ITT: Video game disasters
ITT: Video game disasters
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Star Wars: The Old Republic
>in open beta for a year
>finally released
>shut down three months later
It's not even missed by those who remember it existed at all.
Nah, SWTOR ended up making them a ton of money after it went f2p.
I thought this was going to be good, yet those monster models are wasted on a piece of shit with micro transactions and '"""""""dlc""""""".
i honestly dont get the TORtanic meme. it made lots of money and still got lots of players, it aint a failure.
What happen here? I thought it just got released
Dead on arrival
The beta was so fucking fun and showed a ton of promise and then the devs just took a massive shit on it by making 90% of the game into individual purchase dlc
They tried to compete with Blizzard and lost, pretty hard
How is the singleplayer with bots? It's dirt cheap on key code sites.
Dunno why so many devs tried jumping on the MOBA wagon once DOTA and LoL took off.
Shit got boring fast
some one post the chart wtih the collosal drop in players when the Overwatch open beta began
>i honestly dont get the TORtanic meme
Then you weren't around when it was nearing release.
Sup Forums at the time was constantly circlejerking about how it would flop which it did, as a subscription based game.
Now Sup Forumsirgins who still remember those times are emotionally invested in keeping the meme alive because if they admit that SWTOR was eventually successful then they would have to admit that they were ultimately wrong.
Thank me tomorrow
Fuck off eurocuck
It's 23rd in most part of the world bar Oceania.
the game had no DLC at launch other then recolors
The dlc made it sound bad but what killed it for me were the bugs on launch. Characters or corpses (that I was trying to revive as medic) would fall through the ground, you could get stuck on the dropship and carried off the map, and the first dlc monster crashed the game a bunch whenever he used one of his abilities. The game was just clearly not finished, which mare it appear that they were prioritizing dlc over bug fixing and game play fixes which is inexcuseable.
its gonna be next league of legends
What killed the game was that it was just a fundamentally boring, unworkable gameplay concept that initially attracted a playerbase with novelty, but had no hope of holding onto them.
Anyone with a brain predicted this even before the open beta hit and surprise, surprise the game dropped 80% of its playerbase within 2 weeks.
I forgot that even existed.
Why did it have to be like this
This and RAGE. Holy fuck, i got burned twice in one year.
>someone has a different opinion than me
>must be underaged! xDD
I hate neo-Sup Forums
I liked brink, it was just super dead online
So cancerous waifubait with a gameplay several times more shallow than in a prototype game?
Sounds plausible.
I still have like six of these things sitting in my steam inventory.
alright they were both ok, but brink did die online the second it came out
heavy weapons spy 4lyfe
RAGE is at least average tho, unless you played on consoles
then i get it
I have a better one
this is the 3rd page
Yeah. The MP was ok but i was disappointed at the lack of sp campaign.
I played it on PC. To think i wasted 60 bucks preordering this trash one year before release.
I remember how they were bragging about muh megatextures abd shiet. Turned out to be average at best.
And the ending, plain awful.