Why are PC gamers so easily impressed?
Why are PC gamers so easily impressed?
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because most pc people dont buy consoles except old nintendo shit
Undertale was shit Stardew was okay I was glad to see a Harvest moon clone+ on pc
>Stardew was okay
No it was not. Just play Friends of Mineral Town
Not true, I recently started buying old Playstation discs
>easily impressed
>graphic clusterfuck games are the only good games because OMG WOW GRAPHICS SO IMPRESSIVE
Dumbfuck modern gamers.
Tell me OP, what makes a game good to you?
>games are only good based on graphics.
fpscucks and mobilecucks everyone
Except OP didn't imply this? Keep grasping at straws, goat fucker.
You're right. Instead of spiritual successors, you should want a shameless cash-in that's similar in name only filled with QTE's, shitty sorry to try to make it a reboot, slow gameplay, and "next gen graphics" that is just lens flare, bloom, and too much contrast. Instead of fun, we should want games that try too hard to be everything to appeal to the lowest common denominator.
But yes, please shitpost more with food analogies.
>lol pkeks!
>lol consolebabies!
When will this become an instant perma ban?
I've owned every Nintendo home console, several of their handhelds, Xbox 1, Xbox 360 and PS2 and I still enjoy indie PC games more often than AAA releases. I consider PC my primary gaming platform.
That said I haven't played and won't play Undertale because I think it's massively overrated. I have played and didn't particularly enjoy Stardew Valley because it's just a shittier version of Rune Factory.
SV had some really awesome ideas like the crafting system and sprinklers that I'd love to see in the next Rune Factory (if there is one) but I still only played the game for around 10 hours and then dropped it.
>make a came on a console
>Master race claims its shit
>Copy a console game and release it on PC
>Master race calls it game of the year and shill it forever
Everyone loves that console game.
It's not a copy of Harvest Moon you dolt. It's much closer to a Rune Factory clone.
Undertale is one of the best RPGs ever made.
Stardew Valley isn't the best of the genre, but is the best pure farm game since Friends of Mineral Town, also a genre who isn't common in the PC.
It is a Harvest Moon copy you dolt
As far as RPG goes Undertale is total shit.
If you believe that then you haven't ever played Rune Factory.
Explain Uncharted, the most overrated Sony game with TLoU coming in second. I own a PS4 and don't see the appeal.
90% of Stardew Valley is directly copied from Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town.
It's nothing like RF. The combat is atrocious and just a gimmick while in RF the game is mainly the combat and interactions with the villagers while the farming is just a gimmick.
Harvest Moon has no combat, no RPG elements, no weapon or armor crafting, no dungeons. Rune Factory and SV have all of those things.
what if i've already played that fucking game a thousand times before and wanted something different, faggot?
I disagree
The gameplay is fun by just being a turn based RPG without ATB
The music is GOAT
The story is simple, but delivers at the end, specially because it relies on a mechanic that is rarely (or maybe never) used in a game.
The graphics are meh. So my best bet is that your favorite RPG is Final Fantasy XIII.
You're forgetting that the console games PC gamers are saying are shit are the modern dumbed down retard games.
Stardew Valley is a copy of a classic console game made when devs still gave a shit
>Harvest Moon has no combat, no weapon or armor crafting, no dungeons.
True. Though it replaced armor crafting and dungeons with cooking and mining.
>no RPG elements
>Best RPG
Best =/= one of the best.
Learn to read before shitting pepes
>Undertale is one of the best RPGs ever made.
Please be baiting.
I don't care about the music or the story or the graphics, the RPG elements are shit.
There's no character customisation whatsoever, no teamate, no magic or other skill, no item other than the healing one, a level cap at 20 iirc, grinding is made to be a fucking chore, the inventory is a real pain in the ass to navigate, you can equip one weapon and one piece of armor and that's it.
keks on you, I am not, and I am not the only one who thinks this.
and you know it
>I am not the only one who thinks this
You mean to tell me there's more than one idiot on the internet?
there is also more than one person who believes the earth is flat
that does not make it true, or the people who do believe it any less retarded
OP, you know damn well that if someone posted a good indie game, you'd just call it a "literally who" and say it sucks because it doesn't have the latest graphics, or isn't popular enough.
You're one of the reasons why this industry is going down the tubes.
>I don't like Stardew Valley
>I like to go on Sup Forums and post fedora memes
>no u
>There's no character customisation whatsoever
Are you ignoring equipment? This fucks Earthbound
Your actions changes your character, and how it affects the fights and the whole game
>no teamate
well, that fucks Wizardy, Fallout and Ys
> no magic or other skill
Frisk as a lot of skills, from dancing to shotting lazers
>no item other than the healing one
There are gear, items that works outside combat, items that affect the combat entirely, etc
>a level cap at 20 iirc
are you talking about LOVE? that's not a level ;)
>grinding is made to be a fucking chore
good rpgs like Chrono Trigger doesn't rely on grinding, this game does the same
>the inventory is a real pain in the ass to navigate
8 slots user, really? are you good at videogames?
>you can equip one weapon and one piece of armor and that's it.
how this is bad?
>I don't care about the music or the story or the graphics
kek user, just kek
and here we have two
no [you] !
nice arguments faggot
This doesn't apply only to PC gamers you fuck.
If undertale gets ported to ps4 everyone will forget about uncharted 4 and praise undertale.
Having fun != being impressed
Stardew Valley is unequivocally better than every single Harvest Moon after Back to Nature, so I'm not sure what your point is.
Harvest Moon was only good between SNES and PS1 era. It fell off a cliff, and now PC devs who grew up during the golden age are replicating it. Why are you saline?
cosidering your original arguments, yes
This is a console game.
Those are PC games.
Have fun with your "AAA" pixel shit games, PCucks.
>Just play Friends of Mineral Town
FOMT is shit compared to Back to Nature. Why would you play a shoddy handheld port?
I presume you're the same retard. SDV is HM:SNES with combat and crafting tacked on.
I'm getting really sick of people who have limited experience with the series. Go play SNES you uncultured pleb.
I completely agree, but I don't think Undertale really classifies as an RPG so much as it does a Shmup.
>but I don't think Undertale really classifies as an RPG so much as it does a Shmup.
Not him but you need to consider encapsulating systems and win conditions.
For example, Total War. It's got a strategic overworld and tactical battlefield, separated very rigidly by load screens. But is it a strategic or tactical game? What's the genre?
The way you win Total War campaigns is not on the battlefield but by decisions made on the overworld. A smart commander can lose 90% of his battles but still win the ones that matter, and conquer other countries/provinces/whatever. In this view, the strategic layer supercedes the tactical layer, so it's a strategy game, not a tactics game.
I think the same can be said of Undertale, where battles are resolved with danmaku, but the greater structure is encased in RPG. Compare this to a true danmaku game like Touhou, which is bullet hell all the time, no upper layer above it and contextualizing it.
>graphics are coool XD cuz only that matters.
kys senpai
says the sonygger who keeps posting uncharted threads with "is this real life?"
>Grinding is made to be a chore
>in a game with no benefits to gaining levels unless you're doing a genocide run
>genocide run is made to be tedious to prove a point.
The genocide route's tedium may still be that, but it's offset by the rewards of better battle and more story in the end.
According to shitposters Undertale fails at being a shmup because its bullets are technically physics objects
>it's only shit in order to get good afterward.
I bet you're one of those faggots that would go on and on about how great Crysis still looks on PC, but now that Sony has blown you out of the water, you've gone back to "b-but graphics d-don't matter!"
>I bet you're one of those faggots that would go on and on about how great Crysis still looks on PC
I see 0 threads circlejerking Crysis and one gorillion circlejerking Uncharted per week.
It seems you've got penis envy, user
because Crysis is a shitty boring game, despite being beautiful, and Uncharted is the same business, but consoletards care more about graphics than gameplay.
>lel let copy japan indie shits #1355368965
Man, white cucks are pathetic
pc gamers care about gameplay
console players care about graphics (which pc is better at anyway)
shut up weeb
>turn-based JRPGs are dead and Harvest Moon has been shit for a decade
Explain to me why having more of these on PC is a big issue, unless you literally can't run a pixel game on your PC?
Dumb smartphoneposters.
>but now that Sony has blown you out of the water
With a game that's 1080p 30fps? Don't be stupid. Uncharted 4 doesn't even look as good as Just Cause 3 at 1080p 60fps, not to mention at 4k.
>not to mention at 4k.
Don't trigger them user, they can't understand 4K, not even 800p
Undertale appeals greatly to teenagers and doesn't require expensive hardware to play.
Stardew Valley just copied a game that was timelessly entertaining.
>Explain to me why having more of these on PC is a big issue, unless you literally can't run a pixel game on your PC?
When did i say anything about this? You dumbfuck cuck?
Say the weeb who sucking other indicuck weebs
>When did i say anything about this? You dumbfuck cuck?
Why would you be butthurt that dead genres are being revived on another platform?
Unless you literally have no personality beyond 'corporate shill'
>Undertale appeals greatly to teenagers
The whole game revolves around the classic elements of the RPG and how it deconstructs them.
Many teenagers haven't played a RPG before the PS2.
>lel copy japan is fine because we're cuck
No wonder white bois love their black meat
those games are made in the west, weebcuck
Let just say it's ripoff
Is Stardew Valley any good for people without autism?
Looks like a grinding simulator to me
Can't ripoff something that's dead.
Maybe if console gamers actually bought good games, good genres and good series wouldn't die like turn-based JRPGs and farm sims.
>I presume you're the same retard. SDV is HM:SNES with combat and crafting tacked on.
>specifically mentioned HM: FoMT
>I'm getting really sick of people who have limited experience with the series.
Man, no wonder why chink and black are cucking white bois from right to left
>Can't ripoff something that's dead.
Yes, yes you can.
Are all undertalecuck this dumb?
The funny thing is that, as far as indies are involved, these two aren't even close to GOTY material.
Pic related. 2016 saw the return of good video games.
Do you seriously think Undertale is popular because of gameplay reasons?
It's the Homestuck public, aka teenagers
The people who tout FOMT as the quintessential Harvest Moon are handheldbabbies, so I'm not sure I get your point.
Go play more games and come back when you're educated.
>console gamers actually bought good games, good genres and good series wouldn't die like turn-based JRPGs and farm sims.
But console brought to your these games so you indiepoointheloo can ripoff from them
>Crysis looks good meme
>Enter the Boredom
entire list is already shit
Nope, that's continuing the public service, because those games are dead.
Which is how Stardew sold over a million copies, whereas even Harvest Moon 64 only sold about 480,000.
It's great when developers actually provide games for their players and not Hollywood trash like Call of Duty and Uncharted, right?
>Can't ripoff something that's dead
Yes you can. Can cuck something that's dead though, like your family kek
>that's continuing the public service
Oh like your mom?
>filled with QTE's
>shitty story
>slow gameplay
Sounds like Undertale
>The people who tout FOMT as the quintessential Harvest Moon are handheldbabbies
I think HM64 is the best HM game. And you're dodging your own samefag accusation.
Why is the Stardew Valley shill so stupid?
>But console brought to
No, developers did. I don't think you understand how the gaming industry works.
"Sony" doesn't bring you games (outside of their paltry first-party offerings), they offer you hardware. Developers, mostly third party, are the ones who bring you games.
And developers need to make money on their work, so they go to the platform with the largest and most profitable install base.
Which is why you're seeing Harvest Moon-style and turn-based-JRPG-style games now. Make sense, consoletards?
Like I said, if you're butthurt that they're moving to different platforms, go back in time to 2003 and actually buy games besides Call of Duty. That's all consoles are good for now, are simpleminded Hollywood console shooters. You sure as fuck would love a Harvest Moon ripoff on XBL or PSN, but it's not coming.
What are you trying to say weeb? How cute, indiecucks think they're inverted the genre and not copycat the fuck out from weebshit
>Why is the Stardew Valley shill so stupid?
SDV is worse than Back to Nature, so I'm not sure why you're accusing me of that.
It's HM SNES with flavoring from Rune Factory (combat in the mines) and simple crafting games (like Minecraft.)
>Do you seriously think Undertale is popular because of gameplay reasons?
Yes. it's more than homestuck shit.
It has good music and gameplay too.
This guy can explain it better:
I haven't read any homestuck thing and I love Undertale. If you think the whole success of the game is based on a shitty unrelated webcomic you are fucking delusional
Who gives a flying fuck? Basically every game uses ideas of games that came before it. Your argument is stupid.
> I don't think you understand how the gaming industry works.
Can that guy get anymoar hips OMG
>hurrr durrrr stop liking things I dont like random internet stranger hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
just kill yourself
You sure gave a flying fuck, so mad it's cute
>This guy can explain it better