for sure are Anzu and Kirari.
Of course
Literally who is the most popular CG girl? Even Rin's rigged election was more believable
Why not just say NG + Ranko? Because NG is almost always guaranteed shilling material.
Uzuki has actually beat Rin at least once in Newtype rankings, so it's not unfounded. She is hardly a literal who, also. If you wanna talk about literal who, you quaternary, at least refer to Sugar Heart, if you even know who that is. And part of Rin's popularity is she looks like rape doujin fodder. Anyway, her and Rin and Mio make up one of the most, if not the most, shilled groups in CG.
>Why not just say NG + Ranko
Because Ranko is not even in top 25 anymore and Rin is landed 14th
Namco abandoned them
>Newtype rankings
Please, stop. Remember who was first there? So don't bring this garbage again
So? Do you think ranks and popularity stay the same just because it happened once? My main point is that Uzuki is no literal who, and that it's not impossible for her to rank higher than Rin. Even last year, Uzuki made top 10 AND outranked Rin. And Rin lost this year to some LITERAL WHOS like Sugar Heart. A girl who didn't even rank in prior elections and didn't even place high in unvoiced elections and didn't even have gacha to support her.
>Even last year, Uzuki made top 10 AND outranked Rin
We all know that it was rigged because all cg's are still ended in top fives of their categories and had their song
>And Rin lost this year to some LITERAL WHOS like Sugar Heart
All top 30 looks strange as fuck this year, this is why I said that Rin's rigged election was more believable
>besmirching best Amagami's name with this trash
What's the best im@s song and why is it Kiramekirari?
>because all cgs
Well, yeah. All 183 idols in CG are in fact, CGs. What did you mean by this?
>and had their song
You're wrong if you're implying that all the top 5 in last year's election had a song.
>any of them having a song or even a voice at the time of the election
Sure, they had a gacha that cinched their places pretty easily, and Syukofags were getting revenge for the unvoiced election results, but they never had songs nor voices at the time.
Next time, research before you post. Care to say anything else?
>because all cgs
Sorry, it was "all ng"
>any of them having a song or even a voice at the time of the election
They had a song after landing in top 5 in theirs categories, not before
So at least NG landing in top 5 was obviously rigged so they could end up on the CD
>caring for the old hags idols
>all ng
That's also untrue. Miku and Kaede took the rest of the top 5.
>They had a song after landing in top 5 in theirs categories, not before
Well no shit, once you earn a spot there, you're practically guaranteed a CM if you don't already have one.
It's the one thing keeping Takumi from immediately having a CM even though she was in the top 3 passions.
>That's also untrue. Miku and Kaede took the rest of the top 5.
Did you miss "in theirs categories" part or something?
01 Miku Maekawa
02 Shiki Ichinose
03 Uzuki Shimamura
04 Nana Abe
05 Anzu Futaba
01 Syuko Shiomi
02 Kaede Takagaki
03 Rin Shibuya
04 Ranko Kanzaki
05 Fumika Sagisawa
01 Yumi Aiba
02 Mika Jougasaki
03 Takumi Mukai
04 Mio Honda
05 Yui Ohtsuki
My bad. But anyway, you were still wrong about "all" of them in the first place, and besides that, you can't just say something that emplaces retroactive logic. In that case, there's also Yui who didn't have a CD until recently with Radio Happy. And that was this year.
m8, best amagami and best aidoru are Hibiki
I recently got into idolm@ster (through Puchimas and the anime. Couldn't really do the PSP game) and so far my favorites are the twins. I do see people saying Mami is better than Ami and vice versa, but is there a real reason for that? They both act like mischievous shits and I don't really see a difference between them besides ponytail length (at least in the anime).
Yes, since they found a 2nd JAV