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I wonder what the fuck were they thinking. I mean, they had some meetings, what was the thought process leading up to Battleborn. It's already weird someone is still playing Division, and you have to go against Blizzard but nooooo, there's plenty sales for everybody, for sure. What could go wrong.

Where's the "come at me bro" pic?

this can't be true. did they really spend more money on one shitty shooter then both borderlands?

>hulk hogans bitch
nice touch

>spend most money on game
>release a good game nobody plays

>spend most money on marketing
>release a shit game everyone is hyped about

Battleborn seems like an alright game, but I really don't like mobashits. I also hate playing FPS games where I feel like my aim barely matters because of scaling stats, items, and other bullshit like that. I'm clearly not the right market, but it seems like it would appeal to people who enjoyed smite and other off-brand MMOs.

This one?

>Burtch is accused of killing 22-year-old Lance DeWoody. During a news conference on Thursday announcing Burtch’s arrest in the 30-year-old case, authorities said DeWoody said been in a relationship with Burtch’s then-wife. DeWoody and Burtch’s now ex-wife were together the night of Aug. 12 and then she returned to her husband. Shortly thereafter, Burtch left for about 90 minutes. Authorities believe Burtch fatally shot DeWoody during this time.

Fuck off randy

Too bad they bought the Homeworld franchise and did nothing with it.

Thanks bro.

Frig off Randy, you shirtless fuck

Damn, he has changed a lot.


Marketing literally makes or breaks everything. I didn't even know Battleborn existed before last week.

I played BB and didnt like it at all. Wish they would just focus on making Borderlands 3 good.

>why don't we have both
Because Battleborn is actually terrible.

>yfw bearing the name anthony burch by nature condemns you to a life of cuckoldry

Damn, I'd be mad if I bought BB for 60.

oh man that's gold.

In my local beaner store. They're trying to push it here. It's 68 usd too. You can see how succesful it is.

It's not just that. I checked on Amazon and the version of Battleborn that came with the season pass used to cost 75 bucks. Now it's ALSO 40 bucks. There are people out there who wasted 35 dollars on absolutely nothing.

oh man you got me excited for a second.

I hope this meme ends soon.

>what if make the guns take 25% of the screen, the hud another 30% and force players to squint to see past constant text pop ups

They deserve to fail.

Both Overwatch and Battleborn had a FREE open beta on every platform

You can't really blame this on "marketing" when people tried both for free.

what did he mean by this?

I was at Pax east and there was a MASSIVE spot on the floor for battleborn, easily rivaling overwatch. They definitely wasted alot of marketing money for that garbage.

Somehow I didn't know anything about Battleborn including its beta while Overwatch is all over the places. And I played it too.

Don't make him removes his pants

To play devil's advocate, Burch hasn't worked at Gearbox for awhile. I doubt he had much to do with Battleborn.

But yeah, I really hope this puts Gearbox under. randy pitchford seriously needs to leave the game industry. Fuckin' scumbag cunt.

>tfw your game becomes Anthony Burch

Game lacks polish, especially the UI and multiplayer part - dreadful matchmaking and leavers not getting replaced.

Also they probably used the marketing budged for blow and hoes.

The singleplayer is there to give them time to fix the multiplayer. If anyone still plays it....

>people want to play BadOverwatch

Even the very name is cursed

Damn dude

Shouldn't you be on the subreddit, Randy?

>mfw i don't actually care all that much for a pissing contest between two different games done executed by blithering fanfucks.

Honest to God, you teenage bitches need to do something with your life.
Blizzard has its drones that gobbled up HOTS so no shit OW got hyped to the moon. Battleborn had no drones to begin with and an uphill battle to fight.

I hope both games find an audience and do well.
The rest of you skidmarks can keep going as is. You're really no better than niggers listening to garbage like Drake or even casual fucks that keep the pissing match between Battlefield and Call of Duty up.
You're all worthless but you're also inevitable. I'm happy that you find solace in that fact.

Does Overwatch perform well on PS4? I know it's dumb to play console FPS's but I want to know anyway

You're really bad at insults.
Did you get bullied in school?

>"t-those are just display copies, they must have sold lots of actual copies... R-right???"

and here you are posting paragraphs on Sup Forums declaring how much better you are than everyone else. Look in the mirror user

Why /v doesn't like games with strong female characters? are you a fuckin sexist or white male?

Gearbox/Pitchford deserve no less than bankruptcy for Duke Nukem Forever and Aliens Colonial Marines.

Fuck you Randy

I don't seek out, truly participate or create these types of threads. Those facts alone make me better than 90% of Sup Forums.

Overwatch is more fun.and the game is pretty well made.

>I don't seek out
Yet you are in the thread.

Irony must taste good


But that's what it is.

Bad Overwatch. Why would you willingly play something worse?

Fuck off Sans

Someone put a crying wojak with a BB hat in this pic.


One of the worst UI's of all time. How the fuck did they think that shit was ok?

I don't remember borderlands being any good as a game, it had a nice style and guns but that was the only thing going for it.

I don't see why the same company making another game is a good thing let alone something people want.

you forgot the part where even the digital deluxe version dropped to $40

this tweet killed stillborn.

>Yet you are in the thread.
Seeking out ain't the same as casually browsing and posting a few thoughts on the entire ordeal.
Do what you want teenage fanfuck. I hope your balls drop before 2020. Till then, i'm off to make some dinner, and watch a movie. Maybe even load up Prince of Persia while i'm at it.


Someone get this hothead out of here already

Fuck off skelly, Randy's a cool guy.

I heard this was absolute trash.