How many of you are anti-sexy in video games? Why do you support this?
How many of you are anti-sexy in video games? Why do you support this?
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How many of you require every female character to show as much tits and ass as possible in order for a game to pander to your virgin fantasies? Why do you support this?
Video games are fantasies anyway, so what's your point?
name of game plox
If someone doesn't want to make their characters attractive then that's fine, if they want to make all the women big titted bimbos then that's fine too.
>western """""games"""""
l m a o
My point is go write a letter to the game company about it if you care so fucking much. You're just coming here to yell in your stupid 'anti sjw' hugbox and feel validated about your shitty expectations.
I don't really understand why devs/deisgners/whatever go out of their way to make sexy characters, anyway. I don't play videogames to masturbate, I watch porn about my videogames to masturbate. The only thing it does it makes the women look stupid, running around in clothing that wouldn't protect them at all, and would make them pretty cold too.
Though to be fair, i've never seen that game, but that censoring looks stupid. It's not like the cleavage was the main focus of that dress, there's too many things going on with her outfit already, its pretty ridiculous.
I don't give a shit if a game has titty monsters or not but I think if it has them then it's insulting to try to cover them up in a localization
I was never gonna play #FE but all those changes in the western release are insane.
It's dumb a lot of the time, and if you need that kind of stuff in your game to sell it, then it probably wasn't a very good game to begin with.
Did my post trigger you? Who's yelling?
I don't mind the change that much but they should have made something better than painting her cleavage gray, looks plain lazy.
Funny, because the fire emblem series is a great example of where the devs went full weeaboo pandering mode by making it a waifu simulator with stupid armor designs when they were one of the few IPs from Japan that held back on it back in the day.
>anti-sexy in video games
what the hell does that mean? That I am strictly oppose to any nudity or sexual content in-game?
Fuck no - I am not against contextual violence ingame, so that would be only hypocritical of me do deny some good 'ol (preferrably, young tho) pair of tits
is it _fun?
I like it better as a design, but I mind the fact that it's a change.
Have you ever considered that maybe these devs think it looks cool?
And yes, sexy and cool often go hand-in-hand. And there's literally nothing wrong with that.
When you're powerful enough, you can wear whatever the fuck you damn well please.
Most of us just like sexy things. It's nothing to do with whacking off to it, it's just nice to casually see something sexy.
>Have you ever considered that maybe these devs never developed beyond adolescence?
Yes. I don't see how that changes anything.
Pretty shitty balance.
It's fun, yeah. Easy to pick up, haven't played in a while though.
Yes, think Hearthstone but with an actual board of units you move around. Haven't played in a while (last time I played it was still in beta) because card games just aren't my thing but what I played I still enjoyed.
The pixel art is also pretty great.
Fucking gay faggots.
They want to make character designs and costumes that are flashy and attractive to look at, so plenty of male protagonists end up super manly and muscular and the women end up sexy. Why not make your protagonist as attractive as you want your game to be?
When I make a game there will be a flag in the options menu to enable faggot mode that will replace all the succubus/sexy vampire/demon enemies with cute boys under the guise of being progressive.
They have no influence on the industry they said.
Oh shit, a female character with big boobs, I guess it's time to wack it!
Shit, you shouldn't assume everyone is a fucking 13 year old.
No, but it doesn't bother me either, definitely not enough to remove them because they make christians like you uncomfortable.
>Someone thinks differently from I, so they must be immature!
Quit being so small minded, user.
You don't give 13 year olds enough credit. Nobody is going to go straight into masturbation mode because they saw the side of a boob. Everyone that makes this stupid fucking argument sound like they've never met another person.
Real world: "her tits are pretty big. hot."
that's it, wow.
Can someone explain to me why I should care about this?
>complaining about anything else in Duelyst when those faces exist
Get your priorities straight, everything else is fine.
This would be fine if the edit fitted the original design. Instead it looks like they threw a rag on her tits.
No, go back not caring. Censorship will not effect your video games or life in any way at all.
but what if I want both cute boys and titty monsters
This. Pretty much no one actually stops to jerk off every time they see a flash of tits or ass. It's attractive sure, but if you really think that's how it goes then you have some deep insecurities.
you're supposed to be triggered
Faces won't matter when they're wearing burkas.
Yes, truly their reach is vast if they can convince the developers of an off brand digital card game nobody has ever heard of to doodle a grey blob over some tits.
Somebody is being immature, so they must be immature. You're not different. You're immature. You don't get to hide simple childishness behind pc friendly special snowflake terminology. I think you want tumblr for that.
Jolyne Kujo wannabe?
> ad hominems
typical of your type tbqh.
Nope, I'm still not triggered. I actually play Duelyst and character art is visible for about 3 seconds when queueing for a game (assuming you don't tab out). It has zero impact on my enjoyment.
I don't give a fuck if all the women are in burkas so long as the game started as SUPER BURKA FIGHTER and isn't getting fucked with for the sake of people's feelings
God damn the sprites in this game are smooth
Shame it's wasted on a FUCKING CARD GAME
If I want realism and women that never show me any goods Id go outside
the face looks like shit anyways, do not care.
>when I see sexy stuff in any media I must stop doing anything and masturbate
that mudslime tier logic kek, I'd hate to be you
I played that game for a couple of rounds, it was okay. I did notice that her in-game sprite and a trailer for the game showed cleavage, while her art in the game was altered to add covering over the tits. I didn't freak out or shitpost about it because I'm not 12 years old.
a → b
∴ b
This. To an extent though
If a character was designed to be something like a Succubus then it's obvious there has to be some sort of fanservice there as part of the character
When devs intentionally put girls in bikinis or they put the fanservice right in your face for the sake of getting attention then i find it not only out of place but i also find it distasteful. It's like you think the only way to be sexy is having no clothes at all
Since when is small-minded tumblr terminology?
I really do not wish to go there, user, but you're the one being childish and immature. Your blatant unwillingness to let others like what they like and make what they like is a classic sign of immaturity.
Liking sexy and powerful women does not make one immature. Incorporating sexy designs into their work does not make one immature.
Grow up, user.
Dude the sprite animations are top notch
Was Duelist already taken?
>only virgins like looking at tits
Literally NEOGEO SNK tier sprite animation
Didn't you know, you're a virgin if you don't support the absolute coverup and modesty of all women, regardless if they're fictional.
We wouldn't want you to do something reckless like rape a woman because you saw some sideboob on a video game character.
>haha we care so much about women's rights are stuff lol xD
I really dislike fanservice because it makes use of male primal urges in order to make the game sell better. It basically plays on your instincts to get you interested in a product you might've never considered otherwise. It makes you think less with your brain, and more with your dick. Less like a human, and more like an animal. I find it really, really disgusting and degrading. That's right, fucking naked chicks on promotional art and jiggly asses in trailers aren't degrading towards "muh womyn", they're degrading towards men, towards idiots who will blow away their money on something just because it has tits on it.
Are you okay user? Are you having a stroke?
kys kid
According to SJWs, women can show as much T&A as they want.
Unless they're a fictional character, in which case they have to be covered up and not sexy because sexy women is a male power fantasy.
>tfw not a virgin but still like tits and ass
Feels bad bros
>Wow, you don't think literally every single female character in my games has to be showing all kinds of tits and ass, at all times, regardless of setting? Must be a virgin and not like tits.
I sure hope this is bait.
>poster makes fun of people needing to see maximum tits and ass on every female character all the time forever
>Shitposter takes it to the other extreme immediately and acts as though someone's demanding burqas on everyone
It's funny because you're offended by a pair of tits as well.
Why do you think I was talking about the term "small-minded" when the preceding sentences say, "You're not different. You're immature."
>Your blatant unwillingness to let others
Who am I stopping and what am I stopping them from doing?
Did you ever consider that maybe the quality of the game itself and whether or not it has fanservice aren't necessarily related?
Of course you didn't.
how are breasts worse than the mass murder that takes place in every videogame?
they're both pandering to your base human instincts
you'd have to be pretty stupid if your stance is "Female body is bad and should be covered, but go ahead and murder someone for 5xp"
for (You)
>mfw Duelyst cured me of playing Hearthstone and is much more fun as well as F2P friendly
Don't give a fuck about the portraits.
Because if an artist wants to change his work he should be able to.
Also i don't feel the need to wank and i don't want constant sexual gratification.
>Did you ever consider that maybe the quality of the game itself and whether or not it has fanservice aren't necessarily related?
That has not been my experience. There seems to be a very direct relationship.
ITT: Metroidfat general
> if an ARTIST WANTS to.
Its usually not their decision in the end.
There are literally games that have fanservice as their main selling point, and there are literally retards who will buy shit just because it has tits or ass in it. Every fucking Overwatch thread devolves into "i love (insert female character name here) so much im gonna buy her game and look at her thighs" shit, fanservice fucking works and the fact that some people are either so oblivious to it or are fine of being threated like sex-obsessed morons makes it even more disgusting.
Have you got any proof of that?
Proof is for cucks.
Guess I read a bit too much into the statement about terminology.
I mean, if you're bringing up terminology I had to assume you were referring to something I said. But I digress.
You're being a judgmental faggot that dismissively labels the opinions and views of others as immature. Kindly go fuck yourself.
>he takes waifuposting seriously
How new are you?
Even fucking dark souls and old snes games have waifu posting
It's not exclusive to fanservice heavy games
Only because you perceive it to be. Yeah there are games like the Senran Kaguras but there are also games like the Witchers. How a character (well, female character, cause males being attractive isn't fanservice rite?) looks doesn't have to have anything to do with how the game plays.
You're talking about the reaction of people outside of the games, not in relation to the games themselves. News flash: most guys (clearly not including you) like attractive women. It doesn't mean Overwatch is a game that revolves around the females performing strip teases while jerking you off in 1st-person.
Why the fuck didn't Pokemon look like this when it used sprites
Lack of space for color palettes and animations more than 3 frames long?
Here's a thread on it on the main site, if anyone is interested in seeing what kind of mentality these people have.
Also factor in over 500 monster designs.
>Someone thinks differently from I, so they must be immature!
>You're not different. You're immature.
Real talk: how stupid are you?
You're so desperate for validation that you think you can just tell yourself that this is about you being different. You're not different. There are a billion teenage boys just like you. You're immature.
>there are bad games you've never heard of, but there are also bad games you have heard of
It took three tries for them to even make the Witcher playable. The fanservice started in the first one. QED.
Are all of you only playing one handed while constantly jacking off or what? How is this an issue?
If you originally design a character with that in mind, why change it later?
Its not an issue, we should continue altering video game art - all art for the sake of modesty.
>It took three tries for them to even make the Witcher playable.
Please end yourself for the good of humanity.
I bet you think Pokemon is all about sexual fanservice too because people talk about the girls so much.
I'm glad that this happens. Kusoge apologists can cry me a river.
I play games to be away from women fishing for attention, not to immerse myself in them.
your mom lends a hand
>How many of you require every female character to show as much tits and ass as possible in order for a game to pander to your virgin fantasies?
I do.
> Why do you support this?
Because I'm not a faggot like you.
>I bet you think Pokemon is all about sexual fanservice too because people talk about the girls so much.
People talk about the girl in Pokemon? What weird ass corners of the internet do you hang out on?
Who the fuck cares if Jim across the street bought a game because the girls give him a hard on? If YOU bought the the game because the gameplay looked fun, what else does it matter?
You fucking nerds are so pathetic
>a non existent woman is trying to get my attention
you off your meds?
>art has never been changed before
Lmao, keep talking about stuff you have no idea about