Tfw no more Uncharted games

>Tfw no more Uncharted games

T-thanks Naughty Dog

>no more uncharted games


>modern naughty dog
Good one m8

Nice try, PCuck.

>i go into threads of game I don't like to enlighten others that I don't care for the game

>no more cinematic experience: treasure hunter edition
big deal

Hows those sour grapes taste?

Enjoy your chest-high walls and pressing interact button - the game.

>implying there won't be Cassie spin offs in the future

It just won't be ND that makes them

t. PCuck

>shitty ripoff from a shitty game that only sold decently because 3D boobs


*readjusts fedora*

Now Unchartedfags will get a taste of what Jakfags feel like

Good. Now maybe they can go back to making good games like Crash and Jak instead of this teenager-aimed AMC show-game bullshit.

No more by ND at least, so expect a sequel not by them within the next few years.

>Crash and Jak

Your underage is showing.


I'm in my 30's

These movies always sucked anyway

>doesn't like sony game
>must be pc
When will this meme end?

>nostalgiafagging for a PS2 game
>calling other underages


>let's run the series into the ground with pointless endless sequels

Yeah no.

Spyro is better. Only Jak is worth any merit.

>I was gonna post this in reply to someone in the thread shitposting about U4's sales, but the mod deleted it all:

The combat in UC2 and UC3 was always been in one large map that you progress through where enemies pop up in small groups as you progress through the level, always the same way every time. Sometime missions they were attacking you, sometimes unaware. As you progressed through the level, all these scripted cinematic animations, camera angles and minigame-kinda-sections would be used, like having the awning you're running on collapse under your feet, or you taking control of the turret and blowing up all the trucks on the convoy mission. Or the melee system for fighting Lazarevic's right hand man on the train. The action setpieces were extremely linear because it was a requirement in order for the segment to feel extremely cinematic.

Uncharted 4 has a somewhat different combat formula. Now you fight enemies in 3 ways:
- big open arenas / playgrounds where the PMC enemies are occupying some buildings and patrolling,
- larger, longer areas with enemies appearing in waves as you move through the map (can be stealthy)
-ambush / shootout encounters where you must fight back and there is no option for stealth, set up like above. These encounters feature all the scenarios like where the floor is collapsing and you must escape

>btw what was your favorite named encounter?


The series was shit.
Bought the first one then rented the rest (got 3 and the vita one from PS+, which is basically a rental service).
After playing the first one I knew it was going to be a series of cliche movie games with no replay value, and I was right on the money.

Next Uncharted will be with Drakes daughter

>no more Uncharted games

hallelujah!!!!! its a miracle!!!!

The Uncharted series is a compilation of hollywood shit. How can people like this anyway?

Fuck off you weeb cunt

I never wanted to like the games either, looking at the corny ads and the covers. Even the name sounds stupid: "Uncharted X: Generic Subtitle."
But once I played them, the polished gameplay and presentation of it all won me over. I've always thought the stealth in UC2 and UC3 was fun as hell, even though they couldn't be regained once lost. Finding a way to beat the airport-hangar stealth section in UC3 without getting detected at all kept me occupied for hours.

UC4 is different in many ways but is still just as fun and a lot more open. The combat arenas make the fights a lot more strategic and vertical than in past games. In UC2, hostile enemies would just appear up ahead on the rooftops and they couldn't even move from where they stood. You just had to shoot them down and move up (talking about the tank-village part).

In UC4, all the soldiers behave in similar ways as they patrol around or do a sweep looking for you, and their vision (on hard and lower) is just like your standard goons in TLOU. But they are almost never just stuck-on-the-roof shooting at you like those guys in UC2 were


Good thing uncharted was never good to begin with.

Drawbridge was my favorite, it just felt well designed and I liked using the rope swings for quick getaways

it also had the best fighting music out of all the non-ambush encounters