What's that game you're playing user?
Wasn't the forerunner to Overwatch?
Eww. It looks boring. Why are there only male characters? Why is there only one PoC?
Looks like it was a good idea of Valve to cancel TF3, user. People only care about Overwatch these days.
What's that game you're playing user?
are you retarded?
Just turned on TF2 today and saw so many 0/24, 0/32 servers and Overwatch isn't even out yet.
Just what the fuck happened?
"ewww TF2 is ten years old, stop playing it user!"
>he then goes on to play the latest Mario rehash
its almost like the game is a decade old or something
School/work happened.
I don't hate TF2 because its old, I hate it because the game is full of obnoxious Reddit and Twitch memesters. The only way I will play it is if Sup Forums is hosting a server, otherwise fuck that.
user, why are you on a MineCraft level as a brightly colored horse with a glowing hat?
>m-muh Gaben
>because the game is full of obnoxious Reddit and Twitch memesters.
And this is different from other games how?
>muh special snowflake game is magically immune to these people because of my personal bias!
Most servers I go on are quiet, only encounter bind spamming retards now and then.
So it's dead? Why are people telling me to play a dead game? I had fun with OW
And people have fun with TF2. What's your point? Only you're allowed to dictate what fun is?
>Eww. It looks boring. Why are there only male characters? Why is there only one PoC?
Shit no one said for $200 Alex
Stop telling me to play a dead game Sup Forums
>play tuftew for 900~ hours
>favorite servers like weeaboutique are dead
>get tired of it, give my unusual hat and other """quality""" gear to friend
>play overwatch beta, get excited for class based shooters again
>tell other friends about this game I'm excited for
>"dude just play tf2 lol"
Seriously, team fortress 2 was a great game but it's 10 years old and it can't hold it's fun factor forever.
The fun left when the community became shit.
People that seriously let gender/sex/race diversity dictate a game's worth are not genuinely interested in having fun with videogames.
Because it's not a dead game you dunce shit
You found empty servers in a game over 10 years old, stop the presses
Also, why can't you just play both?
Why am I responding to a troll?
Does this farce give you sexual gratification? Are you stroking little johnny in time with the keys? Does your boner only grow more erect with every (You)?
Then please. Point me to a game that came out this year that has absolutely zero flaws whatsoever and will never have a dead, or toxic, fanbase playing it. That means the following:
>no SJW pandering (no strong womyn, no shoehorned in diversity quotas, etc)
>no memes (LE HIGH NOON XDXD)
>game cannot have any story whatsoever (even shorts on youtube will instantly make the game bad)
>game must implement an active ID system which permanently bans anyone who isn't 18 years old or above
Just for starters.
I've said the 2nd one. Only because I felt it hard to insert myself into a male role
I played TF2 from 2007 to like 2013.
It really stopped being good the moment crates were introduced.
I'm excited for Overwatch. It's a fresh start. No wacky community weapons and shit.
Who cares.
Jesus man, nobody wants to play TF2 anymore other than you and a few 15 year old redditors.
Give it a rest.
>he doesnt play on valve servers
Shit, I used to play on weeaboutique, too. I played on all the Sup Forums servers, really. I honestly enjoyed the micspam.
If you don't want to play TF2, fine. But stop shilling Blunderwatch on Sup Forums and expecting me to play it.
If you want to discuss it, take it to /vg/.
>Don't discuss video games I don't like!
>I'm allowed to break the rules if it's video game related
Nope. Pic related would argue otherwise.
>breaks global rule 15
>banned from Sup Forums even though it's video game related
Were you the same guy that entered every DaS3/TPP/Splatoon thread a week before launch and complain that hype threads are paid shilling?
>discussing a video game is breaking the rules
>implying you're not a shill
Rule 6.
>"Generals"—long-term, recurring threads about a specific game—should be posted in /vg/. This is not to say threads about specific games cannot be created on Sup Forums, just that long-term, recurring threads belong in /vg/.
And since this is just one of 30 threads on Sup Forums's front page right now, it now checks off on the "long term, recurring thread" box.
Stop fucking shilling this dead game. I was playing on official (dead) valve servers and couldn't get a full game till 20 minutes. And guess what? I JOINED A FUCKING LAGGY GAME WHERE PEOPLE WERE TALKING ABOUT WANTING TO PLAY OVERWATCH
>Seriously, team fortress 2 was a great game but it's 10 years old and it can't hold it's fun factor forever.
Do you seriously think "it's old" is a valid argument?
Obviously if the mods aren't deleting the threads they would beg to differ.
If you don't like it, leave.
See WoW
>Implying overwatch will be good
>Implying people aren't just hyped for it because they're children who fall for marketing
>Implying TF2 will die in your life time
Both games are going to be around for a while but I'd bet overwatches impact on gaming culture is going to be minimal compared to the shit TF2 spawned.
Also TF2 is going to maintain its 40,000-70,000 player count tomorrow just like it has for the past ten years.
>playing on official dead servers
>mods don't delete Undertale threads
>mods don't delete excessive OW threads
>"based mods"
>trade servers
you don't even deserve a proper you
The only things people care about Overwatch are the waifu bait and its diversity quota roster. The actual game itself is extremely slow and boring.
>only 3 out of the entire list are trade servers
You enjoy those (you)'s, don't you?
>le ebin console wars meme.
I want all Sonyggers to leave.
why do you do this
do you actually enjoy creating some make believe SJW bogeyman and getting angry about it?
>make believe
private servers are dead for the most part
>45 replies
>Set in the 50's
>playable female characters
pick one.
Another OverShill thread. Holy fuck, blizz pay off half the mods?
prove it isn't..
exam season globally lad
Same and Tf/v/ makes it sound like some booming place. Dead as fucking retail WoW
I would disagree that it's slow and that people only love it for waifus. Definitely a factor though.
Compared to TF2, Overwatch is fresh and new. It runs better on many computers and is easier to get into. I saw someone today who was saying top-scoring in Overwatch as sniper when they got slaughtered in TF2 every time.
I tried playing Overwatch. It's fun. It's enjoyable. But I just didn't find it as engaging as TF2, it feels shallow and the skill ceiling is much lower. I don't enjoy the mechanics and don't feel that they're thought through enough. As well as this, the maps are poorly designed (this will probably be fixed).
I may buy Overwatch when it comes out, but I'm not sure because I know I'll get a maximum of a hundred hours out of it. I've got thousands out of TF2 and still enjoy it. Though I may get tired in the next few months, I won't feel compelled to play Overwatch if the beta is anything to go by.
>he keeps using reaction images
oh well i guess then
>you will never again play on a custom server with custom maps with a message of the day and modded elements with a community of people you recognize because you regularly speak to about 20 of the 100+ people who consider themselves the server community and micspam silly noises so you can mock any normalfag who stumbles upon the server with your buddies and otherwise get good at a game that has +9 years of development put into it to ensure it's easy to get into but difficult to master
Overwatch has NONE of these things I described.
>frogposters will eventually think playing tf2 is cool and hardcore
overwatch will be dead after a week and people will come back to tf2
that sounds so fucking autistic lmao lad
>this is what tf2 diaperfurs actually believe.
>playing closed beta OW with friends
>1 friend constantly bitching about it while playing terraria alone
>he bitches about it all during open beta
>asked each of us if we could buy the game for him 1 day before release
lol no
>people seriously still play TF2 in 2016
I was saying it long before Overwatch, and I'll say it now. The game is ruined and shit.
Better to look at the server list from outside the game m8
>he says while OW lets you play as literal animals, which the fanbase has already made porn of
Anyone else not find Overwatch particularly good after playing the beta?
I'm burned out on TF2 because I have about 3000 hours spent actually playing and not sitting around for hats. Overwatch entertained me for about two hours with Roadhog hooks and trolling people as Bastion, but everyone else felt like cheap crap and the maps looked like a bad airline ad.
>TF2 bronies, furries, and friendlies are this mad their little game is dead as fuck now
I see a bunch of populated servers, both vanilla and custom. And people are playing them. What's the problem again?
"b-but they don't count because they're people I don't like"
Well now that the dust has finally settled I think I am finally proud to say that I #StandWithOverWatch
>ftp communities
Lawl. I bet half can't even speak english
>I hate TF2 because it's filled with Reddit and Twitch memesters
>so the only way I'll play it if it's being hosted by reddit and twitch memesters
Fixed that for you.
Besides, killing reddit and underaged faggots is half the fun.
>stop killing us we're friendly!
>wow user that's really racist/sexist/fucked up
>what a tryhard
I always hear people complaining about these kinds of people, but it only makes me harder when I kill them.
I only hope the best for Overwatch, competition is always welcome.
Even if Valve should choose to ignore Overwatch and continue on their warpath of crates, keys and tour passes, the game is still really fun and nothing can change that.
>cant trade humanitarian's hachimaki to my main
Better than a community that spends all of its time obsessing over waifus and drawing porn, instead of discussing the game.
>launch TF2
>join server
>"no racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia,transphobia, or fursecution allowed"
>exit to desktop
I don't get why some die hard TF2 fans can't admit their decade old game is on the way out. And its not just because of overwatch, its the fact that the game itself hasn't really changed much in the last decade and since it went F2P with a hatshop the quality of the community went to shit.
Just let it die with a tiny bit of pride left.
wow except i don't think that at all nice projecting. if the mods have a problem with consttant overwatch threads then they'll get rid of them and that's fine.
Why does it anger you that people still play the game? If it's "on the way out" then the problem should solve itself, right? There's no need for you to demand that people stop playing it, right?
>entire board shat on Undertale for months on end because of excessive threads
>"I don't think that at all"
Sounds credible enough.
When was that banned? I haven't seen a thread based on it in a long time of course, but last time I browsed those threads Barneyfag got huffy and mods banned him and let the thread continue.
No one's telling you not to play it. They're making fun of you for clinging to a corpse.
tf2 has always been a shit game, you spend more time reloading than firing your fucking weapon. Its like dumbed down quake for 3 year olds.
>people complain about OW not having mods/custom servers
>people forgetting this isn't what killed TF2
yea i felt that too
it's fun for hour ot two but only if you play with alt least one friend.
it's pretty imbalanced too
>aimbot and wallhack ultras
>third most-played game on steam for two years straight
>on the way out
ah yes the community with fetish, erp, ""friendly"", and ageplay servers is definitely the better community of players.
Lol t-minus 4 hours till bye bye Team furtress two
>"They're making fun of you for clinging to a corpse"
>now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to cling to the corpse that was once Blizzard
>ah yes the community with fetish, erp, ""friendly"", and ageplay servers
You just described the Overwatch general on /vg/ to a T. How funny. How is TF2 the only one guilty of this again?
>have less than a tenth of the features TF2 does
>charge $40
I can't make my own custom server, with or without password, with my own custom plug-ins and unique mods. Overwatch died to me before it even began.
I'm frankly not surprised that a Tf2 furry also loves a furry game maker game.
As least Blizzard shits out a fresh poo every once in a while. TF2 has been rotting for years.
>bringing up generals
Have you ever SEEN the TF2 general on /vg/?
Should I go see
It's better than the OW general, that's for sure. TF2g's autistic circlejerk is actually about the gameplay and game features, whereas you can't go 5 seconds in OW general without someone bringing up their obscure creepy fetish.
>it can't hold it's fun factor forever.
This pretty much for me.
Good times.
I'll just let it go.
>TF2g's autistic circlejerk is actually about the gameplay and game features
Blizzard continues releasing terrible game after terrible game
>Valve hasn't put out a game since the '10's, but continues supporting their older games with free content
Which one is better again?