How would post Mass effect 1 extranet Sup Forums be like?
How would post Mass effect 1 extranet Sup Forums be like?
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Mass effect 1 is a bigger game than ME2 or ME3.
Further more they brought back content from ME1 because it was so good of a game.
>Implying Reapers exist
>Implying it wasn't just a goth attack
Fucking conspiracy fags, why would the council lie?
>goth attack
Is that like a "The Crow" convention?
At first glance it looks like a space stapler.
What videogames do Hanar play?
Blasto is the Call of Duty of Mass Effect.
When is the best time to start the Citadel DLC fore ME3 i want have all my crew members there
Literal Frog Posters
Tons of Turian shit posting.
I would still be angry about Mass Effect 3.
Holy shit.
>I would still be angry about Mass Effect 3.
Just the ending right?
After Rannoch and before Thessia I'd say. Do the party later on before the Cerberus base.
And all the rest of it
The sidequests especially
>how can non-krogan even compete :^)
fucking Quarian scum coming into OUR country, raping all our women and taking our fucking jobs
>dat feel when no qt thick krogan gal to sit on your face
Good. You opened this message. This isn't really Asari Command, you cuck
I actually really liked how ME3 played. I feel like if they took the exploration and depth of the first and mixed with the combat in 3, it would have been perfect.
Exploring planets was fun.
The end of me3 still makes me salty.
>hating the Quarians
It's the Batarians that are shit
Spotted the Suit Rat
These games worth another go?
>The end of me3 still makes me salty.
I think this applies to everyone
t. never left the citadel
Batarians are the worst, they stink and they're aggressive.
>living in a colony
how's it feel to live in the middle of fucking nowhere ?
not me :^) ME3 was the ending, its just that the last choice of the game was bad
What makes me still salty as fuck about the ending was the whole shitfest of Bioware and game """"journalists""""" calling fans entitled.
Like, I'm entitled because I want a not-shit ending to a multi-game series? Fuck you.
o shit, was the skyllian blitz an inside job?
I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favourite thread on Sup Forums
Yeah they sure spun that hard.
>teehee you're just entitled retards the game is just as good as the others :^)
No it wasn't. You spent 3 games working up to a choice that didn't even matter with no appreciable differences in the plot. Fuck Bioware, I'll never buy another piece of their trash ever again.
Reminder, if you don't live on the citadel you are literally third world scum.
palaven fag here, only race mixing scum live on the citadel.
council homeworlders master race
Lets talk about those hanar-asari VR porn films.
Quarians are like the gypsies but shittier and in space
They are a failed species
>Turians still relevant to the council
Well I guess Udina needs someone to carry his briefcase :^)
and the opening on earth
and the part were everyone who died in 2 was replaced with a reskin or just brought back from the dead.
and the plot integral on disc dlc
Citadel was an inside job.
go steal someone elses stuff
Sup Forums memes aside what's it like fucking an asari ?
don't they have benis
are there any non humans that browse Sup Forums ?
>and the part were everyone who died in 2 was replaced with a reskin or just brought back from the dead.
Any examples?
yeah i think there a few jews who go on here
Not as nice as quarians, most of which are virgins
>peel off that armor
>get a whiff of never-been-washed space alien puss-puss
Fucking disgusting
well thats disappointing
you know thats not true right?
tali was an awkward, kissless virgin but their race needs to breed as much as possible, its one of many ways they are faced with extinction and i dont think for a second that they would be hesitant until marriage and all that.
tl;dr quarians probably fuck a lot
Are you fucking retarded? They shower like once an hour.
skin is super dry because of it though, use lube and/or moisturizer
Why would they bother? I thought they were stuck in their suits most of the time outside the flotilla?
Tali will always be disgusting, unbathed neckbeard autist to me.
Quarians don't take the suit off unless they absolutely have to. Even touching each other in a completely sterile room can set their shitty immune systems off
All Krogans you chat with are virgin omegas, they will never get a mate if they even post once on the extranet instead of killing batratian scum.
They probably fap into a cup and pour it into gril quarian
I wonder how men clean up when they use their NervStim Pro
What if they dont, what if all male quarians have a squishy bulge around their abdomens thats just filled with months old spunk
Tali mentions something (probably urine/feces/both) getting broken down my mass effect fields in the suit, so that would probably happen with spunk too
They probably shower with mass effect fields in the suit
Brush teeth with mass effect fields in the suit (like Traynor's toothbrush)
Cut nails with mass effect fields in the suit
is there anything you can't do with a mass effect field?
Save Thane
dumb drell poster
Do you think they'll release an "HD remaster" of Mass Effect 1-3 on the PS4/Xbox One? It seems like a really obvious cash grab before next Mass Effect comes out.
>they won't remaster Tali's face
Or Liara's baby fat
They wouldn't redo the textures, they'd just port them all to a single PS4/Xbox One disc and have it run at 1080p 60fps with maybe some updated lighting and other effects. Pretty much just like the Halo MCC.
Maybe they could even include the Android/iOS games that nobody played kek. I tried playing one on Android, but I hate touchscreen controls and would only play it with a controller.
>my mass effect fields
Old flash tentacle rape games
t. Kai Leng, master ruseman
Your hair looks small
Isn't intergalactic communications pretty shit in ME?
If I remember correctly, FTL communications don't exist, so they're sending little comm buoys with data packets through the mass relays. Real-time communication between two different systems was only possible through those quantum entanglement devices the Normandy had in ME2.
I thought nothing happened story wise outside of the Milky Way?
sry, i meant intragalactic
>you will never have a qt Quarian wife
>you will never compromise her immune system to satisfy her lust for your huge human cock
>you will never cuddle with her and pamper her during the post-sex colds she always gets
>you will never cook silicon-based meals just for her
It hurts.
>you will never cum on her face when her masks off and have her talk to people without them noticing
Why live?
Also would quarians be able to swallow human semen or would that fuck them up?
God damn. You could be on the other side of the fucking galaxy and play a game against a guy on Earth and both of you would have virtually zero ping.
Why can't real life be this good?
It will be once we get to Mars.
I think Mordin specifically mentions to not let her do that if you talk to him before you plow her. It's still carbon-based proteins so it'd be basically poison if ingested.
Still hot though.
Realistically, it should maybe cause diarrhea in large enough quantities
In Mass Effect logic, ALLERGY DEATH
My bad then.
>tfw turians are gonna fuck us up hard soon
in red green and blue
unbathed neckbeard autist is* me.
>largest military in the galaxy
>newcomers standing a chance
Sorry, space chimps
Tell that to the Turians who died in orbit over Shanxi after the counterattack :^)
New Blasto game when?
Does it hurt you knowing that in a full-scale war, your species would go extinct?
>t. assblasted turian who cant eat oreos
Fucking Batarian ransomware on my omni tool. Why are there so few public terminals on this colony.
Hello fellow colony bro, I'm out on Freedom's Progress right now, about to go on shift for security mech maintenance. Wait I just heard something let me go ch
>being angry about ME3
>not about ME2 which was the pure shit one that ruined the series.
After ME2 if you had any hopes for 3 you are a retard. ME2 is the most disappointing game in the last decade.
>he never played MGS5