I've been playing pic related for quite some time now. It's okay, but one thing I noticed...

I've been playing pic related for quite some time now. It's okay, but one thing I noticed, and I'm excluding the playable characters from this. Just people you meet and talk to in the world. If it's guys, they're dumb, loud, incompetent. You name it. Just "hur dur" kinda people.

If it's women, they're all tough, determined, pretty much flawless, and all have this hard-rock attitude.

Who the fuck wrote these characters? I don't mind men being written like morons, but apply that to the other sex also. This shit is so one-sided, it's ridiculous.

>googoo gaagaa I'm a big whiny manbaby and my male privilege has been revoked!!

That's what you get.

Your retarded
Apparently we're not allowed to share opinions

You can thank Anthony Burch for that.

Pretty sure he didn't work on pre sequels

Thank Anthony "Faggot" Burch for destroying the Borderlands lore and universe.

Yeah, that's pretty much a direct quote from the male characters in this game.

He's actually still in the credits. I don't know how much involvement that means he had, but he definitely wrote something.

>2012: Anita and SJWs over-analyze games, getting offended at shit that doesn't matter and being triggered by artistic freedom

>2016: fags on Sup Forums over-analyze games, getting offended at shit that doesn't matter and being triggered by artistic freedom

i just want to play video games.

Just use wikipedia ffs.
>"2K Australia performed the majority of development on The Pre-Sequel, but worked in collaboration with Gearbox on certain aspects of the game. The studio also provided its writing staff—including Anthony Burch, lead writer of Borderlands 2—as a complement to 2K Australia's own writers."

Beside Im pretty sure I remember the fact he was quite proud of Springs (HAHA DONT U GUYZ NOW IM GAY) on his twitter.

Bad writing does matter, user

That's the same shit Anita says in Tropes vs Women.

Damsels is bad writing

Ms. Male Character is bad writing

Women as sex objects is bad writing

It's literally the same shit.

>If it's guys, they're dumb, loud, incompetent
Jack and Roland aren't like that. Same with two of the scientist.

>If it's women, they're all tough, determined, pretty much flawless
Aurelia claims she's a fucking bitch all the time and embraces it though.

So what will the writing of Borderlands 3 be like now that Burch was shown the door?

The original writer for the first game is doing it.

Borderlands had a writer?

If anyone were to complain of bad writing, in any context, they'd be just as bad as Anita? The difference here is Anita's arguments have no merit


BL:TPS was pretty good, I liked the talent trees better than in BL2, but jesus christ did they fuck up on the loot tables. That killed most replayability for me.

That writer kept the Max Max-esque going through the whole game instead of the misxmatch of shit that was Borderlands 2.

Go to bed Anthony.

You know for a series that takes so much influence from Mad Max there is very little vehicle based missions.

the writing in TPS is trash around
it ruined Moxxie character

Neither do OP's, really.

Her arguments are, "Men are potrayed as strong, women are portrayed as weak and/or sexual, and this is wrong."

OP's argument is "Men are portrayed like hapless goofs and idiots, and women are portrayed as strong."

Either way, you're poking around about so-called gender bias.

Don't mind me, just posting best girl.

You said that like it's a good thing. The writing was even worse and far more bland than in Borderlands 2.

Moxxie was always a fucking backstabbing slut good with tech.

Thats not Gaige.

Yes user we had this thread every day for a few week when the game released.
And now we have battleborn falseflagging threads, get with the time.

>Her arguments are, "Men are potrayed as strong, women are portrayed as weak and/or sexual, and this is wrong."
Except she whines about women being portrayed as strong and capable too. OP is just pointing out the lack of variety in the characters.
This is one massive false equivalence you're trying to push here.


Burch still has a job?
Who keeps hiring that shit bag?

Those aren't the Refund button.


Freddy Wong.

He's writing for some Hulu show now.