Its time to another Monitor Vs TV thread

its time to another Monitor Vs TV thread

Post pros and cons.

dont be silly
for gaming TV's have literally no pro's

What if they both get at least 60fps and are the same size?

then you be extra retarded to not get the monitor

Why? What if the monitor costs $50 more?

response time is better on most monitors
if the stats are the same for both who the fuck cares then, why are we even talking about it ?

HDTV bigger the better dug

who the fuck plays in a tiny monitor when you can just get a big ass 70¨ sharp tv for gaming heaven.

Go to the displaylag website and then delete this thread you dumb cuck

>response time
I'm not a pro gamer, so I don't care.

Well the monitor is right up to my face.

My main screen is a monitor, I play my games on that. My second screen is a large TV for porn, watching shit, etc. This is the best set up.

I'm the faggot saying response time doesn't matter, and unless I had a lot of money to spend on my setup, and already maxed out my PC, I'd rather go with a 4k UHD monitor than a behemoth tv.

Monitor you fucking faggot. Unless the TV is a CRT.
Disgusting pleb

I suppose TV would be better for cavemen who still watch television.

I just want to tell you that this thread is cancerous in every respect imaginable. The fact you imply we regularly have these threads.
The fact you think this should be posted on Sup Forums and not Sup Forums.
The fact you don't already understand the basic difference between a monitor and a tv.
The fact you expect to be spoonfed.
The fact you ask the question "what if they both get 60fps" as if you have no fucking clue what you're talking about And also if it's you, the fact you think response time doesn't matter because "i'm not a pro gamer" Honestly fuck off ŧbh

>what if they both get at least 60fps

Use both. Switch between them as needed.

The end.

Comes with a built in speaker system for a lot cheaper fampai, and most, if not all worthwhile GPUs support sound through HDMI.
Also, I'm not OP. You'd think someone so technically inclined would know how to check IPs. Also, response time doesn't matter to me. I use a wireless keyboard and mouse, a flatscreen tv, and I don't notice the input lag at all.

Duhhrr bud whad if da tv costed moor huh? Huh?
Din ting of dat won did ya?

>Comes with a built in speaker system

I use a TV because I already owned one and didn't have the cash to buy a new monitor. Let me tell you something:
A TV does in a pinch, that's it. I simply can NOT get the fucking display to fit the screen. It looks okay, not great. Also it's a bitch to move. If you've got the choice, use a monitor as a monitor and keep the TVs for TVing.

>Monitor Pros
>Viewing Angle
>Imput Latency
>Not being shit
>Not full of propitiatory Smart TV shit
>No TV licencing unless you use iPlayer

Wait. Isn't a TV just a monitor that can modulate a television signal?

No they are also cheap and shitty to sell to goyim

I would never have bought a tv in that situation.
It's like you tried using a tv for PC gaming and never thought to look at your GPU manual for audio support.

>It's like you tried using a tv for PC gaming
no i wouldnt be that stupid

That's an Iberian soldier

>I am commenting on something I have no experience with, and didn't even research
Welcome to Sup Forums.

How is this even a contest to you?

>I simply can NOT get the fucking display to fit the screen
Nvidia control panel, perform scaling on GPU.

Triple monitors for my vidya, projector for my blurays and singleplayer stuff via steamlink.
Havent voluntarily used a tv in a while, theyre more expensive than projectors, smaller screens sizes etc.

>tfw cant wait for winter to setup my outdoor projector screen and stream games next to the firepit

>Play Bloodborne or SFV on PS4/TV
>Press button
>Dodge doesn't come out / Anti-air doesn't come out

>Play Dark Souls 3 or USF4 on PC & Monitor
>Press buttons
>Dodge attack / anti-air

Monitor > TV

If you're paying for a package of multiple things, it's going to do everything worse than buying those things separately.

Ever since I got a modern 27 inch monitor with speaker out and HDMI in I haven't used my TV since. Console games just look so much nicer on a monitor with great colours and PPI, it's not a contest really.

So you're saying that paying for a housekeeper, a hooker, a surrogate mother and a babysitter is better than having a wife for cheaper?

The divorce rates seem to suggest that, yes.

>no tv can display single pixel with pure red lines ithout vomiting artifacts all over the place
thank you hdtv color "standards"

Was listed as a "Monitor/TV" hybrid by Samsung.

I like it because it has a lot of older ports which let me connect older consoles to it to play.

All the rich people who pay for all of those agree.

Enjoy your HIV. Anyways, again, the faggot who's defending tv for the entire thread here, I'm actually foregoing a monitor for the time being since I already have a tv so I can save up for one that supports 4k and not cut corners in my build.

Monitor are better suited for gaming, good colours and PPl make games looks nice and crips.

even single player games like Uncharted 4, i play it in a 24* monitor and is perfect.