What do you want to see in the sequel?
Divinity: Original Sin 2
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Better itemization, revamped systems, better story, and I want the DM mode to not be shit.
Faster combat
faster gameplay
First Person combat.
The first game sold well enough and now maybe they can make the leap into proper design.
Better armor designs
More interesting Adept and Novice skills
Better companions
you could just go play a fucking hack n slash
something other than the terrible stealth animation
This. In a post-Skyrim world having an antiquated immersion-breaking perspective of the game world is unacceptable.
Less fucking dialogue. There's a limit, especially when the story fucking sucks. On top of that it makes multiple playthroughs such a chore.
Less terrible, repetitive voice acting
Let me fucking make my whole team. Why do I have to side up with their shitty story heroes that have preset skills?
Or y'know they could speed up the animations and AI so you aren't waiting 5 mins for your turn, and taking 20+min for the majority of the mid-late game fights.
It's already been announced that your whole team will be made by your hands
Awesome. Didn't know that.
RIP Kirill Pokrovsky
Nah it's still turnbased, go and play Diablo or some shit.
It's going to be isometric again go and play Skyrim.
I agree but remove voice acting completely. I'd love an option to just turn off the voice actors in-dialog and not all soundeffects and voices in the game. The money is so wasted for an Audience with the attention span of a fly.
And my personal wish:
A slower pacing for the story with a little more focus on non-combat quests like in Cyseal in DOS. Best part of the game.
The quests in Cyseal reminded me a lot why I loved Gothic 2. Comfy town, with a ton of stuff to explore and do in.
I'd rather they do it like IE games with major characters having partial voice acting and things like that. Full voice acting just makes it a pain in the ass to read through.
Voice acting just has no place in D:OS. The texts are long and reading is still required to chose your answer - but a faggot is slowly repeating what you already read minutes ago.
It's tedious, sounds bad because the voice actors are terrible and slows down your own reading.
More individual items without just stat variants.
Well I thought you were one of the faggots that want Divinity to be a firstperson hack'n slash, my fault.
Faster Animations sounds good. Especially for spells and buffs. Hate it when my mage turns around four times before he fucking casts rain or some shit.
Or you could just stop filling your dialogue with overly verbose fluff. Partial VA worked for Planescape Torment and BG just fine. Fallout too.
Nah I enjoy turn based just fine, it's just it suffers from what most turn based games suffer from, and that's you get into a routine which just works. When that happens the fights get boring and I want them over as quick as possible. So how slow the battles were really annoyed me.
I agree with more non-combat quests though. The starting town was a lot of fun to explore and do stuff in because of that.
Also I'd prefer if fights didn't actually give you exp, only quests like some other RPG's do. Have enemies still drop loot/money sure.
>fill game with fights
>give no reward for beating them
nah fuck off faggot
>Way more character customization options. Especially if you're going to have face icons and then no icons to reflect the character you actually made.
>Better inventory management
>Some respawning enemies, can do without this though
>Needs a much more engaging storyline
>Much larger variety in armor and weapons, including aesthetics
>Make all the skills worth it, stuff like lockpicking didn't mean much when you could get so much from armor alone or break the chest, Charisma influencing a RPS mini-game that could just be reloaded til you won anyway
That would probably make the game have less focus on the combat and make alternative ways of solving quests more attractive. There wasn't any reason to not murderhobo your way through D:OS. Because it had zero downsides and made you a rich man which made the game piss easy in return.
>respawning enemies
Other RPG's have done it just fine, in fact it allows more creative ways to deal with encounters.
A crafting house that holds all the crafting prerequisites you need like; anvils, furnaces, smelting station, cooking stove, bottles and etc.
Universal crafting where you only need to have the person with that leveled crafting skill in your group. No more of having to find out who needs what, by how many and if their personal crafting skill is high enough.
In general, FUCK crafting in Original Sin what a chore and an abhorrid system.
they're already shown off pretty much everything they needed to for features.
finally the BG2 tier sequel has arrived, take everything good about the original, turn it up to 11.
>that new spell crafting system
>all those new spell combinations
>height advantage is now a thing in the game and it clearly shows the player what advantages you get from it
>skellymen are playable
>sticking to the Co-op focus, even boosted the players to 4 from 2 as a base.
hopefully best song makes a return
Writing that isn't done by 5 year olds
Not scale/mail/robe/leather for every piece in the game
>It's already been announced that your whole team will be made by your hands
Thank. Fucking. God. I spent hours, HOURS trying to get the thief to join cause of his skills and couldn't cause my female companion was being a total BITCH. Wouldn't let Wolgraf bro join with me so I was forced to use the warrior Madora. Played for about 22hours before I unlocked the NPC that sells you companions and when I saw his Rogue selection, I cringed.
All the rogues for sale had scattered skill points in useless abilities, so I was forced to take a level 2 Rogue and catch him up to the rest of my level 9 party. Due to the game mechanic where enemies never respawn, I can assure you, it was not an easy task to level up that fucking rogue.
A better game
mature story, mature writing, intelligent humor, darker artstyle
I don't want kiddynity original shit 2.0,I want Chris Avellone masterpiece
I wish the cult of Avellone would die already. Nice guy but he has the most autistic fanbase there is.
let me guess, to simple minded for planescape torment?
>too simpleminded for a watered down 2E ruleset
I will take your bait again and enjoy it.
Pillars Of Eternity played like ass and Tides of Numeria looks like an asshole. Original Sin has a goofy story but it's serviceable with what it does for the game and its setting.
Original Sin = 8/10
Pillars Of Eternity = 7/10
Did the heavy tank/paladin class make it in?
>he thinks torment selling point is ruleset
just proving my point, kiddynity unoriginal plot was made for casuals like you
>Tides of Numeria looks like an asshole
could you be more specific
I think if balanced right it would be nice. I'd rather they make respawning enemies provide little to no exp but be capable of dropping consumables or crafting items and gold.
Playdough graphics, gameplay similar to the worst aspects of Planscape Torment like; huge hit boxes around items and characters, bad unit pathing, no visual acuity to abilities, retarded unit ai, turn based with no strategy or depth.
Look up vids and read around.
fucking sucks man
great music
You could just sent your female companion away and then speak to him with your other companion alone, she wouldnt say anything as she would be too far away.
I had the same problem with the game, I didnt like the mage or the fem warrior so I ended playing most of the game just with 3 characters.
Tell us what's so hardcore about a visual novel
>You could just sent your female companion away and then speak to him with your other companion alone,
Nice advice but 28hrs of game time too late.... I still fail to see the point in a contrarian AI partner that shit talks every decision you make.
>A slower pacing for the story with a little more focus on non-combat quests like in Cyseal in DOS. Best part of the game.
Hadn't thought of this, nice.
I think they have already identified the areas that were lacking in the first game as well as looking at the right stuff to improve with regards to what was good. Deeper character creation, generally expanding the combat in the right directions while not tampering with it too much and keeping it familiar, generally just adding more options.
I have high hopes, I agree the narrative and choice and consequence wasn't the best, though I liked the tone of the writing which was kept light and showcased Larian's flair. It was enjoyable and managed to keep me interested, maybe I wasn't super engaged in the story but I was having fun with the writing nonetheless, even if it kind of dragged a lot at the end, it's something a little fresh. I hope that they can keep this tone and weave into a stronger narrative, it would be great. The exploration and combat was where the game first game really shined though and it was a fantastic game because of it. Easily the best game of the year.
I've played the beta
graphics looks like poe or even better thanks to lot's of animated 3d elements
>huge hit boxes around items and characters, bad unit pathing, no visual acuity to abilities, retarded unit ai
>turn based with no strategy or depth.
combat is fine, already miles better than pt combat
Overall i think your jaded level is higher than mine so i can still enjoy things without nitpicking everything into oblivion
it's not a visual novel
I want archer not to be shit.
Well at the start of the game you set up the AI of your compaion, it can agree or disagreed with everything what you do.
It was mostly because they wanted to simulate the co-op while you played alone.
The whole co-op thing and story about two great general was too much of a cliche for me anyway, heck the whole story of the game was kind of boring.
Archer were great before the no-fun version aka EE didn't reduce sneak costs with rank.
>better armor variation
>more bosses
>unique enemies or "elite" variants
>better story
>more good music
>steam and gog crossplay
Atleast the guy making the soundtrack did music for gothic 3 which was fine.
Turbo mod for combats.
Turn based is great but annoying on trash mobs.
Basically. You just drop your biggest AP costing Master spells on people once you get them.
A big problem was trash mobs never had tools to deal with you. EE added grenades, but they rarely use them
More and better spells for shieldbearers, dual-wielding Rogues, and Druid archtypes.
Much better character customization/armor and weapon models and the like.
Honestly, I just want the Cheese Vendor to make a return.